Chapter Four: Homework buddies?

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             Y/N's POV

   I walked back to my house with Grian by my side.

"We can take photos of my backyard, it's beautiful."
I told him.

  I opened the front door to my house and led Grian inside.

"The garden is over here," I led him to my backyard and revealed this.

(Garden at the top)

"This is amazing."
Grian sounded almost speechless.

I could say the same. My mom really outdid herself this time. The garden was beautiful.

"Stay here I have some dresses I can wear."
I ordered before running back in my house.

A few minutes later I came back wearing my dress.

I walked back outside wearing the dress, my hair in a bun. Grian stared at me in shock, his face turning red.

"Okay I'm going to stand underneath the cherry blossom tree, can you take my picture?"
I asked Grian.

"Yeah sure,"
He replied.

   I walked underneath the cherry blossom trees, the petals flying around me. Grian took my photo and made sure it looked good.

"Okay come with me inside. I have another dress and I'll make tea."
I told him before walking inside.

   I started on the tea first then ran upstairs to change into my other dress. I walked back out wearing the dress and Grian smiled at me. I took out my grandmother's tea set that was passed down to my Mom which was passed down to me. It was blue, white, and gold circling the rim. I poured the tea in two cups.

"Okay so let's take the tea over here it can be a good photo."
I told Grian, leading him to my living room where a glass table was with two purple pillows on either side. I set the tea down and took a picture, making sure my TV wouldn't show.

"Looks pretty good."
I said to Grian, sipping my tea.

"They were your ideas, of course they're good,"
Grian replied. I blushed at his comment.


"Y/N! I'm home!"
I heard my Mom call.

"Oh dear Gord no, she's going to bomb bard us with questions if she sees you and I together."
I told Grian, sighing.

   She walked into the room before I could hide Grian and her face lit up when she saw Grian. She threw her shopping bags down and hugged him, Grian looking at me confused. Either he's confused why she's hugging him, or why we look nothing alike. Again, adopted.

"I'll make cookies and sandwhiches for you two! And Grian, I have heard all about you! You are always welcome here. You're not allergic to anything are you?" My words speak the truth.

My face must be as red as a tomato from all the blushing and embarrasment I'm feeling right now.

"No I'm not allergic to anything, thanks though. And cookies and sandwhiches sound great,"
Grian replied awkwardly.

"You should stay for dinner too! Maybe spend the night! You and Y/N go to the same school it shouldn't be too bad! I'll give your parents a call!"
My mom ran off dancing to the kitchen. I facepalmed.

"I am so sorry you have to deal with her."
I said to Grian who was so confused.

"Nah it's cool. I won't spend the night if you don't want me too,"
He replied.

"Yeah we're not dating so that would be really weird."
I pointed out. He nodded in agreement.

My mom came out with two sandwhiches and set them on the counter for us to eat.
She set our tea in front of us.

"I bought cookies at the bakery while I was out so here you two go!"
My mom placed like ten cookies on a plate in front of us. I sighed and shook my head, taking a cookie and eating it.
My mom watched us eat which was really creepy. Poor Grian must feel so uncomfortable right now.
We finished our sandwhiches and cookies.

"Are you two still hungry?"
My mom asked.

"No Mom,"
I replied annoyed.

"Would you like some curry Grian?"
My mom asked Grian, ignoring me.

"I would love some, thank you."
Grian gave me an apologetic look while my Mom ran back into the kitchen to make curry. I took the cookie plate away from Grian and stuck my tongue out at him. He looked offended and laughed.
My mom came back some time later and gave Grian a bowl of curry.

"Thank you."
He said to her.

"No problem Grian! Now no matter what Y/N says, I'm forcing you to stay the night or I will hunt you down and lock you in our basement,"


  Grian looked terrified when she said that. He went to eating his curry and then there was me scowling at my Mom.

Your Mom's POV XD

   I slowly crept into the living room with my camera. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear. It was clear. I moved forward and saw my TV, which was playing Spirited Away.

I looked to my couch where Grian and Y/N were asleep. Y/N's head was rested on Grian's chest and Grian had his head on his arm rest, his legs on our foot rest. Y/N's legs were on the couch. They looked so cute together. I took a picture with my camera and then took out my phone and took another picture. I then grabbed a few blankets and put them over Grian and Y/N. I then grabbed a pillow and slowly lifted Grian's head and rested it on the pillow. Luckily he didn't wake up. I turned off my TV and crawled out of the living room.

I'm the best Mom ever!
I thought to myself.

So I love reading 100 things not to do in school/not to say to your parents/and normal people don't understand. And in all of them your Mom is like so insane and so funny I just loved it so much and wanted to make Y/N's mom like that without calling her bae and being over protective XD
Then the other inspiration came from "The good girl's bad boys." which I'm in love with I can't stop reading it. Chapter 39/69 ^.^
But in the book the girl's mom is so funny with character and how she's inviting the boys for dinner and bringing them cookies and spoiler if you do read it, I love how she let the guys bring three chairs into her house and practice spinning around saying "We've been expecting you."
I'm sorry I've rambled. I have no life. But all four are funny books you guys should read.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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Bai now darlings!

   This is so bad. I just look at my new stories than at this one and cringe

~Lila W.

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