~Chapter Twenty~

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It was a long exhausting night for the company, as none would find rest until they knew the fate of the dwarf prince and the elf. The sun was already rising above mountain."Thorin!" Fili cried out. The two young dwarf brothers feared for the survival of their uncle, Kili especially, Thorin had been more of a father to him than an uncle. He never knew his real father and neither brother was ready to lose their uncle so soon. The eagles passed over the mountains, that were surrounded by the low clouds and soon were flying over a valley with a stream in the middle of it.

Bilbo was looking around desperately until his eyes landed on someone in particular. His cousin was still passed out on the back on an eagle. If he didn't know better, he would have just thought she was just sleeping peacefully. Her face was covered in her own blood, the laceration above her eye was deep and she had lost so much blood, he was unsure if she would make it through another day. The eagles flew over to giant rock(Carrock), and began hovering above it, crying out to one another to let the eagle that was carrying the dwarf prince to be the first to land and the eagle gently laid Thorin, along with his sword on a flat area of the rock. Gandalf was the next to land and he rushed over to the dwarf's side, calling his name but he received no reply. Bilbo was now on the rock and walked over and saw the state the leader was in. Most of the others hand landed and waited anxiously. The eagle that was carrying Honoria finally was the last to land, Fili and Kili, carefully taking her off the back of the bird and putting her on the ground. Oin was at the elf's side immediately examining her and was muttering something that no one seemed to understand.

Gandalf whispered an incantation as he placed a hand over the dwarf's face and his eyes slowly opened. Thorin looked at the wizard, remembering the very last thing he saw before his vision had completely gone dark. "W-where's Honor?" He demanded, remembering her scream as it replayed in his mind. When the wizard wouldn't answer him right away he feared the worse had happened. "Where is she?" Thorin struggled to get up, and when Dwalin and his youngest nephew tried to help him, he shoved them both off and searched amongst the others until he found the elf, who was still laying on the ground unconscious. His eyes soon found the cause of the painful scream that had escaped her lips just as he blacked out. He recognized the pattern of her wound, from Azog's mace. Thorin swallowed, the elf had risked her life to protect him when he was down and now she was barely hanging on by thread. He should be dead right now. He had been so cruel to her since they left Rivendell, he tried everyone to convince himself that what he felt for her wasn't real that he had been cursed, and she still protected him. He continued to look at the young woman laying there not moving, he wasn't sure if he could bare the possibility of her not in his life.

The hobbit was at Honor's side, pestering Oin for a straight answer of her chances right now, but the medic would only mumble remarks that had the hobbit furrowing his brows. When Oin wouldn't answer he walked away, covering his mouth as he paced.

"Is she going to live?" Kili dared to ask, as everyone quietly waited for Oin to answer, Thorin especially.

"No she's not dead, you idiot. Are you deaf! Have you not been listening to anything I've said lad?" Oin grumbled, as he leaned over and could feel the faint breath escaping the elf's lips. Kili raised an eyebrow at the medic.

"What are you talking about, you haven't said anything!" Kili growled and Gloin, rolled his eyes at his brother.

"She'll be fine. The lass just needs a goods night rest and someone needs to keep an eye on her just encase....her condition gets worse." Oin instructed. The dwarves were extremely exhausted, they all could use a goods night rest especially now that they had Azog and his pack on the hunt for them. They were safe for now, thanks to the eagles. Bilbo was about to step forward, even though he had just as a tiring few days like the dwarves, but she was his family. He could recall a certain day. It was when his parents first adopted Honoria after her mother mysteriously died. They made him promise to always look after his little cousin and to keep her out of trouble.'Like that would ever happen.' he thought. They always warned she was going to be a handful, oh she was a handful for sure but he wouldn't wish for her to change, no matter how much he got annoyed at her for it.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now