~Chapter Twenty Nine~

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The dwarves and the half-breed waited patiently for the hobbit to join them, but they had very little time. The elves would surely know they were no longer in the dungeons. "We need to leave now! If we hope to escape before the elves catch up to us!" Dwalin hissed.

"We are not going anywhere, until my cousin is with us!" Honoria snapped at the dwarf.

"We don't have time." Dwalin declared, as the others began to mumble their agreements, even though they wouldn't have even gotten this far without the help of their burglar. Honor turned and looked at Thorin to say something to them.

"She's right. Were not leaving to till the hobbit is with us." Thorin ordered and he ignored the sighs of frustrations from his company. They waited for a few more minutes when the ceiling began to open up and the hobbit let out a shriek as he fell into the water.

"Bilbo!" Nori said as he grabbed onto the hobbit to keep him from drowning in the water.

"Well done, Master Baggins." Thorin applauded. "Go! Come on, let's go!" He pressed and the dwarves began paddling through the water, with their hands to move faster, when Honoria saw that they were about to go over a waterfall.

"Oh no!" Honor shouted.

"Hold on!" Thorin yelled as they were the first to go down it and one by one they all yelled until the got submerged under the fast moving water, their barrels slamming violently into the rocks as they continued down the stream trying to keep from tipping right out into the water.

Honoria could hear the elves had figured it out sooner than they thought and her head snapped in the direction they were coming from and she saw the king's son and another elf as Legolas gave an order and the elf blew his horn. They all looked back in the direction they were heading towards and saw they were coming towards a wall with a gate underneath it and dozens of elf guards. They all see the approaching barrels, carrying dwarves and they drew their weapons as another guard went running over towards a lever and pulled it, the gate began to close before they could get through.

"No!"Thorin roared in outrage. The barrels began knocking into each-other, some under the bridge. When an arrow came from the other side, into the back of an elf and killing him and he fell into the water as an orc showed up and growled.

"Watch out! There's orcs!" Bofur warned. More orcs began ti show up, crawling over the walls and attacking the elf guards so they could get to the dwarves.

"Get under the bridge!" Thorin yelled to the others, as they had no weapons to defend themselves. One tried to attack Nori when Bilbo stabbed the orc with his sword. The dwarves began fighting anyway they could to get rid of these orcs; which meant the elves and the dwarves had to work together and eliminate their common enemy. Kili saw the lever wasn't surrounded by elves and saw this would be the only chance to get away from the elves and the orcs and he started fighting his way over to the lever.

The young dwarf was only just out of reach of it when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg. Kili gasp from the burning that he collapsed backwards before he could pull the lever, to set the others free. "Kili!" Fili cried out for his brother, who was now wounded and defenseless. Thorin turned at the sound of his oldest nephews cry's for his brother.

More elves began showing up to fight the growing number of orcs being led by Bolg. Finally the gate opened and the barrels were going once again as the shot down another waterfall, being plunged under the water once again. Bolg ordered his orcs to follow the barrels before they vanished from their sights. Orcs leaped at them, trying anything to stop them. Releasing arrows; trying to pierce it through them, but all managed to hit the barrels. Honor tried, when she could to see how her cousin was making out in the chaos but she was too preoccupied with these foul creatures as they kept leaping at her and Thorin.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now