~Final Chapter~

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 Its now summer time in the Kingdom of Erebor. Thorin sister and his people would have already begun their long journey from Ered Luin after the cold winter passed. They would be arriving now any day. Kili had become quite fond of his little cousin. He couldn't wait until Sorren was old enough to walk so he could plan pranks together to test on his uncle; like he and Fili did when they were younger. The kingdom's gate had been fully restored to it's former glory. Honor was wandering down the hall, looking for Thorin as she carried their son. The elf finally found him in his office. He was pacing around; clearly with something on his mind. Honoria walked over to him when he stopped in front of the window.

"Thorin what's wrong?" Honor asked, coming to his side and turned to look at her. He smiled and gently rubbed the top of his sleeping sons head.

"I've been trying to figure out what to say to my sister when she arrives. That only one of her son's survived." Thorin murmured as he rubbed a hand over his face.

"Thorin.....you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. If Fili were still here....he would be telling you the same thing. You taught those boys well, just like I know you'll be an amazing father to our son." The elf praised before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek, and she left back down the hall to put Sorren down for a nap.

Another week had passed. The sun beamed high above the mountain. Thorin was lying down with the elf and their son between them. The dwarf's eyes slowly opened to see the woman and his child still sound asleep. Sorren's tiny hand was intertwined in his mother's hair and the king couldn't help but smile at the precious moment in front of him as a thought crossed over him that this is what he would be missing right now; if the elf hadn't brought him back that day. He shook the thought from his head and quietly climbed off the bed not wanting to wake them and he made his way over to the door. Thorin turned to look at them one last time at the peaceful sight in front of him. He hated to leave it, but he had a lot of work that still needed to get done.

"Brother?" A familiar voice broke from behind him. Thorin turned around to see his baby sister standing before him. She had made it.

"Dis." Thorin exclaimed as he hugged his sister tightly. His sister being nosy as usual peered over his shoulder and saw the sleeping woman and the young child.

"Who are they?" Dis asked in curiosity as Thorin pulled away to look at his sister .

"That is Honoria; she's my wife. And that's our son; Sorren." Thorin proclaimed to his sister, waiting to here it. Dis was quite surprise and immediately teased him that he actually had met someone that could put up with his stubbornness. The fact that she was an elf didn't seem to bother her and it appeared that his sister was quite please that her brother had finally found someone, after everything he had been through. Dis was excited when she could finally meet her.

"Now, where are my two boys? Surely they would be here?" Dis pressed, only to see Thorin's face fall. He had been dreading this moment for months. "Where's Fili and Kili?" Dis asked, feeling a little worried.

"Kili he's, ah around here somewhere, probably with the elf Tauriel." Thorin stated.

"And Fili?" She questioned. Thorin remained silent." Thorin? Where is Fili?" Thorin shut the door of his room and came up to his sister.

"Dis.....Fili....he ah.....never made it." Thorin glumly stated. Dis suddenly felt like all the air had gone from the room. Her eyes stinging with the tears that begun to force their way through. "Dis.....I'm so sorry."

"Just take me to my son." Dis ordered. Thorin began to protest, not wanting this to be the last image of her eldest son, but she insisted and the king led his sister down to the burial chambers. His sister cried for the longest time, knowing only one of her sons had made it through. Kili finally was seen wandering through the halls and he was overjoyed to see his mother.

Honoria had been nervous to meet Thorin sister. She feared she wouldn't accept her since she was indeed an elf, even Thorin had been a little tense about the situation, but the half-breed and his sister got a long better than he imagined. Dis was overjoyed to learn she had a nephew and ordered her brother to explain to her, how the two of them came to be.

Five years later......

Erebor and Dale were finally rebuilt. Honoria's and Thorin's son; Sorren was now five years old, and quite the handful they had expected him to be. Kili was quite impressed by Sorren's talent for pranks; he was a natural at it. Honoria was walking through the great hall, towards the gate where she found Thorin speaking with Balin and Dwalin. Balin and a few other dwarves were leaving back to the ancient Kingdom of Moria. It was once a strong standing kingdom. Balin would see it be that once more. Dwalin decided he was going to remain in Erebor to serve his king till his final days. Dwalin had also been the victim of the young prince of Erebor's pranks that he pulled with Kili.

Honoria and Thorin said their goodbyes to Balin, they would miss him dearly. Honor made the dwarf promise if he ever needed help to send word immediately and for him to keep in touch about current situations. Once the group of dwarves disappeared over the hill, Honor turned to Thorin. " Let's go for a walk in the garden." She said, with a smile. Thorin nodded and took her hand, their son right behind them as he ran in between them, taking hold of a hand each. The three of them walked deep into the woods behind the kingdom to their favorite spot. Thorin sad down in the patch of grass. The floors were just beginning to bloom.

"Stay close son." Thorin ordered as Sorren chased the butterflies through the tall grass. Honor sat beside Thorin, resting her head against his chest. The woman had been wanting to tell him some important news she learned today.

" I went to see Oin this morning." Honor begin. Thorin immediately tensed thinking the worse.

"Are you alright?" The king asked, his voiced laced with worry.

" Yes. I'm fine. It's just I found out some incredible news." She declared, still not divulging anything, hoping Thorin might figured it out before she said anything.

"What news?" Thorin asked, as he laid on his back with arm behind his head for support, his other arm wrapped around the elf.. Honor was resting against his chest.

"Well, I found out were expecting another." Honor declared, but Thorin didn't seem to quiet get the hint.

"Expecting what?" Thorin question. The elf took the dwarf's hand and placed it on her stomach and rubbed it. And in those final seconds Thorin finally caught on and looked at the elf with a surprised expression. "Are you sure? When did you find out?" Thorin asked, excitedly.

"As of this morning I'm sure. But I had noticed the similar symptoms I experienced when I was carrying our son." She explained. Thorin smiled down at her, his face was only inches from hers when he pressed his lips against her's at this joyful news. They were expecting another child. " I have a feeling it's going to be a girl." The elf murmured. Thorin didn't know what he would do if they had a daughter; the only thing he knew for sure was that if they were to have a girl he would never let her out of his sights . "What are you thinking?"

Thorin had been in deep thought, he had a name in mind; if the elf's intuition's were true, and he thought the name would be perfect. " If we do have a daughter, I was thinking Leena; after her grandmother." Thorin declared waiting for the elf's approval. The woman nodded her head and the king pressed his lips to the elf's forehead. And the two of them continued to watch their son play amongst the flowers. Overjoyed for the arrival of their next child.  

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