~Chapter Seven~

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Fili and Kili stayed behind watching the two cousins creep through the bushes, but after having second thoughts the two brothers went back to their camp to gather reinforcements.

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today...and, blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrow." A troll protested.

"Quit your griping. These ain't sheep. These is fresh nags." The troll carrying two ponies on either side of him snarled as he placed the whimpering ponies in the fenced in pen that was being held together by rope.

" I don't like horse. I never have. Not enough fat on them." The other one complained. Bilbo eyed the area, looking for a path of less resistance to free the ponies. Honoria quietly joined the hobbit's side, nearly making him fall over when he saw she was right beside him, and he hadn't heard her.

"What are you thinking cousin?" Honor asked, noticing how intense his stare was. "Do you think you can get over there and free them, without them seeing you?"

" Yes, but I'm going to need you to distract them." He added. Honoria glanced back at the trolls. 'It's just three trolls. How hard could it be to distract trolls? They couldn't be that smart.' she thought to herself.

"Fine." She muttered. Bilbo hurried and made his way over to the ponies, while Honoria watched the three trolls, to make sure they didn't spot her cousin.

"Well, it's better than leathery old farmer. All skin and bone, he was. I'm still pickin' bits of 'Im out of me teef." The first troll bellowed to the other two.

"Ah-choo!" The troll in the middle sneezed right into the pot of hot liquid over the fire. Honoria closed her eyes in disgust, wishing she didn't witness that. The hobbit was hiding behind a tree. He peered over the side to see what the trolls were up too, and then noticed his cousin waving her hand for him to get a move on it.

"Well, that's lovely, that is. A floater. " The cook rang, not happy that his stew had been ruined.

"Might improve the flavor." The other one suggest.

"Ah, there's more where that came from." The troll that sneezed earlier stated, offering to add more if needed, but the cook would not allow it and with that the cook snatched the troll by his nose. " Aah!"

"Oh, no, you don't!" Bilbo charged over behind the trolls with they were distracted.

" No!" The sneezing troll squealed. struggling to get out of the hold.

"Sit down!" The cook snarled and tossed the troll and he fell over and another sneeze was coming on.

"Ah-ah-choo!" The troll this time pulled out his handkerchief and blew his nose in it. Honoria let out a few giggles, watching the trolls argue with each other. Bilbo was now over by the ponies trying undue the tight knot's done by the trolls.

The trolls stopped what they were doing when the heard the faint sounds of giggling. The elf noticed and covered her mouth to muffle the sound.

"Well. I hope you're gonna gut these nags. I don't like the stinky parts." The troll whined as stomped towards the pen. Bilbo hid just in time before the troll could see him. Honoria hid behind a giant rock, watching when the cook hit his spoon on the trolls head. "Ow!"

"I said sit down." The cook ordered. The sneezing troll came and sat back on his stump, rubbing his head.

" I'm starving! Are we having horse tonight or wot?!" The other troll bickered, getting annoyed with the other two's arguing. Bilbo continued to struggle to get the rope to come loose. He needed something shark to cut through them. He glanced around when he caught sight of the weapon attached to the troll. The woman narrowed her eyes, when she noticed what her cousin was doing, and she had a bad feeling.

Honoria looked behind her, Fili and Kili hadn't returned in a very long time.'How hard could it be to get reinforcements?' she wondered, but then one dwarf came to mind. They would have to explain all this to "grumpy" who would be pleased to have the two cousins out of his sight. Honor's head snapped back when she heard the troll about to sneeze again. He went to grab his handkerchief, snatching the hobbit with him and blowing his nose. Her eyes went wide in disgust and felt sorry for her cousin for what just happened to him.

The trolls were now trying to figure out what he was as he tried to get free of the creatures when he was thrown to the ground. The three of them surrounded him. " What are you, then? An over-sized squirrel?"

" I'm a burglar--A hobbit!" Bilbo quickly answered the three as they came closer.

"A burglar-hobbit?" they asked in confusion and then began to have other ideas to do with him. They were tired of eating horse and were curious to what he might taste like. The trolls closed in on him, trying to catch him, but he was too quick for them, until one of them finally snatched him up in the air by his feet. Honoria knew she had to do something, before something happened to him. She was about to charge out and reveal herself when a hand clamped around her mouth pulling her away into the woods. She relaxed when she saw who it was.

"Stay here, Kili will take care of your cousin." Fili insisted as he let her go and ran over towards his brother and she was quickly approached by Thorin and the others.

"I suppose this was all your idea?" Thorin grumbled, only inches from her. She had a feeling he would blame this on her, but she didn't have time to argue with him, her cousin was in trouble. The troll flung the hobbit right at Kili knocking them both over. The elf was about to go out and fight them when she was yanked back. " Stay here, you've done enough." and with that he ordered the others to fight and they charged out of the bushes. The dwarves began fighting the trolls, slashing, slicing and poking wherever they could. The hobbit had the weapon he needed and he began slicing through the rope and freed the ponies.

The elf looked up to see the troll coming towards her cousin." Bilbo look out!" Honor yelled but two of the trolls had him by his limbs, threatening to rip them off. Honoria watched the leader, he was very hesitant to do as the trolls ordered to save this hobbit, until he received looks from his nephews and stabbed his blade into the earth and the others followed suit, tossing their weapons to the ground.

Half of the dwarves were tied in sacks in pile by the rocks. While others were tied around a log that was being turned over the fire. The trolls were now debating on how they should cook them. The cooked wanted them to be crunchy with sprinkle of squirrel, while the troll that couldn't stop sneezing wanted to just sit on them and squash them all to jelly. Honoria circled around until she found a spot where she could see all the dwarves and her cousin, she had to figure something out to stop these trolls before they made a meal out of all the company. Bilbo, feeling all this was his fault managed to get up and he tried to reason with the trolls when something they said gave him an idea.

A troll was walking over to the group that was piled on the ground and he picked up the youngest Ori, and was about to eat him, not wanting to wait till they were cooked when a rock came flying through the air into the trolls nose and he yelled in pain, dropping the dwarf back into the pile. " Ow!"

" Who's there!" The cook yelled, holding his knife out, ready to attack. The dwarves were even trying to figure it out, unaware that the elf hadn't been captured with them. Thorin was the only one to spot her in the bush watching her pick up another rock and through it threw the air, hitting another troll causing it to yell out in pain.

"Come out here, and show yourself!" The trolls yelled, they didn't like not seeing who was attacking them. Honoria was about to throw a third rock when one of the trolls had ventured into the woods coming up behind her. Bilbo glanced over.

"Honoria look out!" Bilbo shouted. She whipped around, making a run for it when he snatched her up in the air by her arm and held her up so he could examine her as he walked out of the bush to the others.

" What is it? Is it another burglar-hobbit?"

"It's a she-elf." The troll answered, smelling her, wondering what she would taste like. He tied her up in a sack and dropped her in the pile of dwarves. She landed right on top of kili.

"I thought I said for you too stay where you were." Thorin growled at her.

" Oh, were you expecting me to listen to you grumpy?" Honoria spat. " I was trying to help my cousin."

" Well done, you helped alright." The elf and dwarf glared at each other, both too stubborn for their own good. Bilbo was trying to convince the trolls their was a secret for cooking dwarf. The dwarves were not pleased with the hobbit, clearly not understanding what he was doing.

"I have a secret for cooking dwarves!" Honor shouted and Bilbo and everyone else looked at her.

"Tell us" The trolls begged. The sky was getting close to dawn and Honor thought it would nice if the wizard would show up anytime now to help them in their predicament.

" Come on, tell us the secret." She glanced over at Thorin, saying something for only him to hear.

"Since you think I'm so helpful." Honoria mumbled at him. " The secret for cooking dwarf, is to skin them first!" The dwarves all yelled at her for suggesting such a thing. Thorin called her a traitor to her face and she just smirked at him. A different troll came towards the group, insisting eating them alive was the way to go and grabbed Bombur and held him over his open mouth ready to eat him, when what the hobbit said, made him rethink and he tossed the dwarf back into the pile.

The trolls were arguing once again, Honoria saw a shadow in the woods. Gandalf had appeared With one loud tap of his staff onto the rock. The stone had brook in half, allowing the sunshine to pour into the clearing and turn the trolls into stone. The dwarves chuckled, happy the wizard had come when he did to rescue them before nearly being eaten.

" Get your foot out of my back!" Dwalin yelled.

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