~Chapter Twenty Two~

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The company had taken refuge in the skin-changer's home, choosing area's in giant house to their comfort. Honoria was standing by the back door under the moon light, scratching at her wound. She had removed the cloth that protected the fragile area's, it was uncomfortable and irritating. "You need to stop, scratching at that Honor, it's just going to get worse." Thorin softly spoke as he joined beside her, not wanting to disturb the others.

"It's annoying." She grumbled as she went to itch it again when the dwarf grabbed both her hands and held them in front of her.

" I know, it's hard to get used to, it takes time..but if you keep picking at it, it won't heal properly and if I catch you scratching at it one more, so help me I will tie both your wrist together," Thorin stated in a whisper and she raised her eyebrow at him. "Now please, let me re-wrap that and you need to get some rest." he continued on, ignoring her obvious annoyed look.

"We have no supplies, Oin already used what he had available weeks ago." She pointed out.

"I'm sure the skin-changer wont mind us, using some of his supplies here." Thorin pressed, not going to let her talk him out of it that easily. He pulled her by the arm and barely whispered under his breath but she caught it.

"I heard that, grumpy." She accused

" Well, it's true." He muttered at her.

"Says you."

Thorin made her sit on the ground as he grabbed the supplies he found that would be suitable to clean the laceration. "Honor, I swear you act like a child...like my nephews." He spat out, looking at her and noticed she still had a calm face on, clearly not insulted by this.

"Yeah, I think you've mentioned that a few times, along this journey." She joked as she recalled a few times she had heard him call her that. He sudden slammed his hands on the ground and two of them saw a few of the dwarves in the hair groaned when they heard the noise but fell quickly back to sleep.

" Is, their no part of you, that can for once be serious....at all?"

" There is, I just choose not to allow it, except on necessary occasions." She flat out answered with a smirk. And he rolled his eyes, expecting her to say something like this. Knowing he wasn't going to get any further with her, he moved closer to her and began using the items around Beorn's house he had found. He opened a jar that contained some kind ointment. Using the knowledge he gained from all the times Oin had to heal him, he had become an expert himself.

Thorin took a small amount on his finger, and gently traced his finger along the wound with the stuff. His touch was not as rough as she had anticipated it would be. As he put the stuff on and saw just how deep it really was, it was just a painful reminded that this was his fault. Honoria noticed his head slightly shaking. "What?"

"I'm sorry I let this happen to you." He mumbled and cursing himself as if he deserved her forgiveness. He had wished sometimes, she had hated him for it.

"Thorin, this is not your fault, what happened to me." She stated in a serious tone and instantly placed her fingers against his lips, to prevent him from arguing any further. "I would do it again... if I had too."

"I just, don't want you in that sort of danger again." He stated, part of it was to himself. He then cleaned off his hands with a rag and wrapped a clean cloth around her head, to cover the injury to protect it, from getting anymore infected. "Now, was that so hard." Thorin sarcastically asked.

"Shut up..." She growled at him as he helped her up.

"Now, you need to get some sleep--" He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed the strange mark that was on her shoulder. He had never seen it before, because her long sleeve was always covering it, it just happened to move slightly out of position when she got up, revealing part of it.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now