~Chapter Fifty One~

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As the dwarves got ready. Thorin ordered Bombur to blow the horn. Bofur and Nori were holding the ropes that were attached to a bell that would smash the wall out. As the dwarves gathered their nerves, they knew their would be a chance that they may not come out of this alive but they were willing to follow their king to whatever end. Thorin pulled Honoria to the side. " Honor, promise me you wont engage Azog." Thorin stated, in a serious tone.

"Thorin, I can't make that promise." She retorted, shaking her head.

"Honor. I mean it. I wont lose you. Azog nearly took you from me once. I won't let him have the chance to do it again...even if it's the last thing I do." Thorin stated, cupping her face in his hands. "Promise me, you wont engage." Thorin asked once again. She looked at him in the eyes, before finally nodding and pressed his lips to hers and then kissed her forehead. They got into position. Thorin was at the front of the group. Fili, Kili and Honoria right behind him.

Dain's army was nearly spent, they had fallen back to the barricades. Azog, had given the order for his army to finish them off when Bombur suddenly blew the horn. The enemy stopped in surprised, wondering where this was coming from, when the bell smashed out the wall. The dwarves and the elf came charging out, yelling. "To the King! To the King!" Dain shouted and the rest of the dwarves began running right behind the company.

"D'abakkur!" Thorin yelled, their weapons held in the air. The dwarves began taking out every orc that came at them. Honor swung at every orc, thankful that the training she received from Dwalin, Fili, Kili and Thorin on this journey. Thorin stayed close to the elf and his two nephews, making sure they were always in his sights. The woman let out a battle cry, when she spun around, swinging her sword slicing through the orcs neck. Since the company joined their kin on the battlefield it only felt like minutes as they continued to fight off every orc, that came within their reach.

Thorin struck an orc down, when he saw his cousin to far from where he was. "Dain!" Thorin called out, as he he whirled around and slashed another orc that was coming up behind him.

"Thorin! Hold on! I'm coming!" Dain shouted as he fought off an orc. He then jumped onto the back of another orc, and then swung his axe at another orc that was about to attack Thorin. Thorin struck down another orc. "Hey, cousin! What took you so long?" The two of them approached each other. Thorin let a gruff chuckle as he hugged his cousin. " There's too many of these buggers, Thorin. I hope you've got a plan." Just then the two of them turned around to hear the elf letting out another battle cry as she took down two more orcs as she fought beside the two brothers. "You have an elf amongst you're company, cousin?" Dain said, looking at his cousin a little surprised, since elves and dwarves never saw eye to eye.

"Yeah, but she's my elf." Thorin watching her as she continued to fight. " I know what I have to do." He said as he looked in the direction of the towers at Ravenhill where Azog was giving orders to his troop. " We're going to take out their leader." Thorin dashed over to the goat and jumped on the back of it, taking the reigns. " I'm gonna kill that piece of filth." He hissed.

"Thorin, you cannot do this. You're our King."

"That is why I must do it." Thorin declared as he looked at the woman. He had other reason's why he was doing it. But he also made himself a promise that he would never allow his enemy to harm her again. And he intended to keep that promise.

"I'm going with you." Honoria pressed coming up to his side.

"No. It's way to dangerous up there. I can't risk the chance of you getting killed up there." Thorin protested, when the elf grabbed his hand.

"Thorin, we will do this together. " She proclaimed. He looked into her eyes for the longest time before yanking her up onto the goat with him.

"And how do the two of you plan to fight your way single-handed to Ravenhill?" Dain challenged. All three of them looked behind them to see goats pulling a chariot. Balin controlling the reigns, with Dwalin operating the weapon and Fili and Kili with their swords drown.

"It's been a while since I've done this." Balin growled at his brother.

"On! To Ravenhill!" Thorin shouted, digging the heels of his boots into the goat's side and they charged with their sword drawn towards Ravenhill.

"Hold tight lads!" Balin shouted.

"You're all mad bastards! You might make it. May Durin save you all."  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now