~Chapter Twenty Four~

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The journey through the forest began. The wizard had been right about one thing. The air was defiantly heavier. The dwarves wandered along the path, feeling like they were clawing for breathe. Honor was the only one who appeared to be unaffected by this. She wondered to herself if that's what the wizard was talking about, was it because she was half elf that she would still have her own mind and not be under the illusion of another?

It had only been a day since they entered the forest but to the company it felt like it had been weeks they had been wandering in this nasty forest, the deeper they went, the harder it was for them to breathe. Honoria couldn't feel anything yet, but she could feel some sort of enchantment creeping on her slowly. "Air." Bofur sighed heavily. "I need air."

"My head, it's swimming!" Oin complained. Kili was up ahead with the half-breed, checking to make sure they were still on the stone pathway and to look for the bridge they were to cross on.

"We found the bridge!" Kili exclaimed.

" Bridge!" Bofur repeated, somehow remembering that was important, but couldn't quite remember why. Honoria glanced at the dwarves and her cousin. The effect's of this forest was only making them worse. Bofur stumbled over to the bridge but when he got closer he saw that part of it was missing. " Ooh. We could try and swim it." He suggested. The hobbit was standing close the edge and peering over, unaware he was leaning further over. The half-breed looked to her side and saw her cousin starring off into the water.

"Bilbo!" Honor yelled, pulling her cousin back from the edge. The confused hobbit looked startled at his little cousin and then back at the stream, realizing what nearly happened, he was letting the sickness enter his mind. He nodded to her that he was fine.

Thorin was watching everything with heavy eyes, but could faintly hear the words of the wizards warning echo in his mind. "Didn't you hear what Gandalf said?" He pressed as the others remained quiet, clearly forgetting what the wizard had said. "A dark magic lies upon this forest. The waters of this stream are enchanted."

"Doesn't look very enchanting to me." Bofur stated as he looked at the stream. The dwarves said nothing for the longest time. Honor was checking out some vines and saw a clear pathway to the other side and began climbing across.

"We must find another way across." Thorin ordered, and he began staggering like the others to look for a more easier way to cross.

"These vines look strong enough." Kili insisted as he tugged on the vine. Thorin approach to check it out, when he got sight of the person below.

"Honor!" Thorin yelled, the elf turned around nearly loosing her grip but held on.

"What?" She snapped.

"What do you think your doing? You should have let us send the lightest first." He pressed, pointing at the hobbit. She looked at her cousin and then back at the dwarf.

"I'm the second lightest. Relax I'm fine." Honor assured. Thorin rolled his eyes and the elf swore she heard him hiss the word "stubborn" and she smirked. The dwarf nodded for the hobbit to go next, Bilbo looked at the others, and saw no way he would be getting out of this and he began his climb across. The young woman looked behind her to see the hobbit was having a few troubles getting a firm grip on the vines. "Bilbo be careful." She yelled behind her, when she slipped and let out startled gasp, leaving her no choice to jump to another.

"For Durin sake." Thorin muttered and he jumped on after them, no longer caring if it was safe or not.

"We're alright, we-were fine." Bilbo stated in heavy exhaustion as he stepped onto a vine only to slid and he grabbed onto the one in front of him, his face inches from the stream. He starred for the longest time. Honoria was already across and she noticed Bilbo was slowly lurching forward.

"Bilbo! Wake up!" She yelled. The hobbit shook his head and he managed to make the voices in his head disappear just long enough to get to the platform where his cousin was. Bilbo could feel something wasn't quite right, he just couldn't put his finger on what it was.

"Something's not right. It's not right at all. Stay where you are!" The hobbit shouted, to warn them, but he saw it was too late. "Oh."

The dwarves all climbed on at once, jumping onto any available vines. having difficulties getting across. Thorin was the first to land on the stone platform with the cousins. Bilbo jumped to his feet when all three of them heard a sound across from them. In the trees a white stag emerged. Thorin was slowly raising his bow with an arrow. Honor watched out of the corner of her eye.

" What are you doing?" Bilbo questioned the dwarf. Thorin's eyes never left the animal's they were soon going to run out of the food supplies the skin changer had given them. The dwarf's arrow shot through the air and missed the stag and it vanished through the trees. "You shouldn't have done that. It's bad luck."

"I don't believe in luck." Thorin muttered heavily as he swayed. "We make our own luck." Suddenly they heard a splash and their eyes went to the water to see Bombur in a deep sleep.

"You don't call that bad luck, grumpy." Honor stated. Thorin gave her a look and shook his head at her and she shrugged her shoulders. The dwarves made a makeshift bed out of logs and rope and they put the fat dwarf on and they carried him for the rest of the way.

The journey didn't get any easier for the company, the air had become so heavily filled with dark magic, that they couldn't remember when they had gotten a breath of fresh air. Even Honor was beginning to feel the sickness was entering her mind, and she tried to fight against it, but it was getting harder with every second. Some of the dwarves started to complain and they decided to take a rest.

Honor sat down beside Thorin and started to hear strange sounds in the air. The elf seemed to block out the dwarves constant bickering and arguing. The dwarf prince. ordered all of them to follow him, Honor didn't understand why. Bilbo was yelling for them that they must stay on the path, but none seemed to hear him and the two cousins had no choice but to follow.

As they followed down the path Thorin was leading them on, nothing seemed familiar. No light seemed to come through the tops of the tree. Dwalin was insisted he couldn't even remember what day it was or time anymore. Bilbo had a hard time explaining to Bofur they were lost, that they had lost the sun. Thorin denied the hobbit's accusation of being lost, that all they had to do was keep heading east. As the arguing started up again. Honoria stood beside Thorin and all of a sudden heard those same strange voices from earlier.

"What was that?" Her voice broke, her eyes searching every inch of the forest. Thorin heard the shakiness in her voice and just stood there, when he heard it too.

"Enough! Quiet! All of you!" Thorin ordered. The dwarves went silent and looked at their leader. "Were being watched."

Honoria looked around when one by one the dwarves started to go down and were being dragged up the tree. The hobbit was no where in sight and when the elf turned around she felt something go through her and everything went dark.

"Honor....Honor!" Thorin yelled. shaking her to wake up. Her eyes shot open, only to see she was covered in this sticky web stuff.

"What's happen!" She asked, tearing through the web with Thorin's help. He yanked her to her feet and they took off running through the woods with their weapons drawn.The elf looked behind her to see giant spiders coming from the trees right at them.

The spiders caught up to them and they began fighting them off. One jumped onto Bombur knocking him to the ground. Honor searched for her cousin while she fought off a spider but he was nowhere to be seen. "Bilbo!" She yelled.

"Honor look out!" Kili warned. She turned around to see another spider leap at her, knocking her to the ground. She let out a harsh grunt as she hit the forest floor. The arachnid lifted her up in the air by her boot and she let out a shriek, managing to grab her sword before the creature had lifted her.

She swung her blade, frustrated with this creature. "Put me down!" She yelled as she sliced one of the spiders many legs and she fell back onto the ground. The spider roared at her as it charged in her direction when she stabbed it in it's eyes.

The others had managed to kill the rest that came at them. Thorin made sure no one had been left behind and they continued down the path when another spider shot down in front of them, hissing. The dwarf prince held his sword Orcrist; ready to fight it when something moved with great speed, leaping through the trees. The blonde elf slid down the spiders string, knocking it to the ground. and then killed the next one and had his arrow pointed right at Thorin not giving the dwarf a chance to try anything and before they knew it they were all surrounded with the same fate as their leader, arrows aimed right at them by elves.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." The blonde remarked, when he looked at the person standing beside him. He couldn't stop starring at her, she had similar features of someone he knew. Honoria finally couldn't take the intense stare of this elf and snapped.

"What are you looking at you pointy-eared princess!" Thorin looked to his side at her, she clearly had no idea who this was. The dwarf's would have laughed if their current situation was different. The blonde elf, was furious with her insult and grabbed her by her clothing, away from the dwarves.

"Let her go!" Thorin ordered, when another elf took position of the elf prince's and aimed his arrow at the dwarf.

"Don't even move," The elf growled.

The elf prince dragged the struggling woman and he yanked her, harshly in front of him. "Who are you?" He demanded.

"Like I'm going to tell you." She snarled. Thorin was watching them both as the elves began to disarm them of their weapons. The blonde prince was about to say something else when he caught sight of the birthmark and he looked back at her and ordered something in elvish to the guards behind him. They took the half-breed by both arms and she struggled against them. "Let me go!" She screamed.

The elf walked back over to the dwarves. When another elf handed him Thorin's sword and he examined it carefully. Recognizing the make. He pointed it at the dwarf prince, demanding where he got it. Thorin tried to explain it was given to him. but the blonde didn't believe him and then he looked at the young woman.

"Take them!" He ordered as he made his way back over to Honoria and grabbing her by her arm and taking her.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Thorin warned as the elf tied his wrist and the others with elven rope and they elves led them out of the forest.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now