~Chapter Fifty Six~

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The light disappeared from the elf's hand. Thorin's eyes shot open. He blinked in confusion. The dwarf slowly sat up and saw he was back on Ravenhill. Everything started replaying in the king's mind. Seeing his eldest nephew being killed in front of him, his final fight with Azog the Defiler. Thorin's found his dead enemy, where he had plunged his sword into him. His hand quickly found where the wound should have been, where Azog mortally wounded him, but their was nothing there. The dwarf's eye landed on the elf beside him, laying on her side. He moved her onto her back. "Honor......Honor?" He called to her but the woman didn't wake. He cradled the elf in his arms, as he continuously stroked the side of her face, wishing she would wake up.

The king's head looked up when he heard the sounds of something approaching. He saw it was the hobbit and the wizard. Bilbo ran over to Thorin's and his cousin side. The hobbit begun muttering lowly and shaking his head. His little cousin couldn't be dead. The wizard approached them. "She isn't dead." The wizard answered, as if he already knew what was tormenting the dwarf's mind the entire time.

"I don't understand, why isn't she waking? How am I alive Gandalf?" Thorin pleaded, not taking his eyes off the woman.

"I'm afraid I'm not the one to tell you." The wizard stated. For once all Thorin wanted was a straight answer not another unsolved riddle. He was pulled from his frustrations when he saw the others had come onto the frozen river. His eyes quickly scanned the group but Kili wasn't amongst them or Dwalin.

" Where's Kili?" Thorin dared to ask, looking at the others. Balin had an unsure look on his face, as he had no idea where is brother was either. Oin came to the king's side and started examining the elf, he was worried about the child inside her. The medic felt terrible keeping this a secret from the others, especially from the king himself. But as the medic did a quick examination of her, he couldn't even figure out why she wasn't waking up, but yet she was still breathing.

Not much long after they could see approaching figures coming through the blowing snow. As they got closer Thorin felt somewhat relieved to see his youngest nephew was much alive accompanied by Dwalin and the skin-changer, Beorn. " We need to get this lass inside." Oin pressed and all agreed. Thorin went to pick the elf up in his arms, but even he couldn't hid how hurt and sore he was from the long brutal fight he had with azog and the tall man stepped forward.

"Allow me." Beorn insisted as he picked up the young woman out of Thorin's arms and he started heading for the stairs that would take them back to Erebor. Thorin went to get up and nearly collapsed only to be caught by his nephew and Dwalin as they each had an arm over their shoulders, and they followed with the others close behind them. Once inside the mountain the skin-changer placed the half-breed on a bed and Oin got straight to it, looking over the elf trying to figure out what was happening to her. Thorin had protested against his company when they insisted he rest. He wasn't leaving Honor's side until he knew she and their child were going to be alright.

"Oin...What about the....child?" He quietly asked. Oin looked up at the dwarf.

"She told you." Oin finally said feeling kinda relieved he didn't have to keep this a secret from him any longer. Thorin nodded and looked down at the elf, as he watched her continuously pant.

"She told me.....before I died." Thorin muttered lowly, still wondering how this was even possible for him to be standing here right now.

"It's too early for me to tell if the child in her is still alive---" Oin began only to stop when they heard Gandalf's voice and another's arguing as they came down the hall towards them. The wizard came around the corner with Thranduil, who stormed passed the old man.

"Where is Honor?" The elf hissed, when he saw passed the dwarves the young woman lying in the bed, under the covers. Thranduil turned in the dwarf King's direction, his face full of rage. " You." Thranduil snapped. Thorin slightly turned, glaring from the side. "I'm here to take my daughter back home."

"I think we should leave that decision to Honor when she wakes up." Thorin stated.

"Your the reason she's lying in that bed right now. I think you've put her through enough." The elf spat. Thorin turned and glared at the elf, he wasn't denying any of this but he wasn't about to let the woman leave, unless she chose to. The room was silent for the longest time, the elf King glanced at the dwarf's clothing and saw the torn holes in the chest area, they were a perfect shape of the Defilers bladed arm. The elf narrowed his eyes and then at his daughter and back at the dwarf. " Impossible." the elf hissed under his breath. " You should be dead."

"You, don't think I know that? You don't think I'm wondering myself how I'm alive!? " Thorin growled back. The elf continued to remain calm as he watched the dwarf become more flustered not knowing what was going on. The others stood their in awkward silence as their king and the elf king argued with each other.

"Father." The blonde elf prince called as he came around the corner. " Tell him what you know." Legolas ordered. This feud between dwarves and elves had to end. Thranduil was torn, having his son angry with him. The elf king let out a sigh before speaking.

" Long ago, some of the Woodland elves had a certain gift to bring someone back from the dead. No one knew what or how they came to possess this power. Some thought it was because of a certain moon they were born under. But they couldn't just bring back anyone, except for the one their eternally bound to for the rest of their life. Some even thought some of their elven life had been given to them, although that's never been proved since elves only chose other elves. As the decades passed less and less were seen with this gift. It's been a long time since any elf had this gift until now. But it's also a curse. Your life is now tied to the fate of her's. If she dies, you die and if you die, she'll live in misery for the rest of her life. She'll wake in a day, bring someone back to life has drained her. " The elf king explained, still glaring at the dwarf king, knowing his daughter would never choose her kin over the one she loved and with one final glare he started to leave the room. "Son, it is time to go home." but the elf prince never answered and Thranduil stopped and turned to his son.

"I cannot go back" Legolas stated. After seeing how his father had treated Tauriel for wanting to fight for what she believed in and now how he treated his young sister he never knew about, the elf prince no longer believed in what his father had taught him all these years and he had to find his own place in this world.

"Where will you go?" Thranduil finally asked.

"I don't know." Legolas stated and with that he left, leaving the elf king in deep thought before he eventually left and went his own way as well. The others had vacated the room, leaving Thorin alone with the elf. The dwarf climbed onto the bed and pulled the woman into his arms. He stroked her hair as he kissed her forehead, praying she would awake soon like the elf king said she would and Thorin passed out not long after, still holding the love of his life safely in his arms.  

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