~Chapter Twenty Seven~

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Down in the dungeons. The two guards dragged the dwarf and shoved him into an empty cell and locked it. Thorin walked back over and looked through the bars of his cell. His mind racing at the thought that the elf king would do something to her. "Did he offer you a deal?" Balin asked, as he approached the bars of his cell.

"He did." Thorin admitted. "I told him that he could go ish kakhfê ai-'d dur rugnu! Him and all his kin!" He roared.

"Well, that's that, then." Balin stated in disappointment with the leader. "A deal was our only hope." He added as he let out a sigh, taking a quick glance to notice the she-elf hadn't returned. "Where's Honor?"

Thorin let out a low growl. Just the thought of knowing where she was, boiled his insides. He was stuck in here and he had no idea what the elf king could be doing to her. "Thranduil still has her." Balin could hear the anger in his voice. it frustrated him not knowing what was going on. They all looked when they heard the sound of Honoria's yelling to not call her by her full name.

The dwarf prince slid against the wall of the cell until he was on the ground. How were they going to get out of here? What supplies they had were lost in this accursed forest and the elf king's guards had taken their weapons. Hour's went by since he was brought back to join the others. It had grown quiet after they heard the half-breed yelling. Thorin had drifted into a sleep, not knowing how long he had been asleep when he heard the sound of her voice again.

"Let me go!" Honor yelled as the two guards yanked her along, ignoring her. Thorin gripped the bars of his cell as he watched them go down a bridge that was a level above them. The other's began to yell and protest as to where they were taking their elf companion. Honoria glanced down and looked at Thorin before she was gone from his sight again.

The two elf guards shoved her into the hands of two female elves and ordered something in elvish, that Honoria had no idea what. The elf maids brought her to a room and went to a closet full of clothing. One was searching for a dress, while the other tried to help Honor take her dirty clothing off.

"Stop touch me! I can do it myself!" She yelled at her, causing the elf to back away from her. The elf handed her the dress and Honor was reluctant to take it.

"Your father has instructed us to get you ready for tonight's feast." One of them spoke.

"He is not my father, and I'm not going anywhere." She growled.

"You don't have a choice." Thranduil spoke and appeared out of nowhere. He waved for his maids to leave the room. " Honor I would like you to join us at the feast. It will be a chance for you to be with your own kin and to learn more about your heritage. I want you to also think really carefully about what I'm about to say next. I know for some strange reason you care for those filthy dwarves and if you wish to not see them riot for the rest of their lives in here, then all I ask is that you tell me, you will stay here and I'll set your friends free. I will leave you to get ready. A guard will be waiting at the end of the hall to escort you to the feasting room." and with that the elf king left and Honor was left in the room alone. The half-breed turned around and looked at the blue dress hanging on the back of the chair and then looked at herself. She was covered in spider blood from when she fought them in the forest, plus moss, twigs and who knows what else. She changed out of her nasty clothing and put the dress on and walked over to the mirror. She was not overly fond of dresses, but it was better than nothing.

Honor opened the door of the room, quietly and peered from behind it. The guard was down the hall, exactly where the elf king said he would be. She made sure he wasn't looking and went the opposite way. She was relieved to see no guards on her way. She assumed they all must have gone up already to enjoy the feast. Honoria was now on the level where the dwarves were being held captive. All of them looked at her as she walked by looking for one in particular. She found Thorin's cell and he turned to see her.

"Honor." Thorin whispered as he came back over to the cell door and she sat down. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?"

"I'm fine...." She grumbled. Thorin looked at her and saw that she wasn't wearing the same clothes as earlier.

" You look nice. I am sure they'll be expecting you soon" Thorin stated,

"I'm not going anywhere." She growled.

"Honor what is it?" Thorin asked, in a concerned voice.

"That night at the skin-changers home. When you saw my birthmark; you knew and didn't tell me." She stated in a serious tone.

"Honor...I'm sorry I didn't say anything to you. I wanted to be sure and when I saw the elf prince's surprise look it confirmed my suspicions." Thorin explained.

"It doesn't matter, he's not my father." She muttered, as if she were trying to convince herself of that fact.

"You shouldn't be down here."

Honor looked in the direction of where the voice had come from. It was the blonde elf prince; her half brother. "Well I'm not going anywhere." Honor protested.

"Father's wondering where you are. I am here to escort you myself." Legolas ordered. Honoria stood up and walked a few steps towards him.

"He is not my father. I already have a father. A father that loved me and was their for me when I need him. I am not going up there. And if he want's to lock me up for the rest of my life then so be it because I'm not leaving my friends." Honoria snapped.

"Honor, don't say that!" Thorin yelled. Legolas looked at her and he was starting to see similar traits of his father in her and suddenly he understood. She didn't want to be here. this wasn't her home and he didn't blame her.

"I'll tell him your still getting ready." Legolas stated and he left and Honor went and sat back down beside Thorin's cell. Ignoring the gasps escaping from the companies mouths at what they just witnessed.

"Honor, did Thranduil offer you a deal?" Thorin asked her, knowing the elf king he would do anything to get under Thorin's skin.

"He did...." She admitted, but the tone of her voice was clear that she was tempted to accept it.

"Honor, whatever he said to you, don't do it. It's not worth it." Thorin begged her.

"Why not? If I don't.....You will all die down here and I'm the only one who can stop that." She informed, her hand covering her mouth to stop herself from crying at the thought. Thorin reached through the bars and took her hand and squeezed it.

"Honor, I don't care if I'm stuck her for a hundred years, I'm not leaving here without you." He told her, looking in her eyes.

"What about the quest? Durin's Day is right on our doorstep. If I don't agree to this, you and the others will loose your chance at opening the door and take back what was lost." She pressed.

"That might be true, but I'm not gonna risk losing you, just to complete this quest. I will wait another year, if I have too." He promised. She leaned up against the wall. She could hear Kili talking further up the pathway in another cell to a red-headed elf named Tauriel. She noticed the elf prince, seemed very protective over her when they were out in the woods when they got captured.

The half-breed closed her eyes, trying to sort through this, wondering if their was any other way out of this besides her obvious one. She could try and find the keys to the cells but she would most likely end up caught. She was not as stealthy as a peer elf. Honoria opened her eyes, knowing what she had to do. She couldn't let them stay in here for the rest of their lives. The quest was more important than anything. She could figure out a way to escape this place and find them later. Thorin felt her hand slip out of his and she got up with determination.

"Honor? No! Don't do this!" Thorin shouted at her. She ignored him and headed into the direction of the stairs to the feasting room. "Honoria come back here!" Thorin yelled at her.

"Don't call me Honoria!" She snapped and she was gone.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now