~Chapter Fourteen~

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It was the next morning. The elf was in rough shape as she stumbled out of her room with her stuff and met the others. Bilbo glanced at his cousin, and saw she wasn't her usual self. Thorin soon came to join the others in the hall with his two nephews. He glance at the woman for a moment and saw the state she was in but quickly shook his concerns from his mind and focused on more important matters. He hoped, once they left this place his feelings for the she elf would disappear as well as anything else he felt while being stuck here. "Let's move." Thorin ordered. The others agreed not wanting to stay another minute. The wizard informed the leader that he would catch up with them later on. He had other business to attend to first.

The dwarves followed the path that would take them back into the wild and out of Rivendell. Honor walked beside her cousin, quieter than usual. She was so out of it that she didn't even notice right away the hobbit had abruptly stopped in his tracks. The others had passed them both. Honoria looked at her cousin to see him just standing there staring back at the valley that was now below them. " Bilbo? Are you alright?"

"Hmm, yeah, I'm alright. Just didn't think we would be leaving so soon." Bilbo admitted as he looked at his younger cousin. "You look a little out of sorts yourself to cousin. Anything you want to talk about?"

"It's nothing. Just didn't sleep well last night. Had a lot on my mind, but it's nothing you need to worry about." She assured him with a smile.

"Master Baggins, Honoria. I suggest you two keep up." Thorin's voice rumbled over them. The elf turned around to look at the dwarf, something in his voice was off. The two of them looked each other for a second until Thorin quickly turned away. The dwarf cursed at himself, he thought he would have felt the enchantment lift from him once they were out of Rivendell, that his feelings would disappear but as he looked into her eyes for a second he felt it all come crashing back and he came to the thought that he clearly wasn't far away yet for this magic that was plaguing him to wear off.

The cousins quickly followed behind the dwarves as Balin led the way until nightfall and they set up camp. Thorin avoided the elf at all cost he neither spoke to her or looked at her, which was confusing her more. Had she only imagined their time in Rivendell? Honor didn't have much of an appetite when supper was prepared. Bombur came up to her, insisting that she eat a bowl, hoping it would cheer her up. She finally took it when the dwarf gave her no other choice. Bombur hadn't been the only one concern about their elf's well being. Bilbo had insisted that she tell him what was wrong, but she gave him the same answer from earlier. Balin had been the only one to know what was going on and he argued with the dwarf prince that what he felt for the elf was nothing to be ashamed of but Thorin wouldn't hear of it, and convinced himself he didn't feel a thing for the elf.

It was the next morning. The company was moving once again. The sun high in the sky as they made their way through many plains. By nightfall they had made it to the entrance of the Misty Mountains. The rain poured as it thundered and the wind howled. " Hold on!" Thorin yelled, as they were about to climb the dangerous path through the storm. They began to inch their way along when the hobbit walked along some lose rock and slipped.


Honoria turned around to see her cousin nearly falling towards the darkness below, when Dwalin managed to grab him in time with the help of Bofur and they pulled him back against the mountain.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin pressed not wanting to be caught in the middle of this any longer.

"Look out!" Dwalin yelled as the company all looked in the direction the dwarf pointed at to see a boulder come flying through the air and crashed above them. They all shouted as the ducked and pressed themselves up against the mountain to avoid being hit by the pieces of rubble.

"This is no thunderstorm!" Balin stated as he saw something in the distance. " It's a thunder-battle! Look!" he pointed and they all saw what he was looking at. A stone-giant rears up and rips off a massive boulder from the top of the mountain. The dwarves had heard of only legends of these creatures, but none had every lived once faced with them.

"Well, bless me." Bofur spoke as he stepped towards the edge to get a better view. " The legends are true! Giants! Stone-giants!" another boulder came hurtling through the air only to knock into another stone-giant that was coming from behind them.

"Take cover, you fool!" Thorin shouted at Bofur who was being pulled away from the edge by Kili.

"Hold on!" the pathway began to shake and started to give way from the vibration and impact and split the company in half. Honor struggled to keep steady as the mountain continued to shake and move.

"Fili, grab my hand!" Kili shouted at his brother but they were too far and both were split up, until they realized they were on another stone-giant that was getting up to join in the fight when another approached them and smashed it's head into the stone-giant they were on, causing it to fall backwards against the mountain. The one group that Thorin was with were flung around to the others side when they came to a violent stop knocking into one another. They saw it as their only chance to get off and they made a run for it as fast as they could to the path just as the giant was getting back up to fight back.

Another giant throw a rock at the giant's head the dwarves and the cousin's were on and it started to stumble back as its leg began to ark towards the mountain side. The others watch in fear. " Hold on!" Thorin pressed as they watched the others crash into the mountain side, hearing the screams of the elf. "No! No!" they watch as the giant falls into the chasm below, thinking the worse has happened to the others. Thorin races over fearing for his nephew and the elf. "No! Fili!"

The got around the corner only to see the others were completely unharmed and Thorin let out a sigh to see that his oldest nephew was alright, along with the others. The other group began climbing to join the others. Bofur was the only one to notice they were missing one. "Where's Bilbo? Where's the hobbit?!" Bofur shouted in panick, knowing he was right beside him when they were on the giant, he lost track of him when they crashed into the mountain.

"Bilbo?" Honor cried as he desperately looked around for her cousin. "Bilbo!"

"There!" Ori pointed and the dwarves gasped to see the hobbit hanging over the edge for dear life. Ori dives onto the ground trying to grab the hobbit, when he looses his grip and falls a few feet before he managed to grab another part of the cliff. The only one who didn't seem to care was the prince. The hobbit had caused him nothing but trouble, since they had left the Shire. He whined and complained about everything and couldn't fight if his life depended on it.

"Bilbo hang on!" Honoria screamed trying to shove her way passed the others and Thorin when the dwarf would let her pass. What Thorin did next surprised the elf as he swung himself down and gave the hobbit just the boost he needed for the others to grab him and pull him to safety. When Thorin tried to climb back up he lost his grip and almost falls when Dwalin managed to grab him and pulled him back up. Honor glanced to her cousin to see he was leaning against the mountain breathing heavily.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar." Dwalin grumbled. Thorin stood up and glared at the hobbit.

" He's been lost ever since he left home. He has no place amongst us." He snapped. Honor couldn't believe Thorin and she wasn't about to let him speak to her cousin like that.

"How dare you say that to my cousin!" Honoria snapped as she went towards Thorin to make him look at her, but as she went to reach her arm to his shoulder his hand came out of nowhere and struck her across the face causing her to stumble back and let out a grunt of pain as she clutched the side of her cheek feeling the burning sensation.

"Don't you dare talk to me elf!" Thorin spat. " You have no place amongst us other. You shouldn't have come either." Honoria didn't know what to say. He wasn't like this at all in Rivendell towards her, what changed? Balin looked at the ground in disappointment he knew where this came from but even his action surprised him. "Dwalin!" Thorin called and the two of them entered the cave to search to make sure they were the only ones occupying it. Bilbo glanced up at his little cousin as he saw a few tears run down her face and she quickly wiped them before anyone noticed.

"Lass." Balin came over to her. " Are you alright?" He asked her in concern. She nodded to him as she looked at the ground. Maybe the dwarf prince was right, maybe she and her cousin shouldn't have come. " He didn't mean it Honor. He really didn't, he's just--" Balin struggled to find words, he wasn't even sure why he was defending his friend. The elf looked at the elder dwarf, he clearly knew what happened between the two of them in Rivendell and he didn't even understand why he was avoiding his feelings for her.

"It doesn't matter. He's probably right, I shouldn't have come....I'll leave when everyone's asleep, he wont even know I left until tomorrow when you continue on."

"Honor, you can't just leave. We need you on this quest lass and its too dangerous for you to be travelling on your own." Balin pressed to her, hoping she would change her mind. What the leader did to her was wrong and he was sure part of him did because he didn't want the others to see that he felt something for this half breed when he had made it clear how much he despised elves.

Balin placed a hand on her back for her to come in with him, that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. They walked in. The dwarves were already settling down for the night. Thorin glanced up as the two of them entered together and saw how red her cheek was from when he struck her and he suddenly felt guilty for what he had done and wished he could take it back, he wished he could take it all back. The elf joined her cousin and covered herself up with her cloak and rested her head against her satchel, knowing what she had to do next.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now