~Chapter Twenty One~

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Its been nearly a year since the dwarves set out on a quest to reclaim their ancient homeland with the help of a wizard, a burglar and a half-breed. The beginning had been a rough go for not just the hobbit, but Honoria as well. The two cousin, had been treated like outsiders for the longest time, but they both had proven to these dwarves that they had strength and courage and would go till the very end to help them reclaim what was taken from them.

The company of Thorin Oakenshield are now being hunted by the Durin's arch enemy: Azog the Defiler and his pack of wargs, they had only narrowly escaped him just a couple weeks ago, thanks to the eagles that came when they did. If they hadn't had come when they did, the dwarves, Bilbo and Honor would surely be dead. Ever since Thorin had kissed the elf in front of the others, he had been teased by his nephew's constantly, they even dared to call him by the nickname the elf had kindly given him. It was one thing for the elf to call him that, even though he was not very fond of it, but to have his nephews call him that infuriated him even more. Thorin still wondered why he was drawn to the half-breed. She was so young to begin with; younger than both his nephews and yet she still chose him.

It's the beginning of autumn, the company for awhile had luck on their side and they managed to get a heads start from the pale orc and his wargs, but the vile monsters were excellent trackers and they found their scent and tracked them down across the plains. Everyone was running on exhaustion, they hadn't had a proper's night rest since they were captured by the goblins. They also were running out of what supplies they had left; which wasn't much since most of it was left in Goblin-town. Thorin sent the hobbit, since he was the smallest and quietest to see how close the pack was. They had to calculate carefully, only resting for short periods of time, when it was most needed. It soon wouldn't matter anyways if they didn't find a safe place in this miles of forest soon, where they could get provisions they would be no match for the warg's.

Honoria was getting impatient waiting for her cousin to return with an update, he had been gone longer than she expected he would be. Thorin and Dwalin were standing on either side of the pathway against some rocks with their weapons at the ready encase something or someone other than the hobbit came down it. The dwarf prince glanced over at the half-breed and narrowed his eyes when he noticed she was tugging at her wrapping Oin had done on her wound. Thorin didn't know how many times, he had told her to leave it alone, it was only going to get worse the more she fidgeted with it. He felt terrible already for what happened to her, and he made himself promise he would never let it happen again.

They heard a noise of lose rocks coming down the pathway and Thorin looked from behind the wall with his sword at the ready to see it was the hobbit himself. "How close is the pack?" Thorin asked, getting right to the point.

"Too close, a couple of leagues, no more," Bilbo stated. "but that's not the worst of it." He informed them.

"Have the warg's picked up our scent?" Dwalin guessed, wondering what could be worse than that,

"Not yet. But they will. We have another problem."

"Did they see you?" Gandalf questioned from behind the group.

"Hmm?" Bilbo mumbled.

"They saw you."

"No, that's not it." Bilbo assured them.

"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse." Honor rolled her eyes, at the wizard.As the dwarves began to murmur their agreements. On the other hand the hobbit was growing increasingly frustrated, and the only one to notice was his cousin.

"Why don't you all be quiet, so Bilbo can say what he really needs to say." Honoria hissed over the group, making them grow silence and they all looked at the hobbit.

" Thank you, Honor. " Bilbo said as he looked at the she-elf for making the group go quiet so he could speak again. "I'm trying to tell you all that there is something else out there."

"What form did it take?" The wizard asked slowly. "Like a bear?" The hobbit stopped what he was about to say and like the dwarves he snapped his head at the wizard.

"Y-yes, but bigger, much bigger."

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur snapped at the wizard. The wizard took a few steps away from the group, and stared at something further in the distances. "I say we double back."

"And be run down by a pack of orcs?" Thorin pressed, and the others agreed they needed a better option.

"There is....a house," The wizard interrupted. "It's not far from here, where we might, uh, take refuge."

"Might?" Honor repeated, as she now stood beside Thorin, looking at the wizard.

"Whose house? Are they friend or foe?" Thorin growled, not at all sure about this.

"Neither." the wizard said as he looked at the expression on the dwarves face, some were scared, others were somewhat irritated by the wizard not sharing this information with them sooner and some, like Honoria didn't care as long as they survived. " He will help us or....he will kill us."

"What choice do we have?" Thorin looked directly at the wizard when he asked this. Suddenly a shuddering roar came from behind them, closer than Bilbo had thought.


Another piercing growl in the distance, sent the company running through the trees, following the wizard.The sun was just beginning to rise when they could see a clearing coming up. They broke out of the trees, and soon were dashing across a grassy plain. "Come on!" Gandalf shouted for them to keep moving and to not stop. Their boots getting soaked, when they charged through a shallow creek running only a short distance more, before they were back in the trees.

The company came to an abrupt stop when another loud roar was heard. It was even closer. "This way! Quickly!" Gandalf urged when he saw them frozen in their spots. The dwarves once again forced themselves to run, despite how exhausted they already were, the elf tripped over a root and fell the ground.

"Honor, get up! Come on!" Thorin shouted as he pulled the woman back to her feet, the two of them looked behind them when they heard the snapping of branches and they dashed out of the tree's behind the others.

"To the house!" The wizard yelled when he saw the hedges that bordered around the home. They didn't show it, but they were glad they only had to run a little ways before they would be safe. "Run!"

Honor and Thorin were just catching up to the others, when they saw the most oddest thing, Bombur was surpassing the others one by one. Honoria let out a giggle at this, despite the fact that they were being chased by a giant bear.

"What?" Thorin asked, wondering what on earth she could find so funny at a time like this.

"I don't think I've ever seen Bombur run so fast in my life." She chuckled as Thorin looked to see the fat dwarf passing his nephews already.

"Come on, get inside." The wizard ordered, as he stood at the entrance, waiting for the others to get through. Bombur had passed the two brothers and charged straight for the door, expecting it to just swing open, until he smacked into it and fell over. Fili and Kili threw themselves at the door, trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Just as Honor and Thorin passed the wizard the bear came roaring out of the trees, as it charged right at them. "Open the door!"

"Quickly!" Thorin added, when he saw that the door was being held lock by a leaver that was out of reach for most of the dwarves and the dwarf prince pushed his way through the others and lifted the leaver and the door swung open with the dwarves pushing their way in. A few of the dwarves tried to close the doors, but the bear managed to stick it's head in, preventing them from completely closing the door. The pressed against the doors with all their might, and managed to close the doors and locked them.

"What is that?" Dori asked worriedly.

"That is our host." The wizard stated. The company looked at him in shock. The wizard looked around, noting all the faces they were showing. "His name is Beorn. And he's a skin-changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable...but the man can be reasoned with." The wizard continued, as the dwarves and the two cousins began to wander the home of the giant man. " However, he is not overfond of dwarves." He warned.

"He's leaving." Ori whispered as he peaked through the cracks in the door.

"Come away from there." Dori hissed at his younger brother. " It's not natural. None of it! It's obvious. He's under some dark spell."

The half-breed rolled her eyes at this nonesense. "Oh please." She grumbled and Thorin looked at her and shook his head at her.

"Don't be fool." the wizard growled at the dwarf. "He's under no enchantment but his own. All right, now, get some sleep, all of you. You'll be safe here tonight....I hope."  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now