~Chapter Fifty~

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  The war outside the mountain continued on. There wasn't just orcs, but giant trolls as well. Azog had sent another army to attack the city of Dale as a distraction. The dwarves and elves continued to fight side by side with each other to eliminate the enemy. More and more orcs flooded the ruin city and King Thranduil charged across the bridge with his army right behind, leaving the dwarves to fight for their lives.

Honoria had expected Thorin to head for the treasure horde, but he ended up going to the Throne room. She followed closely behind him. He took a seat in the stone chair of the king, in deep thought. A fire going on either side of him. The dwarf looked up when he heard approaching footsteps and saw it was the elf.

"Thorin. What is wrong with you? This is not you at all!" She pressed. He looked at her, expressionless, her question not phasing him one bit. " Thorin are you willing to let them all die out there!?" Thorin pushed himself off his throne and approached the elf.

" You seem to be forgetting your place, elf!" Thorin sneered, at her. " You think you can talk to me like that!" The dwarf was inches from her. He slowly lifted his hand to teach her a lesson when he felt someone with a firm hand stop him. Honor jumped, surprised she never even heard the dwarf approaching them at all.

"Honoria, get out of here." Dwalin pressed. The woman looked at Thorin with the saddest eyes, his face was filled with such hatred and she left the throne room. Thorin yanked his arm out of the other dwarf's grip and wandered back to his chair and sat down as Dwalin approached him. "Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, they are dying out there."

This news didn't even seem to concern him at all. His only worry now was for his gold, if his kin was being eliminated he had to move his gold. "There are halls beneath halls within this mountain. Places we can fortify, shore up make safe. Yes. Yes, that is it. We must move the gold further underground to safety." Thorin insisted, and he started to make hast to the treasure room.

"Did you not hear me?" Dwalin hissed. "Dain is surrounded they're being slaughtered, Thorin."

"Many die in war. Life is cheap." Thorin spat. "But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost."

"And what about Honor? You just going to let her die?" Dwalin questioned.

"She's just an elf..." Thorin muttered.

"An elf that you love." Dwalin reminded hoping some sort of sign that his leader was still there.

" She mean's nothing. It is worth all the blood we can spend."

" You sit here in these vast halls with a crown upon your head and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been." Dwalin growled.

"Do not speak to me...as if I were some lowly dwarf Lord, as if I were still...Thorin Oakenshield" Thorin voice broke. " I am your king!" Thorin shouted in anger, pulling out his sword.

"You were always my king." Dwalin pressed. " You used to know that once. You cannot see what you have become."

" Go. Get out. Before I kill you." Thorin threatened. Dwalin scoffed at that and left back down the hall and once Thorin was alone he left the throne room and wandered down the another hall that led to the gallery of the Kings, where the floor was made of gold.

Honoria sat on the very edge of their bed. The love of her life was gone, he was no longer the dwarf she had fallen in love with. Someone who she could see herself spending the rest of her life with, but his love of gold had destroyed that. She could hear the continuous yells and screams out her window of the battle that was outside. His people were dying and he wasn't doing anything to stop it. Her cousin was out there and she didn't know if he was still alive or if he was already dead and tears filled her eyes.

The half breed reached up with her fingers feeling the cut she had over her left eye, from when she was shoved into wall when she tried to interfere with Thorin, who tried to toss her cousin over the edge to his death. Honoria felt a sudden painful clench go through her heart and her soft cries filled the room.

A figured had emerged into the room. His heart sank as he heard the continuous cry's from the woman he loved. He walked over and reached out his hand and took hold of the one covering her wound. She looked up to see it was Thorin. He was no longer wearing his crown, or heavy armor. He crouched down in front of her. Looking through tear filled eyes she could see on every inch of Thorin's face that he remember everything that happened and he regretted every single bit of it. He raised his free hand and wiped the tears that streamed down her face.

" Honoria. I am so sorry, sweetheart. I am sorry for everything. I know you tried to tell me so many times in the treasure room, that something was wrong, and I didn't listen, forgive me, I was too blind to see it." Thorin pleaded to her. He stood up and pulled her to her feet and held her close. His hand was wrapped around her head, that was nestled under his chin. The two of them held each other tightly. Just thankful to breath in each others air again. Thorin didn't want to let her go, he remembered everything he had done to her and he cursed himself for allowing it. He didn't deserve her forgiveness.

" I thought I was going to lose you." Honor choked out through her sobs. She didn't want to let the warmth that now consumed her go.

" My love. I'm not going anywhere." Thorin whispered against her hair. Thorin sat Honoria back on the bed. She looked at him confused " Honor I'm going out there. I have to end this. I cannot let others fight our battles for us. To many have died because of my blindness, but no more."

" Then I'm coming with you. " Honoria declared. Thorin shook his head.

" No. Your staying here where it's safe. I won't be putting you in danger. You could be killed and I couldn't live with that."

" I'm not staying here, knowing everyone I love is out there. You, Fili, Kili, the others....my cousin. You cannot ask me to stay here while all of you are out there." The half breed said through her sobs. Thorin knelt down trying to calm her, but he knew if he was put in her situation he would be saying the same words and he let out a sigh, before he answered.

" Don't ever leave my side. You must always stay beside me." Thorin pressed, looking at her with serious eyes. She nodded and he reach for something in his pocket. He pulled out an old fashion looking box that bared the same crest as his house. She looked at him in surprise. " Honoria, for sometime I've been wanting to ask you this, but i've been....distracted. If we make it through this. Your the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know we haven't always agreed on everything and our stubbornness has almost gotten us killed a few times but I look back and those were the best days of my life with you and I know we will have many more."Honor looked at the man she loved with tears wielding up once again, recalling some of the stuff they did along this journey that weren't the best, but she would never change a single moment of it. Thorin opened the box and pulled out a ring made of gold, with the crest in graved on the top. " Honoria Took, will you marry me?"

She looked at him and knew she didn't need another second to think about it." Yes, I will marry you Thorin Oakenshield." She said, laughing with joy as tears came down her face. He took her left hand and slid the ring on. She looked down at it, feeling honored to be part of the line of Durin. He lifted her chin up with his hand and she took hold of his as they stared into each others eyes and the king pressed his lips to hers. He picked her up, and spun her around in his arms, until they were breathless.

" Come with me, we have to make a quick stop first." Thorin urged. He took Honoria's hand in his and they headed down the hall. The half breed recognized right away where they were headed. This was the way to the armory. They walked to the end of the room and he grabbed a similar outfit like his only it was for a female. The dwarven armies in the past did have the odd woman in the guard if they chose to, but when their race began fading with very little women in the population they forbid it. He began helping her put everything on, wondering if he should try to convince her to stay in the safety of the mountain. He couldn't bare the possibility of losing her. " Honor, I still think you would be safer here." He removed her ring and put her glove on and put the ring back in it's rightful spot.

Honoria put her hands up for him to stop. " Thorin, I am coming with you. We are in this together." She stated as she took his hands in hers and pulled him towards her and kissed him. He should of known he wasn't going to be able to talk her out of it. She was just as stubborn as him, maybe even more. They left the armory and started heading back to the others. Thorin came to a stop when he saw Dwalin and he turned to look at her.

" Give me a minute." She nodded and Thorin went to talk to Dwalin, asking for his forgiveness. The two of them eventually came out together. She knew Dwalin would follow his King no matter what. The two of them followed behind Thorin who led the way to the battlement where everyone was sitting, as their kin continued to fight for there lives out on the battlefield.

Kili was the first to hear someone coming towards them and he saw it was Thorin with his sword at his side. " I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us!" Kili shouted in anger, as he walked towards his uncle. "It is not in my blood, Thorin."

"No. It is not." Thorin agreed as he looked into his nephews eyes. "We are sons of Durin. And Durin's folk do not flee from a fight." Honoria and Dwalin came up behind him, as he pressed his forehead to his youngest nephew. He then approached the others. Kili hugged the elf, happy that his uncle was no longer under the control of the sickness, he had broken the curse. " I have no right to ask this of any of you. But will you follow me...One last time?" Honoria, Kili and Dwalin were at his side, looking to the others. All of them nodding, their weapons in hand.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now