Chapter Eight: Her Savior

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             Grians POV

    I opened my eyes and found myself sitting in a large chair with a lit fireplace in front of me.
   Soft crying could be heard behind me. My attention didn't lead to the crying, but to the painting above the fireplace. A tall man dressed in all black stared back at me. His piercing eyes almost looked black.

'What is this place?'

   The soft crying could be heard again, but this time I stood up and turned around. It was a large room with a long carpet that was thin blood red with gold markings on it that went down the middle of the room and led from one large door to another large door. Large bookshelves could be seen in the shadows. My eyes turned to the middle of the carpet where another figure could be seen, barried under a black blanket. I walked up slowly and removed the blanket. The crying suddenly stopped, the figure was a young girl about my age. Her eyes met mine. They were familiar from somewhere but I couldn't quite remember where. Tears stained her cheeks. I crouched down next to her and looked closely at her.

'Where do I know her from?'

"Grian?" She spoke, her voice could barely be heard.

'That voice.'

"Y/N?" I whispered.

  I studied her closely. Her hands were chained to the ground. I wiped a tear away from her.

"What happened?" I was almost too speechless to speak my words, but I somehow found them.

Her eyes left mine.

"Can you speak?" I asked.

"I can't say, Grian." She whispered, her eyes trailing away.

'I can't say?'

"Why are you here?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"I can't say," She repeated.

"Who would do this?" I yelled.

  More tears rolled down her cheek as I saw she was trying to hold back her words. I pulled her close and into my arms.

"Lay down, you must be exhausted." I whispered.

She adjusted her body so she could lay her head on my knee and I stroked her hair softly.

"Don't be afraid." I whispered, almost crying myself.

  She was obviously in pain, but didn't say how.
I turned back towards the fire. The flames danced with little fire warriors. The wood breaking was relaxing, and seemed to be helping Y/N.
I looked back down and smiled. She had grown fully relaxed and fallen asleep.

  Slow clapping could be heard off in the distance. I turned my head quickly to meet a tall figure, matching the one in the painting.

"Show your face." I tried not to yell.

  The figure removed his hood, revealing a man's very pale face and black wavy hair. He smiled.

"I'm so happy I can finally meet you, Grian." He told me, starting the conversation.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Oh I've been watching over you and Y/N for awhile now," He replied.

"You warmed her heart," He added.

Warmed her heart?

"Are you the one who did this to her?" I asked, trying not to sound angry.

"No, she simply did this to herself," He replied.

I was silent after that.
Suddenly, her chains disappeared and she was lifted up. I quickly stood up onto my feet and she landed in my arms, still asleep.

"Take her home, I don't need her here." The figure told me.

  The scenery started to change, and we were soon in Y/N's bedroom. I walked her over to her bed and laid her down and moments later pulled the blankets to put on her. She slept there peacefully. I stared back at her, but couldn't smile. I found myself crouching by her bedside, brushing her hair out of her face.

'What did he mean by she did this to herself?'

  There were too many questions that couldn't be answered. Before turning to leave, I looked back at her once more.
A few moments later I found my lips on her forhead.

"Be safe," I whispered before leaving.


I actually found this chapter really cute
You can't say its her first kiss
Your first kiss is when a guy or girl kisses your lips and you kiss back
Trust me, its nicer when you're older
    Well hope you enjoyed!

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Still cringing
~Lila W.

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