~Chapter Sixteen~

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The dwarves and the cousins continued to yell as they slid down the dark tunnel, unable to grab hold of anything to stop them from sliding further down. One by one they fell through the air into a wooden looking cage landing on top of each other, grunting as some felt the weight of the others on them. Thorin struggled to get up when the elf fell on top of him knocking him back down. They locked eyes for a second when they heard the shouts of the dwarves as the sound of a number of shrieks came right at them, with speed.

"Look out!"

A horde of the ugliest creatures came at them, yanking them out of the group and disarming them of their weapons in seconds and shoved them to one another to be carried away. Honoria was yanked out of the group, her daggers and her sword were taken from her, and she had a goblin on each of arm's dragging her to where they were taking the others. The dwarves and elf were being pushed along a wooden bridge to a place unknown, but having no weapons didn't stop them from trying to fight the goblins off them, with throwing a punch here and there and kicking them, but they were outnumbered by a lot as they continued to lead them down the dark tunnel with only the light of torches the odd goblin held to light their way.

Some bats suddenly flew passed their heads making some of them shriek in surprise. A goblin was pulling the elf by her hair when they came to the end of the darkness into a lit area with hundreds of goblins everywhere. Terrible sounds began to echo off the walls, the goblins cheered to this sound as if it was music to their ears. Honoria decided to take her chance while the goblin that had a fist full of her hair was distracted with the cheering and she managed to punch the creature in the face, forcing it to let her hair go and stumble back into Thorin who was behind her. She flinched in pain and grabbed her hand and noticed her knuckles were bleeding from how hard she swung. Most of the dwarves had to cover their ears at the torturing sound, when a deep voice began to sing further down the wooden bridge.

"Clap snap the black crack!
Grip grab pinch and nab!
Batter and beat!
Make them stammer and squeak!
Pound, pound far under grounddddd...
Down, down, down in Goblin Town..."

Honoria was one of the first to see the hideous creature that was singing the cruel tune as she got pushed onto a platform before this giant goblin with the rest of the dwarves. The giant goblin wore a crown on his head and carried with him a staff with an skeleton animal head. " down, down, down in Goblin Town..." The goblins began to chime in on their masters song around them as the goblins on the platform pushed the dwarves closer to the giant goblin.

"With a swish and a smack and a whip and a crack!
Everybody talks when they're on my rack!
Pound, pound far under ground...
Down, down, down to Goblin Town..."

The giant goblin continued to sing and even started dancing to his words he thought were so memorable. The dwarves looked at this in disgust. " down, down, down to Goblin Town..." The goblin minions chimed in once again to their leader.

"Hammer and torch!
You won't last long on the end of my prong!
Clash crash crush and smash!
Bang break shiver and shake!
You can yell it and yelp but there aint no help!
Pound pound far under ground...
Down down down in Goblin Townnnnnnnn!"

The giant goblin swung his staff over the company and his minions making them duck and the horrible song finally ended. The goblin looked at the dwarves, giving them a sadistic smile before returning to his throne. A few of the unlucky minions piled on each other to form a step for their master, and he squashed them, making them squeal from the weight. "Catchy, isn't it? It's one of my own compositions" the giant goblin praised himself and the company snorted at this. Honoria raised her eyebrow in disgust.

" That's not a song. It's an abomination!" Balin roared from the middle of the group and the others agreed.

"Abomination? Mutations. Deviations. That's all you're gonna find down here." the beast growled back at them. A few goblins were piling the dwarves weapons they had acquired when they captured them before their king.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" The goblin king's voiced boomed over them. The dwarves and the she-elf looked at him in disgust, rage and annoyance and would not answer him. "Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" he accused.

"Dwarves, your Malevolence." A goblin answered.


"We found them on the front porch." The same goblin added to his master.

"Well, don't just stand there! Search them." he roared at his minions. With that said the goblins began searching every crack and crevice for anything their new prisoners possessed. Honor struggled against the two minions that had hold of her and the one yanked her necklace with its slimy, sweaty hand, that her mother had given to her before she died and tossed it on the ground. Thorin saw the piece of jewelry that was thrown to the ground in front of him and recognized it immediately. Another goblin dumped one of the satchels in front of them and found many items in it.

"It is my belief, your great protuberance....that they are in league with elves!" The goblin known as Grinnah, held the item up to his master to see it.

" 'Made in Rivendell.' Ah, second age. Couldn't give it away." The great goblin grumbled as he tossed the thing over the edge. "What are you doing in these parts?"

Thorin was about to step forward to explain everything ,when he was stopped abruptly by Oin. "Uh, don't worry, lads. I'll handle this."

"Oh. What's--what's that? No tricks! I want the truth. Warts and all." He demanded as he sat back on his throne waiting for an answer.

"You're going to have to speak up. Your boys flattened my trumpet." Oin complained showing his now damaged hearing device. The giant goblin's face was filled with rage and he jumped off his throne so fast and charged at the dwarves, taking out anything in his path.

"I'll flatten more than your trumpet!" He shouted at them, making them back up in a hurry only to be pushed forward by the minions.

"If it's more information you want, then I'm the one you should speak to." Bofur quickly said, stepping forward.

"Mm-hm." The goblin king muttered, still fuming.

"We were on the road. Well, it's not so much a road as a path. Actually, it's not even that, come to think of it. It's more like a track." Bofur muttered and the elf noticed the goblin was growing impatient just listening to this. "Anyway, the point is, we were on this road, like a path, like a track. And then we weren't, which is a problem, because we were supposed to be...in Dunland last tuesday."

"Visiting distant relations." Dori added, when Bofur couldn't think of anything else to say. It was clear by the goblin's expression that he wasn't buying any of this.

"Some inbreds on me mother's side." A goblin was looking at the woman curiously for the longest time and then realized she wasn't a dwarf.

"Shut up!" The goblin screeched in outrage, causing the company to back away in fear, even his minions. "If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk. Bring up the mangler! Bring up the bone-breaker. Start with the---"

"Master, master!" A goblin shouted. The goblin king looked at his minion that had rudely interrupted him and hoped it was for a good reason. "There's a she-elf with them!" He pointed to the blonde haired one that had kept her head down.

The goblin king snorted and suddenly had other ideas in mind. "Bring the she-elf forward!" He ordered and three goblins came at her, grabbing her by both her arms and pulling her through the dwarves to bring before their king. One dwarf in particular was not okay with this and he struggled to get free.   

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now