~Chapter Fifty Five~

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The eagles continued to attack the werebats in the sky, ripping them out of the air. Thorin knelt down and picked up Orcrist. The snow continued to blow down off the mountain. Thorin looked around, no orc seemed to be in sight and he dashed over to the woman's side, and dropped his sword beside him. " Honor?" He called out to her, as he shook her lightly. He received no answer. Thorin began to shake his head repeatedly muttering the word "No" to himself. He looked down at the ice, he was too late, he thought to himself when he caught out of the corner of his eye something moving in his direction; under the ice.

Thorin picked up his sword, seeing Azog's body being pulled slowly by the current towards the frozen waterfall. As the dwarf stood up, a hint of fear covered his face seeing his nemesis. He slowly walks above him, aiming his sword at the orc as they stare at each other through the ice. As the pale orc closes his eyes, Thorin stops and takes a moment to take in the sight that his enemy was finally dead that he would never again come after the line of Durin. Suddenly, Azog eyes shoot open, and he manages to plunge his bladed arm, through the ice into Thorin's foot. The dwarf lets out a scream of pain and the orc pulled his blade out of the dwarf's foot and smashes through the ice and knocks Thorin on his back.

With one harsh blow, Azog tried to knock Thorin's sword out of his hand but the dwarf managed to hang on to it still. The orc tries again to stab his blade into Thorin's chest but the king manages to get Orcrist caught in the fork of the orcs bladed arm. Azog snarls at him, using gravity and his superior weight and position, slowly pushes his blade further and further, and the dwarf struggles to keep it away from entering his chest as he continues to grow exhausted quickly. Thorin glances at his side and see's the elf is still out cold. By now his only thought's were, she was already dead. He had failed to keep his promise that he made himself. The dwarf was unsure how much longer he could keep this up, he was starting to let the blade come closer; he could feel his own blade as he pushed on it, cutting into his palm. He didn't have any solutions as to how he was going to get out of his predicament, but their was one. It would be at a terrible cost though and if by some miracle the elf is still alive, he hoped she wouldn't witness what he was about to do next.

Honoria could hear the chaos going on around her, but she couldn't seem to open her eyes and then she heard it, Thorin cry of pain, it pierced her mind and she screamed at herself to wake up. The woman's eyes fluttered open and she looked to her side to see Azog was standing over Thorin, trying to plunge his blade through him. Honor climbed to her feet. Thorin was about to slide his sword out of the fork, he was ready to let Azog's blade pierce him, when suddenly the pressure Azog was pushing on him lessened. The elf let out a battle cry as she leaped onto the pale orcs back; startling him. The pale orc tried to get a hold of her to get the she-elf off of him when he finally grabbed the woman yanked her off of him and she rolled towards the broken ice and fell in the water.

Thorin had no choice, to save the young woman now, he had to do this. He slide his sword out from the fork of Azog's blade, closing his eyes as the blade pierced his chest. The dwarf let out a painful scream, Azog grinned at him sadistically, thinking he had won when Thorin raised his own sword and plunges his through the filth's heart, from their close quarters. The king flips Azog over onto his back on the ice and forced Orcrist all the way through the pale orc and through the ice below.

Thorin starred into his enemy's eye until Azog took his last breath and his head dropped against the ice. The dwarf starts breathing heavily as he climbed off the fallen orc, he looked over at the broken chunks of ice and got to his feet. When he got to the edge he saw arms emerging from the surface and with what strength he had left he managed to grab hold of the elf arms and pulled her out of the freezing water and away from the edge and held her close. " Thank Durin, your alive." Thorin murmured. Honoria looked over Thorin's shoulder and saw the Defiler was dead with Orcrist still impaled in the foul beast's chest. " I thought you were dead...." He said through unsteady breath's. The elf stayed in his embrace, when she felt something warm hitting her hand, she looked down and saw, the pool of blood in her hand and it wasn't hers. She looked up at him, horrified.


The dwarf started to stumble back. No longer able to keep the pain he was in. " Honor, please..forgive me." And the king collapsed onto his back on the ice, bringing the elf down with him. Honor saw were Azog had plunged his blade through and she tried to cover it with her hand but it wasn't big enough to completely cover it and in seconds her hand was already soaked in his blood. " Honor, you need to get out of here." Thorin ordered her.

"No, I'm not leaving you! I'm not going to let you die." She said through her tears that were already streaming down her face. Thorin managed to take her hand in his shaking one make her look at him.

"It's too late...." He stated before he choked up some blood.

N-no, no, you are not going anywhere, Thorin. You're going to live." The elf pressed, shaking her head.

"Honor......nothing would make me more happier then to be able to spend the rest of my life with you and I'm sorry I wont be able to be there with you... and I hope someday you can forgive me."

No....no....Thorin, you can't do this to me.....I can't raise our child on my own!" She cried, Thorin's eyes widen through his daze.

"Child?....your sure?" Thorin asked, his breathing was becoming even more unsteady. She nodded her head her face was filled with sorrow and joy. He smiled at her, knowing that his line would continue on, even though it tormented him to know he would never be able to witness any of it. " Honor....I know you're going to be a wonderful mother and raise our child well. I love you, Honoria." He breathed. The elf's eyes squeezed shut, the tears came flooding out even more, hitting Thorin's face as her hand started to shake in his.

"I love you too, Thorin." There eyes locked, leaning in and she pressed her lips against his.

"Farewell Honoria, give my love to our child for me." He pressed as he choked up even more blood, gasping deeply.

"Thorin! No! No! Don't you dare!" As Thorin let out his last breath he turned away from her and looked at sky. "Thorin?" The elf choked on her cries, and placed a hand over his eyes and closed them. She could see the shadows of the eagles flying over them, taking out what was left of Azog's army that were in sight. Honoria was still clutching the dwarf's hand and she placed her head on his chest, with no strength to leave his side.

The wind continued to blow the snow around them. Honor couldn't even feel the coldness anymore as she continued to lay there, her hand still clutching Thorin's over his heart. Part of her knew she had to go, to find her cousin and the others but she couldn't leave him here and her eyes closed. She was going to let the coldness take over and she would be with him again soon. The elf was slowly fading as the day went on, none of the others had found them yet. When suddenly a blueish light came from the woman's hand and everything around her darkened.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now