~Chapter Thirteen~

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Honoria and Thorin went their separate ways back to their rooms. The elf was confused at what just happened. How did she not see this coming? Was it a good thing? Was his rudeness towards her on the road just a cover to hide what he truly thought of her, because he didn't want the others to know he had feelings for an elf. Honor laid in her bed staring at the ceiling wondering what this meant, she felt something go through her when Thorin kissed her and it bothered her all the more wondering if it was real or not.Trying to get to sleep, she tossed and turned. Thorin told her to be ready to leave before dawn and he was going to inform the others.

The dwarf had made it back to his room. The rain hadn't let up since it started and he was drenched in it. He walked over to the basin the elves had placed in each of their visitors room, hoping the dwarves would keep themselves clean while they stayed here. Thorin ran his hands through his thick hair, he couldn't believe he had done what he never thought he would. He let himself have feelings for an elf. He looked into the basin, seeing his reflection and came to only one conclusion. It had to be this place that poisoned his mind to feel what he felt towards the she elf that was traveling with them. He had no ounce of feeling for her on the road, so why did it change when the wizard had stirred them in this direction. Feeling sick with himself, he cupped his hands in the water and began splashing his face, trying to rid of what ever enchantment the elves had placed on him.

"You feeling alright there laddie?" Dwalin chuckled standing in the doorway with his brother. Thorin looked at them startled, wondering how long they had been standing there. He was usually not this distracted, and would of heard them, dwarves were not known for being stealthy, like the elves. Thorin also realized he hadn't told the others yet, that the wizard informed him to make sure they all left before dawn. Gandalf's hopes of the elves helping in support of this quest was denied and now they knew where all the dwarves were headed and weren't going to let them leave.

"Were leaving this place now." Thorin ordered. " The elf, stays too." He added and the two brothers looked at him addled.

"What's the matter? The elf beat you this afternoon? Dwalin laughed and Thorin's eyes widened in alarm. He had hoped nobody had witnessed when Honor had him pinned on the ground.

" No. The wizard came to me earlier and the elves are not too pleased with our quest we are going on and he has a feeling they won't be letting us leave this place."

"Thorin it's nearly dark. We won't make it very far." Balin began to protest only to stop when he saw Thorin shaking his head.

"I don't care. We need to leave, Now. Dwalin go tell the others to start packing their things to leave."

Dwalin nodded and started to leave out the door and turned around." What about our burglar? Honor is his cousin. He's going to wonder why she isn't among us when we leave." He pointed out and Thorin thought for a short while.

"Then we leave without our burglar as well." Dwalin didn't like the sound of this, but he wasn't going to argue with his leaders orders. Balin had his hands on hips staring at the dwarf. He was acting rather strange these last few days and the order he just gave confirmed it.

"What's on your mind lad?" Balin asked, calmly.

"Nothing. We need to leave." Thorin grumbled.

"Without the she elf and the hobbit? something is bothering you?" Balin stated noting the shame the dwarf showed on his face. Thorin sat at the edge of the bed, letting out a deep sigh with his face in his hands.

"I kissed her." Thorin muttered. There was a short silence before the elder dwarf spoke.

" And?"

"And? I shouldn't have kissed her. I don't feel that way for her. She's an elf. It's this place..its done something to me. Which is why we need to leave now." Thorin urged

"Thorin. The place has not poisoned your mind. I've watched you two for the last few weeks. You look at her when she's not looking. She looks at you when your not looking. And that was before we came here. Those feelings you felt were already there. If anything this land just brought them out of you, that you were denying yourself to admit. Now I'm going to go stop my brother before he tells the others and we'll leave tomorrow that way everyone can get a good nights rest." Balin stated and left the prince with his thoughts.

Thorin got off the bed and walked over to the window ledge of his room and looked at the forest below. 'Was the older dwarf right?'he wondered to himself. He paced around the room trying everything possible to convince himself otherwise that what he felt was this elf land's fault but something inside him told him he already knew the answer but he wasn't letting himself admit it.

He finally gave in to his exhaustion and fell asleep, wanting to be out of this place.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now