~Chapter Forty~

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Thorin divulged to everyone what his plan was to lure the dragon to the forges. It was a risky plan indeed but they saw no other choice. The prince instructed the hobbit and the elf to come with him and Balin. He wasn't going to let the two of them out of his sights. The rest of the dwarves had split up in groups of 2's and 3's and they all went different ways to get to the forges. " Let's go." Thorin whispered at them. The four of them ran out of the room, not bothering to keep quiet as they ran across the bridge. "Come on! This way!" Thorin yelled, knowing the dragon would hear him and their for revealing where he is.

"Flee. Flee! Run for your lives. There is nowhere to hide." Smaug voiced rumbled as he came towards them, making the four of them to stop. Thorin kept Honoria behind him. The dragon's chest was starting to glow.

"Behind you!" Ori yelled, causing the dragon to turn in their direction.

"Worm!" Dori insulted, enraging the beast to go after them instead.

"Come on." This whispered, pulling the elf with him and the other two followed until they were across the bridge into the other hall. The voices of the other dwarves falling fainter as they hurried down the hall towards the forges. They came around the corner to another hall. Thorin was still leading the way not noticing Balin had stopped.

"This way. It's this way!" Balin shouted, as he stopped at the entrance with the two cousins.

"Thorin!" Bilbo yelled. Thorin turned around, about to run over to them when the felt the ground begin to shake and saw the dragon coming around the corner. Honoria looked at the dwarf. Fear filling her eyes.

"Follow Balin!" Thorin demanded.

"Thorin no!" Honor cried when the dragon suddenly breathed fire.

"Come on!" Balin shouted, grabbing both the cousin's clothing and yanking them into the tunnel just in time. They followed the elder dwarf a little further and they came out at the end of the tunnel into the forges. The others soon joined them. Honor looked around but Thorin still hadn't join them. Had the dragon got him? Where was Bifur and Gloin....Dwalin, Nori? Not long after they heard approaching footsteps and they all turned around to see Thorin, Dwalin and Nori alive.

"The plain's not gonna work. These furnaces are stone cold." Dwalin stated.

"He's right." Balin added. These furnaces hadn't been used since they fled the kingdom along time ago. "We've no fire hot enough to set them ablaze." Thorin looked around, not giving up just yet. They still had one thing that could still ignite them and it was just on the other side of the gate.

"Have we not?" Thorin whispered under his breath. He marched over to the gate, the others still confused as to what he was getting at. " I did not look to see you so easily outwitted." Thorin growled just as the dragon emerged from the hole. The dwarves and two cousin begin to tense up, as Thorin continued to anger the dragon. " You have grown slow and fat ...in your dotage....slug!" He taunted. Smaug snarled at him and his chest began to glow orange again, Thorin quickly turned to the others. "Take cover." He hissed.

The dwarves made hast to hide behind the pillars. Thorin pulled the elf into his arms and covered her face just as the dragon unleashed his fiery on them. The heat blew passed them right at the furnaces like Thorin wanted.

"Look!" Dwalin shouted. The dragon's fire was more than enough to get these furnaces going. Once they were sure the dragon wasn't going to unless it's wrath on them anytime soon. They bolted away from the gate. Those bares weren't going to hold the dragon back from them for long. Snarls and grunts continued to come from the beast as he continued to press his body against the gate trying to bring it down.

"Bombur! Get those bellows working go!" Thorin ordered. Thorin then looked for the hobbit. "Bilbo! Up there. On my mark, pull that lever." The hobbit made hast up the stairs. Honoria was standing near Balin and Dwalin as they watched the dragon, he was nearly through. "Balin! Can you still mix a flash-flame?"

"Aye. It'll only take a jiffy." Balin declared. Before taking off into one of the rooms with Ori and Dori to start making them.

"What can I do?" Honor pressed, looking at Thorin.

"Go help Balin!" Thorin instructed her. As he went over near where Bilbo was. The dragon was now in, heading right in the direction of the hobbit. Honor stopped when she saw the dragon and she ran over in that direction and the dragon spotted her out of the corner of his eyes and she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Hmm..Aren't you the pretty one." Smaug snarled.

"Honor!" Thorin yelled. The dragon growled as his chest started to glow again. "Now!" Thorin shouted to the hobbit. Bilbo jumped up and reached for the handle just as Thorin yanked the elf out of the way. Smaug was about to release his fire when huge jets of water came shooting out of the carved faces in the wall and slammed right into the dragon, knocking him completely off his balance, preventing him from breathing fire at the half-breed and dwarf. The force of the water, send the dragon sliding into the side of one of the furnaces.

Smaug roared in fury, flapping his wings wildly, thrashing all over the place. One of the conveyor belts that have carts fully loaded of rocks and more starts to move. Bombur continues going up and down on his chain, pumping the bellows and turning the furnace fire blue. Atop the furnaces, the solid impure gold begins to glow and melt. The dragon starts stalking towards the elf and Thorin once again. Snarling at them.

Balin, Ori, and Dori begin throwing flash-flame bombs at Smaug, but it appeared to not be slowing him down in any way and he continued to get closer. Suddenly out of nowhere the rope of the conveyor belt full of heavy rocks, falls, dropping tons of rocks on the dragon's back making him collapse to the ground, roaring in fury.

The gold atop of furnace is now ready. Thorin lets go of the elf and runs over and pulls a chain, opening a gate which allows the melted gold to flow out of the furnaces and into troughs built into the ground. Smaug manages to keep himself busy, tangling himself in the ropes, thrashing about, knocking more of the conveyor belts, including the one Bifur and Gloin are in and knock's them to the ground, miraculously unhurt.

"Lead him to the gallery of the Kings." Thorin shouted running pass them with an empty wheelbarrow.

"Honor come on!" Dwalin shouted to her, and pulling her by the arm to go.

"No! I have to find Bilbo!" She yelled pulling herself out of his grip. She hear the hobbit sudden shriek as the stairs and platform he was on collapsed to the ground. "Bilbo! Get up!" She yelled at him. The dragon see's them both and growls at them and Thorin turns around to see them.

"Keep going you two! Run!"

Honoria yanks Bilbo by the hand, pulling him to his feet and two of them start running as fast as they can, with Smaug close behind them both. The two cousins manage to leap onto a large stone slide before the dragon can snatch either of them. The beast demolishes every structure in his path. The elf and hobbit land on the ground and get back up as quickly as they can and start running towards a doorway, into a giant hall, with dozens of banners hundreds of feet tall. The wall above the door suddenly explodes just as they run in. Chunks of stone go flying everywhere and two of them get caught under the cloth of one of the banners and they fall to the ground. The dragon leaps to the floor and shouts in fury.

"You think you can deceive me, Barrel-Rider?" Smaug bellowed, angrily. Honor and Bilbo slowly looked from beneath the cloth. The dragon was looking for them, clearly he hadn't seen them when the banner fell over them. "You have come from Lake-town. This is some sordid scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable tub-trading lakemen." The dragon sneered at the thought. "Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows!" He continued his voice full of fury and a little fear at the same time. "Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." The dragon stalked towards the main entrance of the mountain.

"Oh, no." Bilbo gasped. The hobbit got out from under the cloth, he couldn't let the dragon leave and unleash his wrath on Lake-town. " This isn't their fault! Wait!" Bilbo shouted. " You cannot go to Lake-town!" The beast came to a halt, grinning sadistically before turning around to face the hobbit.

"Hmm? You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die." The dragon continued on his way. Honoria ran over to Bilbo watching the dragon starting to leave down the hall.

"Here! You witless worm." Smaug growls lightly and turns around to look at the dwarf prince.

"You." Smaug sneered.

"I am taking back what you stole." Thorin hissed.

"You will take nothing from me...dwarf" He growled. slowly making his way towards him. "I laid low your warriors of old." Honor and Bilbo came running over and hid behind some pillars watching Smaug approach Thorin. " I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am king under the mountain."

"This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have out revenge." Smaug's glared and snarled at him when Thorin suddenly shouted something in dwarvish. The stone structure that the dwarf is standing on begins to fall apart and reveal a massive statue of King Thror made entirely out of gold.
Smaug looks at the golden statue, which is even larger than him, in awe and desire. As he approaches it, his mouth opens slightly in greed. Suddenly, the gold around the statue's eyes warps and then explodes into liquid; the gold in the statue had not yet fully solidified, and the entire statue collapses and explodes into burning hot liquid. Smaug roars in anger as the statue melts, and scrabbles backward to escape the gold. However, he cannot move fast enough and the tidal wave of gold hits him and knocks him over. As he roars, he is entirely smothered and drowned in the gold, which fills the entire hall in a layer several feet deep.

The gold soon settles and there is no sign of smaug. The dwarves begin to smile in joy. Honoria and Bilbo slowly come away from the wall they were up again wondering if Smaug was really dead. Slowly walking towards the edge the elf looks when all of a sudden the surface of the golden lake explodes as Smaug leaps out. He is entirely covered in gold, and he screams in anger and pain . The woman jumped back in surprise at the same time a frightening gasp escaped her lips.

"Ahh! Revenge?! Revenge?! I will show you revenge!" Smaug roared as he crashed through the wall of the mountain and flew into the air. Honor looked over at Thorin and then back at the entrance the dragon at made for himself, her face was filled with fear for the people of Lake-town and worse Fili, Kili, Bofur and Oin were over there. She looked to the now demolished entrance and saw her cousin running out and she followed him.
Bilbo watched from on top of a chunk of rock as Smaug flew towards the lake and uttered something. The elf was not far from her cousin when she heard him mutter something under his breath.

"What have we done?

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now