Chapter Two: New Friends

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        Welcome to Chapter Two, this is FULLY rewritten because the original version was horrible.
~Lila W.

                 Y/N's POV

      After leaving the lunch room with my new friends, Sam, Taurtis, Grian, and J, we headed to the gym which wasn't really hard to find.

  Sam explained to me that Teacher Rowan was rather insane, and very manly.
I think I could take him, I'm very skilled from what I'm told.
   But I took that back when I saw him standing on the stage.
   His arms were so buff, even his legs.

    I then noticed that the boys and girls were going in separate lines, so I went to the girls line.
  I was behind this girl with purple hair.
She turned and saw me, a little shaken but not stirred.

  "Hello! Do you speak English?"
I asked.

   I mean, this is Japan.
I do know how to speak fluent Japanese but it's easier to talk to people in English, since that's the language I know best.

"Yes I speak English," She replied, showing no emotion towards me.

   Her school uniform was a combination of a boys and girls outfit, I didn't bother to ask. She can be any gender she wants and I won't judge.
   I sadly didn't have my school uniform yet, it hasn't come in the mail yet.
  So I was wearing some navy blue skinny jeans along with a gray tank top and a black sweater on top, zipped up not all the way but a little over half.
  Along with that I wore my black high top converse, since I was from America we liked to wear those.
  The strange thing about me, I'm actually from England which explains my English and somewhat French accent.

    "Well my name is Y/N, I just transferred here." I explained.

"I can tell," She replied, she didn't make much conversation. She used short sentences.

   I gave up trying to befriend her and looked up to the front where Teacher Rowan was standing with Mrs Okami on his left side and another young girl I saw earlier, standing on his right side. She seemed to be about fourteen, I could tell because she looked the youngest out of all of us here.

"GOOD AFTERNOON MAGGOTS!" He yelled, causing me to put my hands to my ears.

   No one else did this, I just assumed they were used to it.


    I removed my hands from my ears and followed after everyone.
I was trying to befriend some girls, I didn't want to be that one girl who's friends with all the guys. There's nothing wrong with having guy friends but girls can bring out my more feminine side.
  I mean, back home I didn't really have any friends. I was actually homeschooled, and I didn't get out a lot since I wasn't a big fan of sunshine.
I preferred to stay indoors with my air conditioner, phone, and my kitchen cause every girl loves food.

  We reached the outside and I glanced around. This time, the boys and girl created one line.

Me, I was sadly close to the front.
  The girl in front of me looked extremely girly with her pink hair. But, again, that's not a bad thing.

  She turned around and smiled brightly at me.

  "Hi! My name's Yuki!"
She greeted me with a bright smile, holding out her hand.

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