~Chapter Fifty Four~

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Thorin felt like he just had a sword plunged through his chest, seeing the elf being flung through the air, landing on the ice hard hearing the rough grunt that came out of her before she slid into the dead orc. Azog was about to finish off the woman. "Azog!" Thorin growled, catching the pale orcs attention. "Your fight is with me!" He declared as he held Orcrist at his side and the dwarf began slowly walking towards his archenemy.

As the dwarf King approached closer to Azog; Orcrist at the ready, he reminded himself why he had to end this. This foul creature took everything from him. His grandfather, his father, Fili, he had no idea where Kili was, and now he was trying to take the only woman he had ever loved away from him as well. Thorin would sacrifice himself, to save her, if it came down to that. The anger and fury only continued to build up in him as he got closer to the orc. This was it; the final battle. A horn began blaring in the distance. The pale orc growled lowly and smirked as his army appeared over the hill side. This new threat that had suddenly appeared, did not phase the dwarf one bit, he only had one he intended to kill and he was right in front of him. With a roar, Azog started running towards Thorin, pulling a chain, attached to it was a large rock.

Azog, with great force starts swinging the rock attached to a chain at Thorin, who managed to duck under it. As Azog is unbalanced by the swing, Thorin is able to get behind him and slash him. The pale orc violently swings the rock at him again, and as Thorin dodges it, the rock smashes into the ice, cracking it.

As Thorin and Azog fight, the ice continues cracking. The elf is still unconscious against the dead orc. The pale orc yells in fury as he swings down at Thorin who stumbles out of the way just in time, struggling to keep his balance on the ice. The two of them pause for a second. Thorin did a quick glance as the ice cracked around him, careful where he stepped. He then turned to look at the woman to see her still out; not knowing if the elf was dead or just unconscious. Azog uses the dwarf's distractions to his advantage and swings again. This time, the ice actually begins to break apart beneath them, Thorin nearly loses his balance and does everything to keep himself from going in the water. Azog swings his rock, once again. The dwarf ducking in time. Thorin can feel the exhaustion taking over him fast as he and archenemy continue to fight and keep the sheet of ice their on balanced.

As Thorin stumbles over the edge, Azog, managed to knock him off his feet. In his attempt to crush the dwarf, the orc swung his block at him, missing him when Thorin rolled out of the way. He continued to dodge the rock, the pale orc even began to slow down from exhaustion. Thorin eventually got back up and leaped behind Azog, who is off balanced, and slashes at him again. Azog angrily swings the rock and chain at Thorin, missing; this time, the rock becomes stuck in the ice, and Azog is forced to slash at Thorin with his bladed arm. Thorin ducked as the pale orc stumbled back to keep his side from tilting over and the dwarf was forced to do the same.

Both of them starred at each other. The Pale Orc looks into the sky behind Thorin in shock, and see's the eagles coming. Thorin and his enemy watch them as they fly over them towards Azog's oncoming orc reinforcements from Gundabad. They sail through the ranks. Beorn, riding atop one of the eagles, throws himself off it and transforms into a bear as he falls to the ground, landing in full massive bear form right in the middle of the orcs and begins eliminating them one by one.

Meanwhile, Thorin sees Azog is still distracted watching the eagles and the skin changer continue to wipe out his army. Thorin throws his sword down on the ice behind him. Azog turns around, hearing this. Thorin reaching forward, yanks the rock at the end of the chain with all his might and tosses it at the pale orc, who instinctively catches it. Azog looks at him in shock. Thorin jumps backwards off the sheet of ice and it begins to tip over. Azog drops his rock and chain and he struggles to get a grip and he glares furiously at Thorin as he gets plunged under water. Thorin watched as his enemy disappeared and he pants in exhaustion.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now