Chapter Thirteen: He's back...

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Ellen's POV

A loud knock could be heard at my door. I sat up from where I was sitting on the floor and blew out my candles. Moments later I walked over to my door and saw Grian standing there.

"Grian! To what do I owe this surprise visit?" I asked.

"Ellen, I really need your help with something," He replied.

"Come in! Quickly!"
I gestured for him to come inside my tiny apartment.

"I didn't interrupt anything, right?" He asked me, looking at my candles, smoke still flowing out of them.

"It was nothing important," I replied.

"What is it you need help with?"
His eyes met mine.

"Its about Y/N." He told me.

"What about her?"

"We shared a dream but this wasn't just any ordinary dream," He replied.

"Dreams are dreams Grian," I told him.

"No it's not an ordinary dream! The next morning she was so secretive about it and refused to explain what happened," He explained.

"Can you explain the dream?" I asked.

He nodded and started explaining the dream.

~Le time skip brought to you by wolves~

"I had a feeling this would happen." I whispered.

Grian seemed to have heard me because he looked quite confused now.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"He's returned." I whispered.

I know its short but it's called fillers children.
Well let's only hope you enjoy.
Btw I finished my Samgladiator costume!
It came out really well so meow xd
Well bai!
~Lila W.

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