~Chapter Forty Six~

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It was the next day. The elf woke up and looked around, confused as to how she ended up here. The last thing she remembered was: she was standing just outside the treasure room, trying to reason with Thorin and then everything went blank after that. Honor tore the covers off of her and was about to crawl out of bed when she was stopped. " Woah, their lass. Take it easy. You're not going anywhere. Oin pressed, making her get back in bed.

"Why am I here?" She asked, in confusion. Her voice still sounded a little hoarse.

"Thorin brought you here. He found you unconscious lass. Now. Have you been feeling nauseous lately?" Oin asked.

"Umm. Yes I have." Honoria admitted.

"And I noticed you haven't been eating at all and not to mention quite pale in the face and even have lost a little weight. I'm surprised you didn't come to me sooner, when you were starting to get sick." Oin stated.

"I've...had a lot on my mind lately." She muttered, knowing the medic was right. She had thought about going to Oin, when he and the others had finally returned but with what is going on with Thorin, she forgot about it.

"Now, I have asked Bombur to prepare you some hot stew. We need to get something in you; if you're to keep that little one inside you healthy." Oin declared and the elf's eyes went wide.


"Well lass, when I checked you over last night. You are completely healthy. You're symptoms of feeling nauseous, barely eating, pale features; are of someone carrying a child."

Honoria looked down and placed her hand on her stomach. She couldn't believe it. She had a child growing inside her. The elf then turned to look at Oin. "D-does anyone else know about this?"

"Just myself and Balin. We thought it best that Thorin heard it from you of this wonderful news." Oin pressed. Honoria looked at the ground, her eyes shifting back and forth as she thought. How could she tell Thorin of this, with the state his mind was currently in? The dwarf noticed her silence. "You are going to tell him aren't you? He has a right to know." Oin protested.

"I-I know he does. And I want to tell him. I just don't think I can tell him. He isn't exactly himself right now." She explained.

"It might be the only way for Thorin to break through this madness that's consuming him." Oin argued.

"No. I can't tell him. Not now." She said, shaking her head and then looked at the dwarf. "Oin promise me, you and Balin won't say anything about this to Thorin. I will tell him when he's, back to his normal self." Honor pleaded. Oin let out a sigh, he didn't like keeping this from their king. He deserved to know he had an heir but finally nodded that he wouldn't reveal a thing.

"I promise lass. "

Just then, Bombur came in, carrying a tray with hot stew, bread and some water. The dwarf placed it on the table beside the bed. " Thank you Bombur." Honoria said, smiling at the red bearded dwarf. He smiled back and then left.

"Now lass, eat something. I'm sure the little one must be starving, as are you and get some rest." He ordered and she nodded and took the bowl of stew and began eating. Not realizing how hungry she was indeed. Oin had left the room to go back to the others. Honoria finished her last piece of bread and climbed out of bed. The elf started walking down the hall when she saw Thorin making hast towards the gate.

"Come on." Thorin ordered the others as he walked passed them. The woman was now in the great hall, seeing the dwarves following Thorin up the stairs. As The dwarves got to the top and looked over the wall, they all saw the army of elves ready for battle. Honoria ascended up the stairs to join them only to receive a disappointing look from Oin.

"Lass, I thought I told you to get some rest." Oin reminded.

"I'm fine." She flat out said as she stood beside Fili and Kili who both seemed relieved to see her awake. Their argument was cut short when they heard something and sure enough a man, riding a white horse came galloping up the path. They soon all recognize him: it was Bard from Lake-town. He came to a halt just before the bridge that was before the doors of the mountain.

"Hail, Thorin, son of Thrain." Bard proclaimed. " We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." Thorin merely snorted at that remark.

"Why do you come to the gates of the King under the mountain armed for war?" Thorin barked

"Why does the King under the mountain fence himself in like a robber in his hold?" Bard retorted.

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed."

"My Lord...we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Thorin's eyes shifted to the army of elves that were still in sights and then back at the man, deciding to at least hear what he had to say and left the wall and started descending down the stairs. But not before sending a raven out to send work to his cousin in the Iron Hills. Honor and the others followed behind and stood a fair distance behind Thorin. Bard climbed off his horse and approached the wall slowly and as he got closer, he saw their was a small hole in the wall he looked through it and couldn't see much of what was in side and then Thorin appeared.

"I am listening."

"On behalf of the people of Lake-town, I ask that you honor your pledge." Bard said. "A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." Thorin shook his head at this.

"I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door." Thorin declared.

"That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms." Bard warned.

"And your threats do not sway me." Thorin stated.

"What of your conscience? Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help. And in return, you brought upon them only ruin and death." Bard hissed.

"When did the men of Lake-town come to our aid but for the promise of rich reward?" Thorin growled.

"A bargain was struck!"

" A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food, to ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You cal that a fair trade?" Thorin insides were boiling as the man continued to try and reason with him. " Tell me, Bard the dragon slayer...why should I honor such terms?"

The bowman took a moment to calm his nerves before attempting one last time to reason with this dwarf before war was their last result.

"Because you gave us your word." Bard stated. Thorin looked at the ground, letting this sink in. "Does that mean nothing?" Thorin glared at the man one last time before pulling away from the hole in the wall and leaned up against the stone in deep thought about all this. He glanced at his company and the woman seeing all their disappointing looks.

"Begone! Ere our arrows fly!" Thorin shouted in wrath. The man let out a grunt as he slammed his hand against the wall. Bard climbed back onto his horse and took off galloping down the path back to Dale. The dwarves climbed back up the stairs and saw over the wall, the man making hast back to the ruin city.

"What are you doing?" Bilbo growled. " You cannot go to war."

" This does not concern you." Thorin hissed at the hobbit, not turning to look at him.

"Excuse me, but just in case you haven't noticed, there is an army of elves out there." Bilbo shouted at the dwarf. Honor stayed behind Kili, she had never seen her cousin so angry as he was now. " Not to mention several hundred angry fishermen." the hobbit added, even some of the dwarves were quite surprised that Bilbo was brave enough to argue against their king. Given the state of mind he was in. " W-we are, in fact, outnumbered."

The king turned to look at the hobbit this time and smirked, not phased by the hobbit's warning. "Not for much longer."

"What does that mean?" Honoria spoke up as she walked passed Thorin and stood beside her cousin.

"It means....you should never underestimate dwarves." Thorin said looking down at them both, leaving the cousin's in deep thought at this. "We have reclaimed Erebor. Now we defend it." The king once again descended down the stairs, but not before saying something else. "All of you! We must prepare for war!" Honoria and Bilbo both looked at Balin, but it was clear even he didn't know what they were to do now.  

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