~Chapter Thirty Four~

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The Master had ordered a feast to be held in his home in honor of their visitors in hopes their mission would be a success and they would see riches very soon. Each member of the company was also given a room each for the night. Something none of them have had in a very long time, since Rivendell. The dwarves and cousin's were doing their own thing. Most of the dwarves were sitting around large table, stuffing their faces full of food and ale. Bilbo had been hoping to sneak away and maybe find a good book to read, instead he got literally dragged to the table by Dwalin and Fili and they weren't letting him leave anytime soon. Thorin was speaking with Balin, making sure they had everything for when they leave tomorrow. The master had promised to provide a boat, weapons, and to last them until they reached the mountain. Thorin took a sip from his mug as he glanced around, to notice one person in particular seemed to be missing.

"Where's Honor?" Thorin asked, as he looked around the room and couldn't seem to see her anywhere. Balin didn't speak, but pointed in the direction he found her. He placed a hand on the elder dwarf's shoulder and wandered over to the balcony the elf was standing on. Honor was starring over the lake at the darkness. The snow continued to fall and the wind blew passed her.

"Why aren't you inside where it's warmer?" Thorin asked, as he approached her side.

" I came out here to think." She admitted, turning to look at him.

"Thinking about what?" Thorin asked curiously as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"Just everything." She said, looking back over at the lake, not divulging anything.

"Honor, if something's on your mind, you can tell me." Thorin assured her. She smiled at him.

"I'm fine. It's nothing you need to worry about grumpy." She teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Come dance with me." He insisted, holding out his hand and she thought that was the odd of him to ask her.

"Why? You don't dance?" She stated, feeling sure of this.

"Honor, for once, can you not argue with me and just accept my request for one dance." He pressed with a smirk. She took his hand and he led her to the middle of the room and he took her hand placed his other hand on her back and she place her hand on his shoulder. The two of them were silent, while they moved until Thorin decided to break the silence. "Honor what's bothering you?" He asked again.

The elf let out a sigh before answering. It was clear Thorin wasn't going to stop until she gave him an answer. " It's just I'm worried about Kili. He doesn't look well. " She pressed to him. Thorin glanced over at his youngest nephew and saw him sitting beside his brother and the hobbit. He looked rather pale but had the biggest grin on his face.

"He looks like he's enjoying himself to me." Thorin pointed out, only to see the concern on the elf's face hadn't changed.

" I think that arrow was poisoned. He's gotten worse since we escaped from the orcs, and I'm just...concern Oin should examine his wound." Honor went on, when Thorin placed a hand on her cheek, causing her to stop and look at him.

" Honor, I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry so much." He whispered and pulled her into his arms, still moving in their spot. Thorin had been meaning to tell her something he knew about and he'd been waiting for the right time. He wasn't even sure if this was right time to say it. " Honor, Bilbo told me." The half-breed's head lifted from his shoulder, wondering what he was getting at.

"Umm Bilbo told you what?" She questioned. Thorin stopped moving and looked at her.

"Bilbo told me why you don't like being referred to as 'Honoria'" Thorin admitted and she look at him, slightly annoyed that he had gone behind her back.

" You mean my cousin only told you what I only wanted him to know." She hissed and the dwarf farrowed his brows at her. "I have to go."

"Honor wait, come back." Thorin called out to her. Balin, Dwalin and few others had seen the woman rush out of the room and Thorin cursed under his breath at himself and followed her. The elf stormed out of the masters home into the cold. "Honor please stop!" Thorin yelled. The half-breed stopped but didn't turn around.

"Why? Why did you go to my cousin?" Honor questioned.

"Because you wouldn't tell me. And I, I just don't understand why it bothers you so much to tell me." Thorin protested and she turned around to look at him.

"And I told you before, when we were in Beorn's home. That it was something I wished not to discuss with anyone!" She snapped.


"Because I'm the reason why my mother is dead!" She broke and Thorin, looked at her with confusion.

" It's my fault....."She mumbled to herself as she felt tears coming down her face and Thorin approached her.

"Honor it's not your fault." Thorin insisted as he wrapped his arms around her.

"It is my fault. I got into a fight with her. It had only been a couple months after my fathers death. I blamed my mother for my father's death and I told her 'I hate her' Not long after that she went down to the lake and I followed after her to tell her I was sorry and I found her floating in the water..." Honor explained through her tears. " You want to know why I don't like being called 'Honoria'? because my mother was the last person to call me that."

"Honor, I'm so sorry." He apologized as he stroked her hair and held her. He pulled away from her and lifted her chin, so she was looking at him. " Honor, I know if your mother was here, she would tell you this wasn't your fault. You were just a child. You need to stop blaming yourself. The death of your mother isn't your fault and I know your cousin would be telling you the same thing." He stated. She nodded knowing he was right. Thorin starred into her eyes, the snow continued to fall on the them and the wind blew through the half-breeds hair. The dwarf had removed his hand from her chin, and placed it on her cheek and he pulled her towards him, claiming her lips.

The dwarf and elf pulled away, when they were in need of air and he took her by the hand and lead her back inside the Master's home. They walked down the hall and came to a stop in front of a door. He opened it and had the half-breed firmly pressed up against the door, and locked it.

The two of them made love that night. Honoria was nestled against Thorin in his arms. Her head resting against his firm chest. The dwarf smiled down at her peaceful face as she slept in his arms. He leaned over and pressed his lips on the mark his arch enemy had left on her and he held her close and passed out not long after her.

Morning came. A few rays of light filled the room when a draft came through the room and the half-breed shivered, pressing herself further into the dwarf, and her sudden movement caused him to wake up and looked at her and saw her shiver again when the breeze blew past them again and he smirked. "I didn't think elves got cold, they seemed well adjusted to any kind of weather."

"I'm only half elf, remember." She stated as she playful smacked his chest. He laughed and pulled her closer to his warm body.

"Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when its time." Thorin said softly as he brushed a few strands of her hair out of her face and pressed his lips against hers. He pulled away and then kissed her forhead. She smiled back, feeling the exhaustion take over and rested her head back against his chest and closed her eyes. Thorin stroked her back, as last nights event's replayed in his mind. Thorin had been with a few woman in his lifetime but the half-breed was the first one he had been with that he deeply cared for. Honor had never laid with a male until last night and Thorin was honored to be the one to claim the elf for his own. Once she was back a sleep, he rested his head against hers, knowing they would be leaving in a couple of hours to find the door.  

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