~Chapter Ten~

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It had become increasing quiet up above. Honoria held her hand over her wound that was still bleed while she tried to see if more orcs or elves were going to roll in. Thorin glanced over at her to notice the blood that was slowly dripping down the elf's arm. He took her arm to see how bad it was and she slightly jumped from the touch and turned her attention to the dwarf. " Don't touch me." Honor hissed, pulling her arm out of his grip.

" I cannot see where the pathway leads do we follow it or no?" Dwalin shouted from behind the others to the wizard for any other option.

" Follow it of course." Bofur answered, thinking it would be safer then going back up the crack where the elves and possibly the orcs could be still waiting for them. The dwarves wasted no time in following the fearless warrior through the tunnel. Honoria got up and walked right passed the dwarf prince, annoyance covered her face, while she followed the others. Thorin grumbled under his breath, he wasn't even sure why he was trying to be nice to her. As they continued down the path it began to get narrower and narrower for the dwarves to get through without some sort of difficulty and the dwarf behind had to push the one in front just to keep the line flowing. The elf and the hobbit were the only ones that had no problem getting through and the path led out to some stone steps that went down into a valley below.

Honoria and Bilbo came to a stop behind the others, taken by the beautiful scenery below them. The valley was surrounded by waterfalls in every corner. The elf could see the city clearer then the others and even saw some elves wandering across the bridge. " It's so beautiful." The elf spoke, with a smile on her face, she had forgotten all about the burning sensation on her arm. Thorin had to admit that he even was taken by this sight, it reminded him a lot of his own home, that he was so desperately trying to get back for him and his people.

" The Valley of Imladris." The wizard announced, breaking the silence amongst the company. In the common tongue its known by another name."

"Rivendell" Bilbo spoke under is breath. The dwarf glanced over at the woman again and he was struck by her beautiful smile she still wore but his thoughts quickly disappeared when he remembered where they were and he turned around and stormed over to take his frustrations out on the wizard who was standing behind them.

" This was your plan all along." Thorin growled, catching the wizards attention. " To seek refuge with our enemy." The dwarf added. Honor's smile faded, and she listened to the dwarf and wizards conversation happening behind her and her cousin.

" You have no enemies here Thorin Oakenshield; the only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." The wizard barked back.

" You think the elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered." Gandalf insisted. Thorin let out a disappointing sigh, that the wizard was right. "If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me."

"Lass, let's take a look at that arm, shall we?" Oin insisted as he approached the young elf.

"I'm fine Oin, it doesn't hurt." Honor assured the medic dwarf, but he wouldn't hear of it.

" The last thing you want is to have that wound get infected. This will only take a few minutes and i'll have it wrapped up in no time." The elf sighed in defeat and let the dwarf do his thing. The wizard walked passed the dwarves and led the way down the steps with Thorin behind him. Oin was finished and he helped Honoria off the rock to catch up to the others. Along the way the cousins would fall behind, from being too distracted with everything they saw. Thorin had to yell at them a few times to catch up. They were approaching the bridge and the dwarves became tense when they saw approaching elves and gripped their weapons firmly in the hands. Honor felt a sense of belonging here, she had never seen so many elves in her lifetime, since she was the only one in the Shire. The wizard came to a stop with the others on a platform and an approaching elf with dark hair was coming down the steps.


"Ah, Lindir" Gandalf greeted back. The dwarves watched suspicious. Honoria was standing behind Thorin and Dwalin and she saw The dwarf whisper to Dawlin to keep sharp. She rolled her eyes, clearly this elf wasn't a threat to them if the wizard was being friendly to him. Gandalf and Lindir were speaking in elvish to each other and it didn't sit to well with the dwarves, not knowing what they were speaking about.

" Do you know what their saying?" Bilbo whispered to Honor. She turned her head and looked at her cousin and shook her head.

" I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf urged, no longer speaking elvish.

" I'm afraid Lord Elrond is not here."

" Not here. Where is he?" The wizard pressed.

Coming from behind the group a familiar horn sounds. The dwarves turn around recognizing it as the same one they heard when they escaped from the wargs and orcs. Yelling from behind the elf, Thorin ordered something in dwarvish. Bofur pulled the hobbit into the group, keeping the cousins trapped in the middle as the dwarves bunched up together with their weapons firmly in their hands while the elves surrounded them on their horses. " Gandalf!"

"Lord Elrond." Gandalf sighed, and then once again started speaking elvish, making the dwarves once again frustrated and annoyed. Lord Elrond dismounted from his horse and approached the wizard and gave him a hug.

" Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders, someone or something drove them near." Elrond stated, showing the orc mace and then giving it to Lindir, who looked very hesitant to take it.

" That may have been us." Gandalf informed and the elf came to face Thorin and the others.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin stated bitterly.

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror, when he ruled under the mountain."

" Indeed. He made no mention of you." Thorin informed, insulting the elf. The two of them glared at each other for a short while before Elrond broke the silence and spoke something in elvish. Thorin wouldn't admit that he knew exactly what the elf had said.

"What is he saying. Does he offer us insult!"Gloin thundered , pushing his way through the group waving his axe at the elf and the others murmured wondering the same thing.

" No Master Gloin. He is offering you food." Gandalf broke in, before anything happened. The dwarves murmured to the dwarf beside them and all agreed they were indeed hungry and would accept this offer.

"Well in that case, lead on." Gloin insisted. The elves began heading up the steps to the home of Elrond with the dwarves and the two cousins behind them. The company was led into a beautiful elven courtyard. Food had already been prepared for them with a soft melody playing in the background. The dwarves took their seats at two of the tables and eyed the food they had been given with disgust. Honoria was sitting across from Kili. She glanced up when Lord Elrond, Gandalf and Thorin walked by to sit at a different table.

" Go on, try it. Just a little." Dori protested to his youngest brother.

" I don't like green food." Ori whined

"Where's the meat?" Dwalin complained beside the elf, as he picked up a handful of his green salad, throwing it back down in disappointment.

" Do they have and chips?" Ori wondered, wanting that instead of what they were given. Honoria had a confused expression when she noticed Kili making a flirtatious grin. She first thought he was making them at her, but even Dwalin was wondering what he was up too. Honor glanced behind her to see an elf maiden playing the harp and seemed quite moved by the young dwarf's glances. She turned back around just in time to see him give her a wink and she raised her eyebrow and Dwalin gave him a similar look and the dwarf was no longer smirking.

" I can't say I fancy elf maids myself, too thin." Kili began and Honor let out a low huff at this. " They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me." Kili added and then so the half-breeds face. " No offence to you Honor." Kili quickly added.

" Hmm. None taken. I can say the same about dwarves. Their rude, pigs, greedy... very little manners, messy." She explained, seeing all their unimpressed expressions thinking none of them were anywhere like that, and the conversation ended and she smirked.

" Although that one there is not bad." Kili insisted, when an elf walked by behind him. Honoria couldn't hold it in and she burst out laughing.

" That's not an elf maid." Dwalin stated as he gave a wink to the embarrassed dwarf and they all began laughing at him.

"That's funny." Some more elves moved in playing their soft music, which was annoying most of the dwarves. Oin stuffed his napkin into his trumpet and put it to his ear and it blocked out the terrible sound. The elf lord was examining Thorin's and Gandalf's swords they had found in the troll cave.

Lord Elrond was curious as to how they came by these and Thorin was not pleased when the wizard told the elf the road they were on. The dwarf prince left the table and walked away. " Change the tune, why don't you?" Nori barked. " I feel like I'm at a funeral."

" Did somebody die?" Oin wondered.

" All right, lads....and lass." Bofur began. " There's only one thing for it." The dwarf got up and climbed onto the table, knocking over a few dishes.

" There is an inn, a merry old inn
beneath an old grey hill,
And there they brew a beer so brown
That the Man in the Moon himself came down
one night to drink his fill.

The ostler has a tipsy cat
that plays a five-stringed fiddle;
And up and down he saws his bow
Now squeaking high, now purring low,
now sawing in the middle.

So the cat on the fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle,
a jig that would wake the dead:
He squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune,
While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon:
'It's after three!' he said."

Food suddenly went flying in all direction. The elves were annoyed the dwarves would waste their food they had kindly offered them. Honoria just sat their and rolled her eyes, thinking what typical behavior this was for dwarves, it wasn't a feast unless their was food thrown around as well.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now