~Chapter Forty Nine~

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Dozens of dwarf soldiers continued to come over the hill. Honoria got up from the ground and walked over to look over the wall.The elves had moved away from the mountain and towards the new threat that had arrived.

"Who is that?" Honor asked, looking at Dwalin.

"It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. He's also Thorin's cousin." Dwalin quietly told her. The elf looked at the dwarf that was riding a boar and she wondered how alike they were.

"Good morning. How are we all?" The dwarf said. The people of Lake-town grew tensed as he approached, gripping their weapons firmly. "I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time." He proclaimed. "Would ya consider...just sodding off?! All of you! Right now!" Dain shouted at them.

"Stand fast." Bard ordered them.

"Oh, come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf spoke up, emerging himself out of the crowd of elves and approached the dwarf.

"Gandalf the Grey." Dain uttered. Tell this rabble to leave or i'll water the ground with their blood!" The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves, Bilbo was hidden in the crowd. Honoria tried to search for her cousin to see if he was alright but she couldn't find him.

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down." Gandalf demanded, but the dwarf lord would let up.

"I will not stand down before any elf. Not least this faithless Woodland sprite." Dain hissed, pointing his weapon right at the elf King. Thranduil was growing irritated by the moment. "He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin i'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then." Nothing more was said and the dwarf nudged his boar to head straight back up the hill to his army.

"Dain!" The wizard yelled for him but he didn't answer.

"Let them advance. See how far they get." Thranduil challenged.

"Ya think I give a dead dog for your threats, you pointy-eared princess?!" Dain sneered, enraging the elf king even further. "Ya hear that, lads? We're on! Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" The dwarves began shouting in Khuzdul, waving their weapons in the air.

"Stand your men down." Thranduil demanded as he approached Bard. "I'll deal with Ironfoot and his rabble." The bowman held his hand up for his people not to advance. Thranduil and his army moved in closer.

"Right, then. Let's get this done. Send in the goats!" Dain ordered. Honoria watched as dwarves on goats started to emerge from behind the soldiers, charging at great speed right at the elves. Thranduil suddenly shouts something in elvish at his soldiers, and they all aimed their bows at the approaching dwarves.

"Thranduil! This is madness!" Gandalf shouted at the elf king. The half-breed's eyes widen, this was ridiculous. Their was absolutely no need for blood-shed. The company continued to cheer around her and she looked at Thorin. He could stop this, why wasn't he stopping this? Thranduil waited for the right moment and shouted a command and the elves released their dozens of arrows through the air. Dain retaliated by shouting a command in dwarvish and some sort of spinning arrows came shooting over them, demolishing the arrows in it's path and with great pressure slammed into the elves; both killing and wounded the elves. Honoria gasped at the sight, even the elf king would surprised by this.

"Hey! How do you like that, you old twirly-whirles?! Ha ha, you buggers!" Dain chuckled. The elf king, shouted the same command as before, his elves releasing more arrows only to be met with more of Dain's spinning arrows that took out more of his elves. Thorin continued to watch on as the elves were eliminated one by one. The elves began to retreat when the dwarves on the goats came closer and the shields went up, but that didn't stop the dwarves from launching over the elves and the two races began fighting each other. Dain led his own charge at the elves, taking out any pointy-ears in his sight. The company were beginning to grow nervous, as their kin was getting eliminated.

Suddenly they heard the sounds of rumbling, causing the dwarves and elves to stop attacking each other. Even Thorin seemed to grow nervous at what that was. "What is it?" Honor whispered, near Kili when something pushed it's way out of the earth. The half-breed's eyes widen at the giant worms, with razor sharp teeth that crushed through the rocks and then they suddenly disappeared back down into the earth.

A loud horn blared in the distance. Honoria glanced at the tower on Ravenhill to see Azog the Defiler and a few orcs and some sort of mechanical device that seemed to be giving orders to his army. Orcs began charging out of the fresh holes from the were-worms, running right towards the mountain. The dwarves started making hast to fight off this new threat that had challenged them. What surprised Honor the most was that the elves hadn't even began to move. Were they not going to fight a common enemy? The dwarves were willing to put their feelings aside, why weren't the elves.

"I'm going over the wall. Who's coming with me?" Fili said, Thorin heard this, and he wasn't about to leave his gold behind. They were sealed in, nothing was getting in and nothing was getting out.

"Aye!" Oin agreed.

"Yes!" The others cheered on.

"Come on! Let's go!" Dwalin encouraged.

"Stand down." Thorin uttered as he started walking away.

"What?" Some of them questioned.

"Thorin!? We can't just hide behind these walls, when a war is going on! My cousin is out there!" Honoria snapped at him.

"Are we to do nothing?" Fili pressed, never knowing his uncle to just back down from a fight for anything.

"I said, stand down!" He repeated harsher, as he descended down the stairs. Honor looked back over the wall, the elves and dwarves still engaging Azog's armies and she looked back the king who was already making his way down the hall. The half-breed went to follow him, when she was grabbed by her arm and she looked up to see it was Balin shaking his head at her. He feared for her, he already attacked her once, because she tried to stop him. But she wasn't about to abandon him now, and she pulled herself out of the dwarf's grip and followed after Thorin.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now