~Chapter Twenty Five~

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The elves led the captive dwarves to their kingdom. The blonde prince continued to hang on to the struggling young half-breed. He had so many question's running through his mind once he saw that birthmark. Their was only one person that could know anything about this and he was going to bring her right to him. Honoria looked around when she could for the hobbit, but he didn't seem to be among them, and a terrible thought came to mind that those disgusting creatures had gotten him and worse.

Two elf guards opened the tall doors into the elven kingdom. Honor's eyes widen as they entered inside. She had never seen anything like it before. It was even more impressive than Rivendell. It was a fortress, built within the trees, surrounded by waterfalls. Even some of the dwarves were quite impress with this place, but they would not express it.

The company was taken deep within the kingdom to the dungeons. "Legolas. What shall we do with this one?" Another elf asked, pointing at the woman that the elf prince was still holding. The two guards that were leading Thorin up another flight of stairs felt the dwarf stop and he looked right at Honoria and then Legolas.

"I'll escort her to the king. There's something odd about this one." Legolas pressed, Honor raised an eyebrow at the elf prince and Thorin's eyes widen as he began to wonder if his instincts were right. The elf prince must of noticed it as well. "Make sure the other dwarves are stripped of their weapons and locked up." He ordered and he dragged the young elf with her arms behind her, gripping her tighter.

The two of them were brought before the king. Legolas handed Honor to the two guards standing on the side, and the prince went to stand by his father, whispering something to the king, while Thorin was harshly shoved into the center of the platform. Honor looked at the elf, dressed in fine clothing he had his back towards them.

"Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon. I myself suspect a more prosaic motive. Attempted burglary or something of that ilk." Thranduil declared, as he approached the dwarf, to look him closely in the eyes. " You have found a way in. You see that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. The King's Jewel: The Arkenstone. It is precious to you beyond measure.I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I, too, desire." The elf acknowledged the dwarf's full intention on where he was going and why. Thorin looked down at the ground. Of course he wanted the Arkenstone, but he also wanted his home back more than anything, not just for him but for his people. Honor was listening silently, she never seen Thorin so quiet without some snide remark to say back, but he remind silent.

"And what does it matter to you?" Honor, pressed from the side, the elves still clutching her by the arms.

"So this is the elf that insulted my son. You have the attitude of dwarf." He stated, striding towards her. Honor smirked at that. Thorin glared at the elf king, wondering what he might do.

"Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this." Thorin pressed, angrily.

"Doesn't she? If I didn't no better I would say you seem quite protective of someone that's not one of your own. Anyone who insults my son, is sentences to live their life in a cell." He warned.

"You wouldn't...." Thorin hissed, glaring at the elf king.

"No? What reason would have to spare her sentence?" Thranduil questioned, getting right in the dwarf's face. Honoria was so confused, Thorin had something on him, that had to be it or else he wouldn't be getting so arrogant.

"I think you know." Thorin whispered. Thranduil glanced at the woman and then back at the dwarf prince.

"I think your just trying to mess with me dwarf." Thranduil insisted, but Thorin could tell he already knew.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on!?" Honor yelled.

"If you don't believe me than ask your son. Ask him what he saw." Thorin told him, a smug grin forming on his face.

"What is this dwarf talking about? What did you see in the forest, my son?" Thranduil asked, as he let out a sigh to humor the dwarf.

"She bares the mark." Legolas stated. Thranduil went serious, looking from his son to the half-breed to the dwarf. He shook his head, it wasn't possible in his mind, it couldn't be.

"Impossible." The king barely breathed out. He wouldn't allow this discussion to continue and he turned to the dwarf. "You have something of mine. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help." he uttered.

Thorin smirked at the elf's tactic to change the subject. "I am listening,"

"I will let you go, if you but return what is mine." Thranduil offered. Thorin laughed at that to himself.

"A favor for a favor." Thorin shortened, and turned around to think this over.

"You have my word. One king to another." He said. Thorin snorted at that statement.

"I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word, should the end of all days be upon us!" Thorin turned back to Thranduil, point at him in wrath. "You lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends! We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people, and the inferno that destroyed us! IMRID AMRAD URSUL!"

Thranduil moved so fast, Honoria didn't have time to blink, the elf was already inches from the dwarf's face."Do not talk to me of dragon fire, dwarf! he growled. "I know it's wrath and ruin."

Honor was startled to see the elf's face face suddenly deform and show the scars he hid from past battle. "I have faced the great serpents of the North." and he instantly retreated, and his face was again normal and the two glared at each other in silence. Thrandul one last time looked at Honoria and knew he now had her to deal with, but he would say one last thing.

"I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon. But he would not listen. You are just like him." He taunted, making Thorin's insides boil and he huffed, and he slowly started to walk back up the steps to his throne and he discreetly waved his hand for his guards to take him back to the dungeons with the others.

Two guards took hold of him. "No. I'm not leaving here without her!" Thorin shouted at the king.

"I think we've had enough of your arrogance, clearly no one can get anything through you. Stay here if you will and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I'm patient. I can wait." He teased " And now I would like to speak with my daughter, Honoria in peace." He pressed. Honor turned and looked at the elf in shock, this was her birth father? Thorin knew it. The elf had known all along and the guards began dragging the struggling dwarf back down the steps.

"Thranduil I will kill you, if you hurt her!" Thorin shouted, looking at Honoria in worry as he was starting to loose sight of her.

"You can try, dwarf." Thranduil mocked and soon Thorin couldn't see them any longer. Honoria turned away from the entrance and turned to look at the elf that claimed was her father.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now