~Chapter Four~

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The company had set up camp for the night. Bombur was preparing dinner for the dwarves, the hobbit and the half breed. Honor was examining the weapons the dwarves carried with them. She found two daggers and picked them up, to look at them closer.

" Have you ever used those before?" Kili asked, coming up behind her. She turned to look at him and shook her head, but wanted to try.

" May I?" She asked Kili, he nodded his head and the elf began swinging the daggers in her hand; stabbing at air. Honoria used various techniques she never even knew she could do. The half breed had moved further away from Kili who had looked at her quite impressed by her skills.

" We have a thief amongst us, do we?" Thorin grumbled, joining his nephews side with Balin. Kili turned to his side at the sudden accusation his uncle spat out.

" She didn't steal them uncle, she asked." Kili interjected, noticing his uncle was looking for any reason to hate the half breed more.

" Very skillful for someone who's never wield a sword before." Balin added, half smiling to the elf as he and the two brother continued to watch the woman in curiosity.

" She's an elf...." Thorin grumbled as he began to walk away, not impressed about this like he's nephew's and Balin was. Kili was disappointed in his uncle, he held the elf responsible for what happened to Erebor. Kili thought about it, he and his brother had asked her earlier, how old she was. The woman was only thirty three years old, she wasn't even alive when the Mountain was attacked.

" Uncle Thorin." Kili called to him, making Thorin turn around to face his nephews. " She is not as bad as you think. The wizard is right. She is not like others of her kin. "Kili added, with Fili agreeing and the leader narrowed his eyes at the two boys.

" I told you I didn't want you two near her. She cannot be trusted!" Thorin snapped at them.

" Thorin. Maybe she is didn't. She's very sweet." Balin stated only to receive a weary look from the prince. Balin had spoken with the half breed earlier and had surprisingly wonderful chat with her. Making his impressions on her, when he met her at the house wrong.

" You've talked to her too?" Thorin said, looking shocked that even the elder dwarf that was more like an advisor to him and dear friend had gone against him command to stay away from her.

" Thorin, just give her a chance, and you'll see that she is nothing to worry about." Balin pressed and the leader walked away from them and the older dwarf shook his head and let out a sigh. The sky had gone black. Bombur started serving everyone soup for their supper. Honoria and Bilbo were sitting in the grass against some rocks eating their dinner. Thorin was on the other side of the fire, glaring at the elf. He wasn't even going to consider Balin's or his nephews words about the young woman. He still didn't trust her.

" Where did you learn how to do that?" Bilbo asked his cousin.

" Do what?" The hobbit looked at the half breed with his eyebrow cocked.

" Ah wield a sword." Bilbo stated a little startled. Honoria shrugged her shoulders, thinking it was nothing.

" I don't know it just sort of came to me, when I took hold of the daggers, I just got a rush of adrenaline. " Honoria exclaimed wanting to practice more with the weapons. Bilbo gave her a ridiculous look but then knew his cousin always had a way for picking things up quickly. After the cousins had finished eating. Honoria had joined Fili and Kili and began talking with them. Kili had given his daggers to the elf to practice with more.

Thorin was discussing stuff with Dwalin, when he caught sight of the elf laughing with his nephews and swinging the daggers around again. " I've had enough of this." Thorin snarled, walking passed Dwalin, towards the half breed with his sword drawn. Honoria did a three-sixty when her blades crashed against another. She looked to see it was Thorin.

" What are you doing?" Honoria questioned.

" Seeing how good you really are." Thorin said and he began swinging his blade at her. Thorin would slammed his blade on hers, blocking his every blow. She defiantly could move like an elf, he thought. But he also noticed she was not as graceful, probably because of her hobbit half, making her a little more clumsy. He swung his sword towards her head and she went to duck out of the way and wasn't as quick, as a pure elf would be and the tip of Thorin's blade sliced her in the cheek.

Honoria let out a sudden shriek of pain. Stumbling back a little. Her fingers flying up to her face, feeling the blood coming from her cheek " Uncle stop!" Fili yelled. Thorin had lowered his weapon and instead of walking away. The half breed felt a surge of anger go through her and she swung one of her daggers and cut Thorin across the cheek, making him take a step back.

" Well you defiantly don't fight like others of your kin." Thorin stated and he sheathed his weapon and walked away.

" Honor. Are you alright?" Bilbo asked, coming to his cousin's side. She wiped the blood from her wound and then looked at her cousin.

" I'm fine." She said, glaring after the leader, wondering why he was acting like this to her. The dwarves, hobbit and the half breed one by one fell asleep for the night to get a good nights rest before continuing their journey to the mountain.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now