~Chapter Six~

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It was later that night. The wizard still hadn't return after his disagreement with Thorin. Bilbo had grown anxious, hoping Gandalf would return soon. Bombur had prepared their meal and the starving dwarves began helping themselves a bowl or two each. Honoria watched the leader, oddly. He barely ate a bowl, unlike his fellow companions; which some of them were on their fourth helping.

Bilbo was pacing around by the glowing fire, growing worried. The wizard had been gone for hours and he still hadn't returned to them. " He's been a long time." The hobbit stated, finally speaking.

" Who?" Bofur asked curiously, while he poured some stew into two bowls.

" Gandalf." Bilbo grumbled, starring off into the forest that surrounded them. Bofur just snickered as he continued to fill the bowls.

" He's a wizard. He does as he chooses." Bofur stated, not too worried about the wizards absence. Bombur had snuck up beside his brother, hoping to steal his sixth bowl of stew while Bofur was talking to the hobbit. " Here, do us a favor. Take this to the lads." the dwarf insisted as he thrust the two hot bowls into Bilbo's hands, making him almost stumble back. Bilbo left and Bofur turned around just in time to stop Bombur from completely filling his bowl. " Stop it. You've had plenty.

Bilbo was heading towards the forest, where Fili and Kili were. He was about to enter through the trees when his cousin jumped out in front of him. The poor hobbit, let out a low shriek and nearly spilled the hot liquid on himself. He relaxed when he realized who it was and gave her a stern look. " Honor, was that really necessary?"

" Sorry cousin. I didn't mean to frighten you. Where are you headed?" Honoria asked, pointing to the two bowls her cousin had in his hand.

" To Fili and Kili." Bilbo said firmly.

" Mind if I come along?" Honoria asked. Her cousin nodded and she took one of the bowls of stew and they headed through the forest. The half-breed glanced around at their surroundings. it had the remains of what used to be a barn, that was over grown with grass. The ponies were enjoying themselves and eating the grass as the two cousins walked by and they finally found Fili and Kili with their backs turn towards them. " Something the matter?" She asked, when she saw their nervous expressions.

" Were supposed to be looking after the ponies." Kili quickly said, his eyes not moving from the direction he was staring at, which was why neither brother noticed the hot stew Honor and Bilbo had for them.

" Only, we've encountered a slight problem." Fili continued, before stopping.

" Well, go on." Honoria encouraged them, when no more was forthcoming.

" We had sixteen." Fili began

" Now there's fourteen." Kili finished. " Daisy and Bungo are missing." He added, heading through the trees to begin a proper investigation. Honoria, Bilbo and the two brothers came across the remains of a brutally uprooted tree, and the four of them began feeling the stirrings of wrongness from the area.

" Shouldn't we tell Thorin?" Bilbo suggest, and Honoria turned her concerned cousin.

" I don't think we need to bother 'grumpy' with this. We can deal with this ourselves." Honor stated, making the two boys chuckle, that she had been so fitted to give their uncle a nickname and she wasn't hesitant to stay to his face. Bilbo looked at his cousin confused.

" Grumpy? Honor please tell me, you didn't start calling him that to his face." Bilbo panicked, the leader already didn't like the fact that they were on this quest, he could only imagine if she called him that to his face, that one of these nights he might just decide to leave them in the woods alone, tied up. Honoria smirked and turned away. " Honoria, you didn't."

" I did." She chimed.

" There's a light ahead." Fili spotted, halting the cousin from furthering their argument. She handed Bilbo back the bowl of stew, so she could catch up to the two dwarves. She was ready for some excitement on this journey.

" What are they?" Honor gasped, never seeing nothing like it before in her life. She could her their groggy voices speaking around the glowing fire.

" Trolls." Kill simply answered. The brothers ran under the branches of the trees to get a better look at what they were dealing with. Honoria was the next to follow and Bilbo was hesitant at first, but wasn't going to leave his cousin. He started running, when he noticed he was about to leave without the two bowls of stew and he charged back over to the stump where he had placed them. He never knew, those boys might get hungry.

Honor hid behind the trees beside Fili and Kili, when she looked at the forest floor, and felt vibrations. A giant looking creature was stomping past them on the other side of the trees, carrying two ponies. " Theirs three of them" She choked, but still willing to rise to the challenge.

" It's got Myrtle and Minty." Bilbo hissed to them. " I think they're going to eat them. We should inform the others." The two dwarves glanced up at the hobbit and suddenly an idea popped into their heads.

" Yes. You should do it. " Fili suggested, not wanting to bother the others, it was only trolls how hard could it be. The hobbit panicked, worried these brothers were about to volunteer him to do something incredibly stupid.

" Mountain trolls are slow and stupid, and you're so small, they'll never see you." Kili promised, taking one bowl of stew out of the hobbit's hand. Bilbo shook his finger at him, not wanting any part in this plan, and he began to protest. " It's perfectly safe. We'll be right behind you."

" If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl." Fili told him, before taking his bowl of stew and shoving the hobbit in the direction of the camp and hiding behind the trees.

" Twice like a barn owl. No, twice like a brown-- Once like a...are you sure this is a good idea?" Bilbo stuttered, looking behind only to realize the dwarves and his cousin had disappeared. He sighed, when he heard one of the trolls speaking loudly and gathered his courage to try and do this one thing. He continued to slowly make his way over to the camp, staying below the bushes so he wouldn't be seen. He glanced to his side only for a second, only to look back again to see his cousin was still there after all, following him with her daggers drown, ready to assist her cousin if it came down to it.  

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