~Chapter Eight~

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The dwarves that were tied around a log were rescued. The fire had been put out and they gathered their weapons that were taken from them. Thorin went to have a word with the wizard. "Where did you go to, if I may ask?" Thorin questioned.

"To look ahead." The wizard replied.

" What brought you back?" Thorin asked, feeling curious. The woman was close enough to hear their conversation and she listened in as she stood by her cousin.

" Looking behind." Gandalf said flatly. Thorin nodded his head, grateful for the wizards return. " Nasty business. Still, they're all in one piece."

" No thanks to your burglar and the she elf." Thorin pressed and the woman snorted.

"They had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that." The wizard pointed out.

" That elf, nearly had us all skinned alive." Thorin snapped.

" I'll admit Honoria's tact was a little much, but she did buy enough time until daylight." The wizard stressed, raising his eyebrow at him. The dwarf finally let out a sigh that the wizard was right, though it still didn't change his mind about the woman. " They must have come down from the Ettenmoors."

" Since when do mountain trolls venture this far south?" The dwarf wondered.

" Not for an age. Not since a darker power ruled these lands." The wizard stated, recalling in his mind a time long ago when Middle-Earth was almost consumed in darkness. " They could not have moved in daylight."

" There must be a cave nearby." Thorin agreed with the wizards assumption. He left and ordered some of the dwarves to start looking for caves nearby and the rest of them were to pack up camp and remove any evidence of themselves that they were there. Honoria was the one to discover the cave. The smell that was coming from inside was unbearable and only a few of the dwarves could stomach to go into the cave.

The hobbit stayed above ground not wanting to go inside. Thorin had insisted that the elf should stay out, that it was no place for a young woman, but decided against his wishes and walked right by them, into the cave. Thorin was annoyed, he thought if he was nice about it, she would stay out but the wizard stated she was just as stubborn as a dwarf.

A few of the dwarves let out harsh coughs and covered their noses at the stench that consumed the area. Honoria was examining the weapons that were covered in webs and collecting dust over the years. Thorin was off on the other side looking at some swords as well. He pulled out two sheathed swords that looked particularly different from the rest. " These swords weren't made by any troll."

" Nor were they made by any smith among men." The wizard added, who took the sword Thorin had given him to look over while he checkout the other one." These were forged in Gondolin by the high elves of the first age." As soon as Thorin heard 'elves' being mention he looked at the sword in disgust and went to put it back. " You could not wish for a finer blade." The dwarf then decided to have second thought's about the sword as he pulled it out of its sheath and looked it over.

Honoria was starting to head out when she caught sight of the three dwarves that were on the ground, putting coins and other things in a small chest, and she gave them an odd look. " We're makin' a long-term deposit." Gloin stated, but even the princes best warrior thought this was nonsense and he shook his head and smirked.

" Let's get out of this foul place." Thorin ordered. Dwalin was the first to leave, glad to be out of this nasty place. " Come on, let's go. Bofur, Gloin, Nori, Honor." Thorin ordered again. They followed out of the cave with the wizard slowly coming behind them.

"Bilbo." The wizard called as he exited out of the cave.

" Hmm?" The wizard walked passed the woman and over to the hobbit. Honoria was starring off into the distance, when she heard the sounds of heavy boots approaching her and she looked to left to see it was Thorin.

" Here. This will do you better, then those daggers my nephew gave you." Thorin stated, tossing her a sword that she surprisingly caught. She looked at him oddly as to why he was even trying to help her, since he despised her.

" Thanks grumpy. Would it kill you to smile once in awhile." She joked and she quickly went away before he could say anything. Usually he would have been furious now, but he found the name was growing on him which was strange to him and he shook his head and the woman caught him with a slight grin as he turned away.

" Something's coming!" Thorin yelled suddenly, having heard a crashing sound in the bushes coming towards them at a rapid speed.

"Stay together!" Gandalf ordered. "Hurry now! Arm yourselves!" Honoria pulled out her sword the dwarf prince had kindly given her and she charged with the rest of them, through the bushes.

The woman and the others surrounded the area as the animal continued to thrash through the trees and bushes, approaching them quickly The dwarves readied themselves when giant looking rabbits shot out of the bush, pulling a wooden sleigh with a rather strange looking wizard on the back controling the reins, screeching something terrible.

" Thieves! Fire! Murder!"  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now