~Chapter Fifteen~

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 It was later that night. Thorin had ordered no fire be built in the cave, he didn't want to risk alerting anyone to their presence. which put the others in a grumpier mood. Thorin was the last to fall asleep, he didn't sleep much these nights anymore. He kept glancing over at the elf, he didn't mean to struck her as hard as he did; he didn't mean to at all but it was easier for him to be angry with her than face his feelings for her. The storm had only gotten worse as the night went on, hearing the occasion thunder and lightening. The dwarf prince finally closed his eyes, after he took one last glance at the woman, who was fast asleep.

The hobbit opened his eyes when he noticed the dwarves were fast asleep. Thorin's harsh words from earlier had stuck with him and he began to wonder why he came in the first place. He didn't belong here. It wasn't his fault they didn't have a home, and worse the leader had treated his cousin so terribly, he was supposed to watch out for his little cousin. He could remember his mother making him promise when they took the elf in, after her mother mysteriously died. He felt he was failing to keep that promise. When the lightening lit up the cave, Bilbo could see the bruise already forming on her face from when the dwarf struck her, because she tried to defend him.

Bilbo packed his belongs and quietly walked over to the half-breed and shook her gently. "Bilbo?" She asked in a tired voice.

" Honor, let's go. We're getting out of here, were going back home." Bilbo whispered quietly at her, so no one else heard. She nodded and got up off the ground quietly. Honoria knew she didn't belong with dwarves, but then again she didn't belong in the Shire either, most of the hobbit's couldn't stand the likes of her and she had nothing in common with them, but at-least she had her cousin. The elf glance at Thorin one last time and the two began to make their way through the sleeping dwarves, careful not to wake any of them.

"Where do you think you two are going?" Bofur hissed from his spot he was huddled in, on watch.

"Back to Rivendell." Bilbo said firmly.

"No you can't leave now. Your part of the company; both of you are." Bofur pressed.

"But were not. Are we?" Honor said bitterly. "Thorin said neither of us should have come and he was right."

"I'm a Baggin's, not a Took. I should have never ran out my door." Bilbo pressed, shaking his head. Honoria felt slightly hurt by that mark, considering she was a Took and she loved adventures but it was clear what happened in Rivendell between her and Thorin was a dream and she couldn't be here, near him when she felt something for him and he didn't.

"You're homesick. I understand." Bofur began when he was interrupted by the hobbit, and Honor was surprised by her cousin to say the less.

"No, you don't! You don't understand. None of you do. You're dwarves!" Bilbo hissed quietly. "You're used to this life. To living on the road, never settling in one place--" The hobbit continued on. Honor tried to stop him before he said something he regretted but it was too late. " None of you belonging anywhere!"

"Bofur he didn't mean to say all that." Honoria quickly said but the dwarf looked at the ground to his kin knowing it was true.

"No he's right. We don't belong anywhere." the dwarf muttered. The half-breed glared at the ground. Thorin had been listening the entire time. He heard everything the elf said and he only hoped she would leave and it would make him forget about her. "I wish you two all the luck in the world, I really do." the dwarf spoke his last final words to the two cousins, placing a hand on the elf's shoulder, he would miss her on the road he found her quite funny and different from the usual elves he had come across.

"Honor let's go." Bilbo ordered, as they both began to head for the doorway of the cave.

" What's that?" Bofur asked confused. The two cousins glanced down at the same time to see the glowing blue let emitting from inside the hobbit's sheath. Bilbo looked up in panic unable to speak.

"Oh no." Honor stated. Thorin glanced down beside him hearing the sand form cracks and hearing strange machinery noises.

"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin yelled. The floor of the cave collapsed inwards, giving the company no time to react as they fell through into the darkness yelling and screaming.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now