~Chapter Twenty Three~

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"What bring's dwarves, a halfling, a wizard and a she-elf to this part of Middle-earth?" Beorn questioned, still gripping his axe tightly.

"We have come for your help." Gandalf admitted. "We are on a quest to reclaim an ancient homeland that was taken by a dragon." Beorn stared at the wizard, not saying a word as he heard this and looked at the leader of the dwarves. He found it quite shocking dwarves, would ever ask the help of anyone besides one of their own.

"Really? Why would dwarves, seek my help?" The skin-changer asked, as he walked towards them causing them all to move out of the way of his path.

" Because, you're the only one that know these lands and we have no supplies to continue on, it was lost in Goblin-town weeks ago." The wizard stated. The giant man looked at the wizard for the longest time before he looked back at the dwarves and the she-elf that was with them.

"You all may come back in, if so dare too." He firmly offered as he led the way back into his home. The company slowly followed the skin-changer into his home as he began setting food on the table. He then motioned to the dwarves that it was safe for them to sit on the stools and to help themselves to the food. The dwarves began to settle around Beorn's table, a little more relaxed that they were in no immediate danger unless they did something to anger the man. Thorin leaned against a wooden beam behind his two nephews and the elf. The dwarves could feel that it was clear this man did not want them here, he was really not fond of dwarves, as the wizard had mention the previous night. He seemed fine with the she-elf and hobbit around.

"So. You are the one they call 'Oakenshield'. Tell me. Why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?" Beorn asked, looking at Thorin in particular as he walked around the table, filled the companies mugs.

"You know of Azog." Thorin stated, in a bit of shock as he looked at the man." How?"

"My people were the first to live in the mountain. Before the orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved." He explained as Honoria took note of the iron shackle he had around his one wrist and a terrible thought came to mind. " Not for work you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them, seemed to amuse him."

"There are others, like you?" Bilbo asked, feeling intrigued to know more about his race.

"Once there was many." Beorn glumly spoke as the tragic memory filled his mind.

"And now?"

"Now there is only one." Bilbo looked down at the floor, he felt awful for asking, and wished he never opened his mouth. Beorn walked a few more steps before taking a seat across from the wizard. " You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn."

"Before Durin's day falls, yes." The wizard agreed.

"You are running out of time." Beorn pressed.

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." Gandalf urged.

"A darkness lies upon that forest." Beorn explained as he continued to look at the wizard and then ever so often look at the dwarves at his table. "Fell things creep beneath those trees. I would not venture there except in great need." The skin-changer warned them all. Something all the dwarves could agree on with the man. They were not to please having to cross into elf territory, but the wizard had made it clear it was their only way if they were to reach the mountain in time to open the door.

"We will take the elven road. That path is still safe."

" 'Safe'?" Beorn hissed at the wizards nonsense. The wood elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise...and more dangerous."

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now