~Chapter Eighteen~

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Darkness filled the throne room for only a brief second, dust floating about as the sight from torches that were spread throughout Goblin-town were relighted. The dwarves let out sighs and grumbles, looking at the approaching figure emerging closer to them. "Take up arms. Fight." The wizard said. "Fight!" With that said the dwarves began shoving the debris and stunned goblins off of them and made hast for their weapons that were still in a pile. Goblins began charging the wizard that had rudely interrupted them. He used his sword he had found in the troll caves and plunged it through any goblin the came at him.

"He wields the Foe-hammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" The goblin king cried out.

"Honor, come on get up!" Thorin begged her, as he pulled the elf to her feet. The dwarf dashed over to his sword, the she elf following behind slowly, still filling dazed she stumbled over a dead goblin and crashed to the floor. The giant goblin looked down at her and saw this as his only chance to finish her off.

"You think you can escape me, elfling!" The beast growled as he charged at her.

"Thorin!" A dwarf shouted seeing the giant goblin charging at the woman. Thorin ran in front of Honoria and sliced the goblin in the arm he was holding his staff, with his sword (Orcrist), causing him to stumble backwards over the edge taking a few goblins with him. Honoria crawled over to her sword, just as Thorin got her back on her feet.

"Follow me!" Gandalf shouted, running towards the nearest tunnel. "Run!" The others followed close behind him. Thorin ran with the woman, until he took lead and Dwalin followed behind the elf, to make sure she wouldn't fall behind.

The dwarves and the elf continued to follow the wizard through the tunnels. "Make way!" The wizard shouted. The Goblins catching up to them quickly and their numbers growing as they fled deeper into Goblin-town. The elf kept her sword in front of her, stabbing any goblin that came near her or the others.

"Faster!" Dwalin urged the elf, when he saw she was slowing down, but he didn't let her leave his sights as he fought off goblins of his own and once they were clear they carried on down, through the tunnel. The company decided to split off into two groups. Dwalin leading half the charge, while the wizard continued to led the rest on the path above. Thorin followed behind the rest of the group with the half-breed. They were growing tired quickly, none had stopped since they first escaped the goblins in the throne room. Honoria continued to tell herself she couldn't stop.

Thorin ran out in front of the elf when a group of goblins came at them at once. Thorin taking care of them quickly with his skills of wielding a sword, turning around just in time to see Honor slicing off the head of a goblin and letting out a battle cry. "Honor, come on lets go!" Thorin shouted at her, when jabbed her sword into another. Seeing more were quickly approaching them, she was ready to fight them off, when the dwarf grabbed her by the arm, pulling her in the direction he was running,

Suddenly another group of goblins decided to attack the dwarves from another angle on ropes." Cut the ropes!" Thorin yelled, seeing this. Honor, Thorin and a few others cut the ropes that held part of the path together and it broke away from the main path, and fell over just in time with the goblins.They soon caught up to the other group that were crossing their makeshift bridge to get them across to join the others. Thorin jumped off to the platform below when their path ended and he waited for the elf to jump off. She stumbled a little when she hit the bottom but managed to stay on her feet. Dwalin waited for the last person to cross the broken ladder they had used to get across and he knocked it over with his axe, preventing the goblins from following them on that path any further.

The company continued to fight off the approaching goblins that came at them. They came to a halt when part of the path was missing. Kili sliced a rope just as the goblins were about to swarm then, when the path began to swing toward the other part and half of the group managed to jump off, including the elf but it wasn't enough time for all of them as it swung back towards the goblins and they swarmed the dwarves and wizard who fought them off until it swung back and they quick jumped off, Fili slicing the rope that held the path together and it fell to the darkness below with the screaming goblins.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now