~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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The journey up the stairs began. By the time the company reached the top they were all breathing fast from exhaustion of not stopping until they had reached the top. Honoria and Bilbo were at the back of the group, letting the dwarves go ahead to be the first to look upon the hidden door of their kin. Thorin was the first to step onto the platform and he starred at the mountain wall in awe. They had finally made it. After everything they had been through to get to where they were , they were finally here. Erebor was just on the other side of the hidden door. Bilbo and Honor stood behind the others letting out a sigh each, the two of them still couldn't believe they were here right now.

Thorin dashed over to the wall. "This must be it. The hidden door." He breathed out as gazed upon it before turning around to face his comrades. "Let all those who doubted us...rue this day!" He proclaimed as he held the key the wizard had given him that day in the Shire. The elf couldn't help but smile when she saw how happy the dwarf was at this moment. It was a rare thing to see with him and Thorin glanced at the woman, still with a grin on his face. The dwarves cheered at this victory. They only had a few moments before the sun would go down and their chance at opening the door would be lost for another year. The dwarves began to gather closer on the platform.

"Right, then. We have a key. "Dwalin whispered as he approached the mountain wall where the light was still shinning on it. "Which means that somewhere...there is a key-hole." The dwarf muttered as he began to feel every inch of the rock for anything that would fit a key. Thorin stepped to the very edge of the ledge, looking at the sun as he repeated the inscription on the map.

"The last light of Durin's day will shine upon the key-hole" Honor stood beside Thorin as they watched Dwalin search the wall, and then light began to disappear behind the mountain. "Nori" Thorin ordered the dwarf. Nori quickly got over to wall and began tapping a spoon against it, listening for any odd sound that could mean where the key-hole was. "We're losing the light. Come on." Thorin stated.

The fearless warrior began to stomp his boot against the mountain, making it harder for Nori to concentrate. " Be quiet!" Nori barked. "I can't hear when you're thumping." Thorin continued to look at the light that was quickly shrinking in the distance.

"I can't find it." Dwalin yelled. The dwarves were growing restless by the minute. " It's not here!"

"Break it down!" Thorin ordered. Nori quickly got out of the way to let Dwalin, Bifur and Gloin to smash their weapons into the mountain but it didn't seem to have any effect on the wall except making the dwarves more exhausted as they tirelessly beat the wall. "Come on!" He shouted to keep them motivated. The elf heard the frustration in Thorin's voice as the dwarves continued to swing their weapons.

"It's no good. The door's sealed. Can't be opened by force. " Balin hissed, cause his brother and the others to stop and Thorin looked back at the light to see it disappear. "There's a powerful magic on it."

"No!" Thorin growled as he pushed his way passed Nori and Balin and stepped back over to the wall to face the others. "The last light of Durin's day. Will shine upon the key-hole." Thorin repeated the inscription on the map, and looked up to see the doubts that covered their faces. "That's what it says. What did we miss?" He asked, and he looked to the eldest dwarf, who was shaking his head. "What did we miss? Balin?"

"We've lost the light." Balin sighed. "There's no more to be done. We had but one chance. Come away, lads. It's over." Honor and Bilbo watched in surprise to see the dwarves giving up so easily.

"Wait a minute." Bilbo said.

"Where are they going?" Honor questioned as she looked at Thorin but all he had was a blank expression. It was over, Erebor was lost forever.

"You can't give up now!" Bilbo pressed, but the dwarves just continued to shove passed the cousins. Honoria watched as Thorin let the key to his home slip out of his hand and crash on the rock. He had given up, just like the others. This was not like at all. He didn't give up on things this easy. "Thorin. You can't give up now." but the dwarf just shoved the map into the hobbit's chest. Honor was standing behind her cousin.

"Thorin stop." The elf demanded putting her hand up to Thorin to stop. He looked at her, not wanting to hear what she would have to say right now.

"Honor, were going back. It's over." Thorin grumbled.

"You don't mean that. You're not just gonna give up this easily. This not you!" She argued

"Honoria, what part 'it's over' do you not get? Are you coming?" He asked but she said nothing and glared at him. "If your not then get out of my way and rot here with your cousin." Thorin said harshly and she flinched at his cold words. The half-breed stepped out of his way. Feeling the painfully clench in her heart as she watched him and the others disappear. After she whipped the few tears from her face and turned to see her cousin holding the map in front of him. Repeating the inscription, and he stood there as the words repeated in his mind. Honor began to walk towards him when they heard the sound of bird chirping, flying over to the wall and it began knocking at the wall. The two cousin's started walking over to it slowly when another light appeared and on the mountain wall in front of them.

"The last light!" Bilbo exclaimed as the key-hole was revealed. "The key-hole!" The hobbit shouted.

"Bilbo, you did! You figured it out!" Honor cheered as she came up to her cousin's side. Bilbo was so lost in the moment that he almost forgot the dwarves and he ran over to the edge.

"Come back! Come back!" The hobbit yelled. "It's the light of the moon! The last moon of autumn!" The hobbit and the elf started looking around for the key, knowing they had little time before the key-hole would disappear on them. Honor didn't know how many times she spun around looking for it, it was just there a moment ago when she turned and her boot caught the top of a rock sticking up and lurched forward, a gasp escaping her lips waiting to hit the rocks, but instead she felt arms catching her and she looked up to see Thorin. She stood up, the dwarf was stilling holding her. He regretted everything he had said to her.

"Honor, I never meant what I said back there. I am so sorry." He said as he shook his head looking at the ground wondering how could be so harsh to her or the hobbit. They wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. She placed a hand on his face and he looked at her.

"Thorin, it's alright, I know." She stated. He smiled at her and he pressed his lips to her forehead and he released his hold on her and stepped over to pick up the key that was still lying where he dropped it. Thorin walked over to the wall slowly and stuck the key into the hole and turned it until he heard a clicking sound. The dwarf placed both his hands on the door and pushed with all his strength and the door slowly opened to Erebor.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now