~Chapter Nineteen~

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Darkness had fallen, as the company made hast down the rest of the mountain.The wargs continued to growl as they charged down the mountain to catch up to the company. Honoria weaved around the rocks and trees in her way, hearing the approaching snarls of the beasts. The elf turned in time to see a warg coming right at her when she ducked behind a rock as the creature jumped over her. The others had gotten away, leaving her to deal with the warg as it growled before charging right at her. She placed her sword out in front of, impaling the warg in the head killing it instantly. Hearing more coming she hurried to catch up to the others.

The hobbit was dealing with a warg of his own, and although he managed to kill the beast, hobbit's were not used to the sight of blood or worse killing something themselves and the hobbit froze in horror at what he had just willed himself to do. The dwarves took out the few wargs that had caught up to them and plunged their swords into them. The continued running, not getting much further when they realized it was dead end. There was a few trees on the land, and one that stood at edge of the cliff. "Up into the trees!" Gandalf shouted, as more wargs were coming towards them. "All of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, Honor, climb!"

The dwarves, and Honor hurried over to the trees and began climbing up the branches. The hobbit went to pull his sword out, that was embedded in the warg's skull, thinking it would come out smooth, he stumbled back a few steps, realizing it was stuck in their deeper then he had judged. He pulled with all his might, trying to yank his sword out. "They're coming!" Thorin warned as he was one of the few that were still on the ground, before he began climbing into a tree himself. The hobbit finally managed to get his sword free and he looked around to see he all the others were no where to be seen except for a dozen warg's coming in his direction. Bilbo froze, until the last minute he climbed into the tree just in time as they dashed underneath the trees and circle around them.

Honoria was in a tree with Fili and Kili. The elf search frantically around for her cousin to make sure he wasn't down there. She began to panic, being so dark out she couldn't see everything as well, but she finally spotted him in the same tree as Nori and Dori. Suddenly the warg's ceased their growls when another warg approached the scene.

"Azog." Thorin whispered as he laid eyes on his arch enemy. Honor could hear the fear in his voice as he spoke the creatures name. The pale orc began speaking in it's vile language, she could pick out some of the words it spoke. "It cannot be. " the dwarf prince uttered. All these years he had believed the orc was dead and to see him standing there now, he was beyond shocked. Azog suddenly pointed his weapon at the dwarf, still speaking in his language, but Honor could guess what he was wanting. At the pale orc's command, the wargs began to launch themselves at the trees that held the dwarves in, trying anything to knock them out of the trees. They yelled and screamed, struggling to hang onto the branches. The pale orc getting impatient, yells another command at the wargs.

Finally, the trees begin to tip over, from being shaken violently by the wargs. The dwarves jump from tree to tree, barely grabbing a hold of a branch in the next tree before it tips over and they all managed to grab hold of a branch in the tree that held the wizard and was at the edge of the cliff. The pale orc laughs evilly, seeing the predicament the dwarves are in now. The wizard searched amongst the tree, looking for something he could use to back the warg's off from the tree they were in.

The wizard snatched a pinecone from a branch and placed his staff against it and began blowing on it until it was on fire and threw it towards the warg's causing them to back away and Azog snarled in annoyance at the wizards doing and the unexpected resistance of his pack as they retreat in fear of the fire. "Fili!" Gandalf tossed the dwarf a lit pinecone, Bilbo and Honor grabbed pinecones and used Fili's to light there's and they all began tossing their flaming pinecones at the warg's. The warg's take off, Azog roars in anger and frustration, as the dwarves cheer. Thorin looks on at his arch enemy, with hatred as the monster that had taking so much from already still lives. Suddenly the tree their own begins to tip precariously over the edge and the dwarves and cousin's cry out, as they hang onto the branches when the tree finally comes to a rest. Honoria dared to look down below her and saw the darkness below her, if she happened to fall. Ori losses his grip and begins to fall, screaming when he managed to grab onto his brother's boot.

"Oh, no! Ori gasps, as he couldn't stop looking at the ground, Dori was loosing his grip fast having to hold his own weight, plus his brothers.

"Mr. Gandalf!" Dori yelled. "Ahh!" The dwarf lost his grip and the wizard quickly swings his staff down, just in time for Dori to grab hold of it, as Gandalf struggles to pull them up. Azog stared on, until he caught the eyes of Thorin. The dwarf glared at the pale orc full of hatred and revenge and pulled himself up. Honor, still hanging from one of the branches, sees Thorin with his sword drawn and his oaken branch shield.

"Thorin, no!" Honor cried as the dwarf started heading down the tree and starts running through the only path that was not on fire, straight for Azog and his warg. The pale orc looks at the prince with a smug grin on his face and his warg crouches as the dwarf held his sword and oaken branch in front of him getting closer. Azog roars and the white warg leaps through the air at Thorin, knocking him in the chest with it's paw and the dwarf was on the ground. Honoria gasped in fear, watching this and Thorin got back up on his feet, panting as Azog and his beast came at him for a second time and the orc swing's his mace into Thorin's face, knocking him back violently to the ground.

"Nooo!" Balin cried out. Honor, being part elf managed to swing herself onto the trunk of the tree and she pulled out her sword, that Thorin had given her, back when they were in Rivendell and she start's charging towards them, ignoring the shouts from her cousin and many dwarves.

"Honor!" Bilbo screamed. The warg had it's jaw clamped around the prince, and he yelled in pain. The dwarves on the tree struggle to get on the trunk, to assist the prince, who was in dire need of it. The elf stopped in her tracks when Thorin was flung from the warg, when he managed to hit the warg with the hilt of his sword and he landed several feet away from the half-breed and he laid their barely conscious. Azog spoke a command and one of his orc's jumped off the back of the warg and starts walking over to the downed dwarf with it's weapon drawned. Honoria made haste in their direction, as the orc placed his blade at the dwarf's throat. Thorin tried to grab his sword that was just inches from him, when the orc began to swing down another blade smashed into, preventing it from going any further. Thorin could barely see who it was, through his blurred vision, when Honor let out a cry as she pushed the orc's blade off her's and swung, and beheaded the orc. The pale orc grunted in anger as he watched this woman take out two of his orcs. Another one came at her, slamming it's blade brutally against hers and she fell on the ground, holding her blade up in front of her as she struggled under the orc. Honor managed to flip the orc on it's back and she plunged her sword into its chest. She stumbled back over to protect the wounded dwarf, when Azog came out of no where and swung his mace at the elf, wounding her above the eye and she fell to the ground, letting out a piercing scream and Thorin went unconscious.

Honoria could feel the blood dripping down her face, as she could see a faint image of an orc coming towards her with it's sword over it's head. Her breathing was uneven from the shock that went through her. Thinking her life was over she closed her eyes out of fear, when the hobbit came charging in, knocking the orc that was about to kill his cousin to the ground and killed. Azog grinned sadistically, thinking this mere halfling had no chance against three warg's, plus orcs as they stalked towards him. Bilbo swung frantically, as the warg's growled at him. Out of nowhere a few of the dwarves had managed to get themselves onto the trunk and rushed to help the two cousins and fighting off the warg's. Honoria managed to get up, feeling dizzy as she stumbled to guard Thorin when the white warg came at her, and sent her flying, hitting her head against the rock Thorin was laying on.

Honor's eyes widen as the few dwarves and her cousin were surrounded and the elf was at the mercy of the pale orc, and she backed away slowly until she was right up against the rock and she looked at Thorin who was no longer breathing. Azog was about to finish off the half-breed when he heard shrieks coming towards them and he turned around to see eagles coming from all direction and began taking out his warg's and tossing them over the edge. Honoria had lost so much blood from the wound she had that she passed out.

"Honor!" Bilbo cried as he ran over to his cousin and fell beside her, trying to wake her, when he heard an eagle coming right at him and he tried to back away when the giant bird picked him up in it's talons and dropped him over the edge onto the back of another eagle. One of the eagles had already carried away the prince, and another eagle swooped in and snatched the elf and dropped her on the back of another eagle. The eagles were gathering up the last of the stranded dwarves, when they tree they were on start's too tip the rest of the way over the cliff and the wizard jumps off and lands on the back of an eagles and they fly away with the rest of the company, as Azog, and what was left of his pack roar in anger as they disappeared across the sky.   

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now