Chapter Nine: Was it a dream?

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I climbed out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

'Morning world.'
I thought to myself.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my uniform.
First throwing on the dress, then the socks, next my black shoes and I was done there.
I grabbed my brush off my dresser and brushed my long hair.

(Before anyone assumes she's me I have short hair. Also it helps in future chapters)

I ran down the stairs where yogurt, toast, strawberries, and my smootie lay.

"Thanks mom."
I said to my mom who smiled brightly at me.

I ate my breakfast, when I looked at the time I grabbed my toast and ran out the door.

"Bye mom!"

  My Dad was already gone, he normally left early for work.

"Hey Y/N!"

I heard Sam's voice from behind me and I turned and smiled bright as he walked up followed by Grian and Taurtis.

"Hey how's it going?"
I asked.

Grian's POV

Y/N acted as if nothing happened last night.

'Was it all a dream?'
I thought to myself.

I remember walking home late last night after I returned her home.

"Yeah, Grian came in late for some reason last night." Taurtis's words made me snap back to reality.

"Probably out with somebody he likes," Sam teased.

I punched his arm and laughed.
The conversation continued as friends as we walked to school.

Omg I wrote this in May O_O
(October still)
This chapter didn't really need to be rewritten, it was just edited.
I added in a few sentences and fixed grammar mistakes.
Well if you didn't understand this chapter, Grian is confused as to why Y/N is acting like last night didn't happen because he knows it was real.
So hope you enjoyed!

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~Lila W.

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