~Chapter Fifty Three~

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They heard the pounding of the drums again. A pit was growing in Thorin when he saw something emerging on the far tower, dragging something. Thorin let out a gasp when he saw who it was and dashed over to the edge of the platform. Bilbo and Dwalin right at his side. Azog the defiler held a wounded Fili over the edge by his clothing with his blade pointed right at his back. Azog started uttering terrible things in black-speech, Thorin caught some of the words. Kili looked up to see his brother had been captured. Honoria had to cover her mouth to muffle her cries.

"Go!" Fili shouted, not wanting any of them to see him like this. Thorin could feel the tears burning behind his eyes as he stood their helplessly like the others. They would never reach him in time. "Run!" Azog plunged his blade through Fili's back, the young dwarf letting out his last breath and Azog dropped as a message to Thorin that he would stop at nothing to his bloodline was ended. Honoria and Kili stumbled back, when Fili's body landed right in front of them.

Kili could feel the anger building up in him and he took off up the flight of stairs to avenge his brother. "Kili. Kili! Come back!" Honor cried out, as she ran after him.

Thorin let out a gasp, he could feel his blood boiling, he felt a mixture of emotions hitting him all at ones, anger, hatred, revenge, pain even a little bit of fear. Azog smirked at him sadistically, knowing how much this tormented the dwarf king to see his own blood be killed in front of him and he was going to do the same thing to the brother and then the elf, leaving him for last. Thorin watched as Azog disappeared from the edge to hunt down the other two. Thorin couldn't let this happen again to his youngest nephew or the elf. " Honor!" Thorin yelled as he made hast down the stairs, ignoring the desperate shouting's from his best warrior. Thorin was already across the frozen river Nearly slipping as he now clambers up the ruins, hoping to find the Pale Orc before he found his nephew or the woman.

Honor had lost sight of Kili in the blowing snow and had ended up taking a different hall. Thorin hadn't stopped as he climbed the stairs as fast as he could when Azog came charging out of a tunnel, letting out a roar and jumped down from the ledge above, smashing his mace violently against Thorin's sword as he blocked it and they begin fighting on the snowy mountainside.

The higher the woman climbed the more the wind felt like glass slicing her skin. She gripped her sword tightly at the ready, waiting for orcs or something to appear. Honor heard the sound of swords smashing against each other from one of the higher levels. The elf gets to the top, it is blowing even harder. Honoria turned around when she heard a loud snarl of an orc coming at her. This orc was bigger than the usual size orc she had faced on this journey. She blocked it's blow, knocking it down on it's knees. Thorin and Azog are still fighting when Thorin managed to knock Azog down and the pale orc slid down a slippery slope. Thorin was about to chase after him, when more orcs arrive, forcing him to fight them.

Thorin had a brief second to look up when he heard the feminine battle cries coming from up the stairs above him. She had just plunged her sword through the orcs chest. Yanking her sword out, she ducked out of the way just in time when another orc tried to surprise her from behind and she struck the beast. The dwarf was being forced out of the area, away from the elf. The woman pushed her sword into another orcs chest and then slammed her boot against its chest, sending it falling over the edge. Honoria looked below her and saw Thorin fighting off one of the Gundabad orcs when another was quickly approaching behind the dwarf with it's weapon drawn. Honor reached for her dagger that was attached to her boot and with great force threw it at the orcs head. Thorin killed the orc he was fighting, turned around to see the other orc fall to the ground dead.

The king barely had time to react when another Gundabad orc engaged him, forcing Thorin to retreat down a tunnel. Honor had another orc came at her. The elf went to stab the creature in the face when the orc was to quick for her and grabbed her by the arm. The two of them struggled. The orc slowly pulled the woman towards the edge when out of nowhere an arrow came shooting through the air, impaling the orc right between the eyes and it fell over the edge. The woman saw before he disappeared in the blowing snow that it was her half brother: Legolas. Her head snapped in the direction of a familiar scream and made hast down the steps.

The elf had made it down the last step and she saw Thorin had been knocked onto the frozen river. Azog's voice echoed in the air. Dozen's of Gundabad orcs rushed onto the ice at Thorin to finish him off. The dwarf looks around rapidly as the came towards him. He couldn't take on all these orcs at once; their were too many. Honoria quickly made her way down the last flight of stairs, dashing onto the ice where Thorin was. "Honor get out of here!" Thorin begged her as he looked to see more of them coming.

"I'm not going anywhere!" She pressed as she felt her heart race as they got closer. The closest orc that was coming at them suddenly collapsed to the ground with an arrow sticking out of it. From up on the tower above them, Legolas is shooting the orcs as more come running onto the ice at them. Thorin dashes at the next orc that is coming at them, sliding on his knees passed the orc, he uses what is remaining of his sword and slices it in the leg, making the orc fall on his back. The elf came in and plunged her sword into its chest when it tried to get back up.

More giant orcs kept coming. Legolas taking out as many as he could while the half-breed and the dwarf took care of the rest. Thorin managed to stab an orc in the knee; the orc struggling to get away when another one advanced, smashing the flat end of it's weapon right into Thorin's chest, causing him to slide passed the elf, across the ice all the way to the edge of the waterfall, directly over Legolas and Bolg.

Honoria looked to see another orc had emerged on the ice. She saw it was the defiler and he growled at her sadistically. Thorin managed to knock an orc over the edge of the waterfall; it lands on the bridge behind Bolg, breaking through the stones and causing him to fall under a pile of rubble. Another orc approaches Thorin, who is lying on his back, partially hanging over the edge of the waterfall, defenseless. As it raises it's sword, it snarls at Thorin, who looks into the creatures eyes thinking this was it, this was how he was going to die when out of nowhere the orc is suddenly struck with a sword in it's chest, killing it. As it falls over the edge, Thorin manages to reach out and grab the sword, saving it from going over.

Thorin slowly stood up. Looking at Orcrist in awe that it had finally returned to him. He finally looks up and his eyes widen when he sees the woman and Azog fighting. Azog swung his blade arm, at the elf's head, but she ducked out of the way just in time but with great force the pale orc knocked her sword out of her hand and he swung his fist at her knocking her to the ground and she slid to stop against a dead orc.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now