Chapter Nineteen: Shopping Day with Yuki

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October 7th, Saturday
25 days until Halloween
24 until the Harvest Dance

            Y/N's POV

    My phone started ringing and I immediately woke up.
I looked at the caller ID and saw Yuki was calling and answered.

"You ruined my amazing sleep." I told her before anything else.

"Well someone is tired,"
Yuki replied with a small laugh.

"I was sleeping," I replied.

"Of course you were, get up we're going shopping in thirty minutes," She told me, sternly.

"But why? I was out late at the fair with Grian last night and ate so much food,"
I replied.

"Because you need your costume still and your adorable outfit for the harvest dance," She replied.

"Fine, I'll meet you at your house in an hour, not thirty minutes." I told her before hanging up.

        ~Time Skip~

    I walked into the shopping center with Yuki by my side.

"You really don't have to do this, Yuki." I told her.

"But I want to," She replied.

I shook my head and continued walking forward.
Yuki suddenly stopped walking and grabbed my hand, moments later she dragged me behind a building.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Grian is here!" She whispered-yelled.

I quickly ducked behind a garbage can when I saw him walking over.

"Hey Yuki, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh-uhm, I'm just waiting for Chan!" She lied.

"Really? Taurtis told me he was about to go out on a date with Chan," Grian replied.

"Oh did I say Chan? I meant Ellen, yeah!" Yuki nervously told him.

"Yuki, what do you not want me to know? I just saw Ellen walking home and she told me she was going home for the night," He told her.

"Fine, you got me. I'm getting Sam a gift and I didn't want you to tell him what it was," She once more lied.
I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

'Thank you Yuki,' I thought to myself.
Grian let out a chuckle.

"Why do you think I would tell him? Of course I won't!" He told her.
I imagined him smiling.

"Well I do have to go now, bye Yuki!"
I heard loud footsteps walking away.

"You can come out now," Yuki told me. I walked out from my hiding place and gave her a weak smile.

"Thank you, Yuki," I told her, still trying to smile.
I looked over to where I last saw Grian and he was nowhere in sight. I let out another sigh of relief and turned to Yuki.

"I can see you've caught on with Grian and I's relationship,"
She looked at me and smiled.

"Of course! We don't want him to know you're shopping for your Halloween costume and your Harvest dance outfit." She told me.
I nodded my head in agreement.

"Come on, let's go,"

          ~Time Skip~

"So why won't you let me go shopping with my mom?" I asked Yuki as I tried on the outfit she gave me.

"Because, you can't buy a skirt without asking your friends if it looks good on you," She replied.

"Did you just quote Mean Girls?" I asked.

"Yep," She replied.
(Best movie ever)

"Okay I'm coming out," I told her as I opened the door and saw Yuki sitting there paitiently.

  She looked up at me surprised and her mouth dropped. She had given me some skinny jeans and a white spaghetti strap tank top along with a blue and white plad jacket to go over it.
   She walked over to me and looked at the jacket. She took two pieces of the jacket and tied a knot.

"That looks so much cuter instead of being all, baggy." She told me.

"Thanks Yuki," I smiled.

"But you do need warm clothes too," She told me. She walked over to a clothes rack and pulled out a cotton blue sweater. I felt the fabric when she came over. The fabric was perfect, very soft.

"It's beautiful." I told her.

"What are you waiting for? Go try it on!" She said trying to push me towards the changing room.

"With what?"
She handed me another pair of skinny jeans that matched the sweater.

  The sweater wasn't exactly baggy it was quite small.
   I went into the changing room and tried on the outfit. I came out about a minute later and showed Yuki the outfit.

"Gorgeous! Now those two are just for you to look fabulous, now we need your outfit for the dance,"
I looked at her confused.

"Aren't these my outfit choices?" I asked.

"Oh darling no! You need a special outfit!" She replied.

   I rolled my eyes. I turned my head and something caught my eye.
I immediately walked over to a beautiful dress and looked at it.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.
I looked at the price and sighed.

"It's way too expensive, come on Yuki." I changed back into my normal clothes and brought the two outfits Yuki made me try on to the cashier.
I pulled out my wallet and turned to Yuki.

"Thanks for taking me out today Yuki." I told her.

"No problem Y/N," She replied.

"I still don't understand why you didn't buy anything for yourself." I told her.

"You're more important right now," She replied.

  The lady who scanned our clothes handed me a bag with my clothes in it. Yuki and I said our thanks to the cashier.
   We walked out of the store and headed home.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter I worked on it for awhile, show you enjoyed by voting and commenting!
Sadly, yesterday was the last day of support Samgladiator week. :(
   I dressed up as Hester from Scream Queens for Insane Day xd
   And I just got adopted by @samgladiatorismylife
~Lila W.

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