~Chapter Fifty Eight~

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 It's been a couple of weeks since the dwarves had mourned over the loss of their fallen Kin. Lord Dain and what was left of his army had taken refuge inside the mountain for the time being. Thorin had sent word to his sister and his people in Ered Luin, that they had reclaimed their homeland. The King had been busy for the last few days with Balin and Bilbo, preparing for the wedding, while Honoria had been ordered to do as little as possible until Oin was certain the battle had done no harm to the child growing inside her. The elf still hadn't told her cousin of this new. No one knew about it, beside Thorin, Oin, Balin and herself and the two of them agreed to keep it quiet until Thorin and her were ready to tell the others.

The dwarf king had also been arranging to keep his end of the bargain he had made to the people of Lake-town and he invited them all to the grand feast they were to have after the ceremony. Honor and Thorin had also told Bilbo that he was more than welcomed to stay in Erebor; their would always be place for him in this kingdom if he should choose to stay, but the hobbit said he needed time to think about it. The Shire had always been his home, and he would be lying that he didn't miss it. But he also always had his little cousin by his side. Bilbo knew this was her true home, she would not be leaving it and he couldn't be happier for her that she had found where she truly belonged, but the young hobbit made his decision and wouldn't say anything until later.

The young woman was in her chambers getting ready for the big day. A couple of woman from Lake-town had offered their assistants to help her get ready. Once the last button was done up the elf stepped in front of the giant mirror and looked at herself. Her attention immediately went to her lower abdomen, she could tell she had gain some weight there, and she rubbed her hand over that spot a few times, when a sudden knock came on the other side of the door. "Come in" She called, expecting it to be her cousin or one of the dwarves but it was someone she did not expect. She saw in the mirror it was King Thranduil; her father followed by her brother Legolas. Honoria turned around to face them. "What are you doing here?" The elf questioned, looking at Thranduil. " If you've come to try and tell me again that I don't belong her and I belong with other elves save your breathe, because this is my home now, and nothing you say will make me leave."

"No. I haven't come to tell you that. I see it now. I've come to celebrate this day with you. All you're life; i've missed out on you growing up because I feared you would never love me like the father that Erling was too you, and I know I can't replace him. But if it's not too late I would still like to be part of your life." Honoria's eyes filled with shock, this was nothing she imagined the elf king would say. Thranduil had made it clear since she met him that he did not want her to be associated with dwarves but now he actually wanted to be part of her life, which filled her with joy because her whole life she had wanted to know her real father and know that he would accept her for who she was. " I know, I had made it clear my hatred for dwarves to you earlier, that everything they touch they always destroy, but I see now that Thorin Oakenshield truly loves you; he would sacrifice himself, to save you....Honoria I hope you would allow me the honor to escort you down the hall?"

The half-breed smiled to the elf King, and her brother. "I would like that." Suddenly the hobbit came into the room, and though he was a little surprised to see the elf King, and his son he didn't say anything about it.

"Honor, it's time." Bilbo stated, excitedly before leaving the room to go join the others in the great hall. Thranduil held out his arm for his daughter to loop her arm around, Legolas came on her other side taking her other arm and the left the woman's chambers. Honoria took a deep breath as the doors to the great hall opened. Everyone's eyes were on the future Queen of Erebor, but her eyes were only on one that stood at the other end and she couldn't help but smile as she walked towards him. Thorin was somewhat taken to see King Thranduil by the young woman's side, but he wasn't going to question it as his eyes locked with Honoria's, who was now on the platform just inches from him. Thranduil and Legolas released their hold on the woman and went to take place in the crowd.

Honoria and Thorin stood before Balin, who was doing the officiating. The two of them spoke their vows of how they would love one another till their last breath. The two were inches from each other lips when Thorin's hand came around the elf's head and tugged her towards him, pressing their lips together, the woman clutched his shift tightly. When the two of them pulled away, Kili hugged them both, congratulating them. Their guest were slowly making their way to the feasting room, wishing the best for the future King and Queen of the Mountain. The elf smiled as the last person walked by, when the elf noticed her cousin was standing near Balin they were heading out the main entrance outside and Thorin noticed the woman had left his side and he followed.

"There is to be a great feast tonight." Balin declared, hoping the hobbit would change his mind and stay a little longer. But the hobbit picked up his bag he had already packed and ready to go. Gandalf was already waiting for him by his horse and a pony.

"Bilbo." Honoria called out, causing the hobbit to turn around. The elf realized now, he had made his decision, he was going back home. "You're going back home aren't you?" Thorin had wandered to the elf's side, wrapping an arm around her waist. The dwarf had known for sometime that the hobbit was leaving.

"Honor, this isn't where I belong. I belong back in the Shire; it's home for me. Just like this is now you're home." Bilbo explained a sad smile forming on his face at the thought, he would not be returning without his little cousin, but he knew in his heart they would see each other again. With tears coming down the elf's face she ran over to Bilbo and the two cousins hugged.

"I'll miss you Bilbo." She said through her tears. "I love you Bilbo."

"I'll miss you too Honor. But we'll see each other againg, soon. I love you too Honor." He promised. The half-breed pulled away and smiled as she wiped the tears that streamed down her face. Honoria was back by Thorin's side, who held her close to his side.

"If you're ever in this direction again, you know you're always welcome here, among my people Master Baggins." Thorin proclaimed to his friend. "If you need anything, don't be shy to ask." He added.

"Just promise me, you'll take care of my little cousin and keep her out of trouble." The hobbit stated, causing the three of them to laugh.

"I'll try my best. She can be quite stubborn at times as you know. There's lot's to be done, before our little one arrives. " Thorin pressed, and the hobbit's eyes widen in shock and looked at his cousin who nodded to him with a smile.

"Well I can't wait to meet them" Bilbo stated with smile. Bilbo saw coming from behind the dwarf and elf were the others, and he was glade to see them all one last time before he left and he approached them. "Uh, if any of you are ever passing Bag-End, uh.... tea is at 4:00. There's plenty of it. You are welcome anytime. Uh...don't bother knocking." The dwarves chuckled at the sound of that as they would miss the hobbit. They had all grown so fond of him. And with that the hobbit made his way over to the wizard and climbed onto the back of his pony and the two started heading back. Once Bilbo and Gandalf started to become blurs in the distance the dwarves had wandered back inside. Leaving only Honor and Thorin the only ones left outside. The elf continued to watch until the two disappeared from her sight. Thorin came over to her.

"Come on my love. Let us go inside. I am sure you are quite hungry, as well as our little one." Thorin stated as he wrapped an arm around her and guided her back inside.

"Starving." She stated and the dwarf chuckly as he kissed her lips and they went inside to enjoy the feast.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now