~Chapter Seventeen~

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The elf was brought before their king, forced on her knees being held by her arms. Honoria looked up at the giant goblin with a mix of disgust and a little fear. The goblin was hideous and his breath smelt like death. " Hmmm, your the shortest elf I've ever seen, but my your a pretty thing." The king stated in a sadistic tone. She looked up at him with her brow raised and snorted. " What is a she-elf doing traveling with a bunch of dwarves?" He snarled. looking at her curiously for an answer.

"What's it to you?" She pressed The giant goblin's grin vanished quickly when she was quick to deny him a logical answer.

" Tell me what you and these filthy dwarves are doing in these parts and I may spare you as my pet and these dwarves will not suffer a painful death." He threatened as he rubbed his staff firmly in his grip. Thorin hadn't taken his eyes off of the elf or the goblin, as he stood behind the others. Knowing Honoria. how stubborn and strong willed she was, he feared for her. This was no time for her to get cheeky with the goblin king.

"Well, if that is my only choices I have, then my fate will be the same as the dwarves because I'm not saying anything and I would rather die than be your pet you ugly beast!" She snapped. The king snapped his head back, standing to his full height, looking down at her. Thorin shook his head, and cursing under his breath. He had hope just this once she wouldn't make the goblin more infuriated then he already was, but he expected it from her. She was such a child in his eyes, she acted a lot like his nephews but something had drawn him to her and as much as he cursed himself for having feelings for an elf he could hear a voice in the back of his mind, screaming at him to stop her before the goblin did something.

"Very well then. If that is your decision. It's a shame, your such a pretty one too. Oh well..." He muttered as he nodded to his minions without the company noticing. The goblins got ready, knowing what their master was about to do and before Honoria had time to react, the giant goblin swung his staff, striking her across the face and she collided with the platform in front of the dwarves. Thorin felt a clench in his throat seeing the elf struck to the ground, with nothing to defend herself and he struggled against the three goblins that were holding him against his will. Thorin let something escape his mouth, he barely heard it himself when he said it.


Honoria laid on the ground for a few minutes. The goblin king chuckling along with his minions, only to stop when they saw the she-elf willing herself to stand up and stare back at the king.

"I will ask you again, only because I hope you will be smart this time. And I know you wouldn't want that pretty little face of yours rearranged." He roared at her. She glared up at him. She could feel the sting coming from the wound on her head that he had just given her and warmness of the blood that was coming from it. "What will it be...love?"

"Do not call me 'love' you freak!" She growled, feeling sick that this creature would say this to her. There was no warning this time and he swung his staff at the elf, making her fly backwards knocking into some of the dwarves and she landed on her side. She was panting unsteadily and she forced herself to get up once again.

"You don't give up do you?" He snickered. She huffed at him, pushing the few strands of hair out of her eyes.

"Leave her alone!" A few dwarves shouted at the goblin but he just continued to chuckle at her. It pained Thorin to watch this happen to her, as he fought harder against these hideous creatures to get them off of him. The elf was growing exhausted from being knocked to the ground and she was barely with it when two goblins came at her forcing her to her knees. The king placed his mace under her chin, making her look up at his foulness and he laughed at her when a whimper escaped through her lips. The goblin struck her across the face one more time, and she was too weak to get up this time.

"Such a waste...Get her ready!" The goblin ordered. Thorin's eyes looked at the goblin in horror, hearing this. The two goblins forced her right to the ground on her stomach, holding her down so she was unable to get up, unaware the elf had gone unconscious. The giant goblin took a few steps closer to her and lifted his staff over his head, ready to crush her skull into the ground. Thorin managed to get free of the goblins and he pushed his way through the others just as the goblin was starting to swing his mace down.


The goblin king held his weapon at mid swing and looked at the person that had interrupted what he was about to do and he smirked when he recognized who it was. Honoria could feel her heart racing when she heard his voice. Thorin had stepped in front of the elf so if he the goblin wanted her he would have to go through him first. "Well, well, well...Look who it is. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, king under the mountain." The goblin king stated as he mimicked a bow. " Oh, but I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king, which makes you nobody, really." Thorin glared at the goblin infuriated by this statement.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours." Thorin slowly raised his head at this, wondering what this beast was trying to get at, all his enemies he had were killed long ago. "A pale orc, astride a white warg."

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed." Thorin growled. " He was slain in battle long ago."

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?" He roared back, making Thorin wonder indeed if this was true but he wouldn't believe it. "Send word to the pale orc. Tell him I have found his prize and more." He ordered one of his minions who disappeared into the darkness.

Thorin was forced back into the group, being held by the goblins as the torture machines were being brought down for the goblins to have fun while they await for the pale orc the goblin had so claimed was still breathing. Thorin glanced at the elf that was still unconscious on the platform. He feared the last blow actually killed her, when their was no sign she was breathing.

The minions were inspecting the dwarves weapons while the goblin king sang a horrendous tune. Grinnah was looking at Thorin's sword when he unsheathed it and tossed the blade to the ground in horror.

"I know that sword!" The king bellowed jumping back onto his throne, squashing a few of his minions in the process. " It is the Goblin-Cleaver!" He roared in horror. " The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" He continued on as his goblins began to slash the dwarves and crawl all over them. "Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all!" He ordered his minions!

Thorin was pinned on the ground and he turned to his side to see the elf struggling to get up and the goblin king saw and wasn't going to let her live. The dwarf managed to push the goblins off of him that were holding him down, seeing the wizard just in time when he crawled over to Honoria, and covered her face with his arms as the goblins went flying with the debris over top of them and the others.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now