Chapter Twenty Two: Karaoke

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Before we start, my idea for this chapter comes from another Grian x reader I enjoy reading  by BluePandaGirl8

Definitely check her out she also has a Samgladiator x reader and sequel to it with Tokyo Soul
The idea for this chapter comes from her so all credit going to her

I do not want to copyright or start a war

October 10th, Tuesday
12:00 pm (noon)

22 days until Halloween
21 days until the Harvest Dance

              Your POV

   I set my stuff in my locker and walked into the lunchroom where the girls were waiting for me and surprisingly, Grian too. Sam and Taurtis weren't there for some reason.

"Hey," I said as I gave him a quick kiss to the cheek, nothing special.
  He blushed slightly and I just smiled at him. I heard someone whisper

"I ship it." but I couldn't make out who.

"Where's Sam and Taurtis?" I asked, a curious look on my face.

  He plastered from what I could tell was a fake smile, on his face.

"I haven't seen them," He replied.

  I immediately turned to Yuki, I wasn't trying to get scared or anything I was just trying to make sure they were okay, like what a good friend would do.

  There was a bit of a silence between the group until Yuki finally piped up.

  "We should go have a karaoke night, tonight." She told us.

Few of us seemed excited, most of us either looked at her crazy or gave her a confused look.

"Why?" Grian and I asked at the same time, surprisingly.

"Because I can tell you all have a beautiful voice!" She squealed with excitement.
I rolled my eyes at her.

"What's the real reason, Yuki?" Chan suddenly asked.
Yuki sighed at just looked at all of with sadness in her eyes.

"Everyone just seems so depressed and I haven't heard from Sam in awhile, I want to get my mind off of him," She replied, almost looking hurt.

"Don't worry Yuki, we'll be here for you and of course we'll join you for some karaoke." Lil~Chan tried to make Yuki feel better from what I was seeing in my eyes.

"Thanks Lil~Chan," Yuki replied wiping tears from her eyes.
   All us girls pulled Yuki into a hug, Grian standing off to the side with his hands in his pockets waiting for us to finish.

"I'm sure Sam's fine." Grian told her. Yuki wiped away another tear and forced a weak smile at him.

"What time should we all meet up?" Freya asked. Kate~Chan nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll text you all the details," Yuki replied.

         ~RING RING~

   The bell suddenly ringed, telling us our cue to go and head to Rowan's class.

           ~Time Skip~

   I pulled my hair into a long ponytail and put on some grey skinny jeans and a black hoodie.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked me as I put a a silver chained necklace on.

"Karaoke," I replied.

"Be home by ten." Is all she said before walking out.
I only sighed and grabbed my black satchel before walking out of my bedroom.

           ~Time Skip~

  All of the girls had sung accept Grian and I.

"Which one of you are gonna go?" Kate~Chan and Freya asked at the same time.

"I'll go," I volunteered.

  Grian looked at me and gave me a weak smile.
I walked up to the microphone and sat down.
(Play song now and imagine yourself singing)

   I finished the song and looked at everyone.

"Great job, Y/N!" Grian was the first one to tell me I did great. I flustered a bit, but still smiled.

"I think I got the lyrics a bit wrong." I told them.

"You still did great." Chan told me. I gave her a weak smile.

"What language is that you were singing in?"
Kate~Chan asked.

"It's in Korean, the song is called Fire by BTS,"
I replied.

"How can you sing Korean so well?"
Freya asked me.

"Lyric video and my Mom taught me some when I was younger,"
I explained.

We all turned to Grian and he was already ready to sing.
He started singing Wake me up when September ends by Green Day

           ~Time Skip~

   Grian and I stood in front of my house, my hands in his.
His eyes were locked with mine.

"I had fun tonight." I told him.

  His soft lips met mine and I kissed back this time.

~Lila W.

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