Meeting you guys

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  Okay so this was one of the most amazing days of my life. I got to meet like 43 of you today. So lemme explain
I was in P.E (Physical Education) and I was walking my eight laps with my buddies Fran and Juliana
I just hear "Minecraft Story" and I thought the kids were talking about Minecraft story mode. One of them runs up to me asking for my autograph, I didn't see the kids talking so I didn't know this kid was in the group so I thought he was pranking me. And irl I obviously swear so I said "**** off" and walked away. Then we finish our laps and sit on this bench. And I hear three boys yelling like Bluestar and stuff and I walked over to them and they were actually fans. And that was just amazing I was like crying. I went back to my friends and we're back to talking about..........stuff................
(you don't need to know......................)
Then the same boy who asked for my autograph walked up to me and is just like "Turn around" and Juliana, Fran, and I turned around and there are freaking thirty or more people behind me screaming my name. So apparently one girl read my books and found my Instagram like "Hey I know her!" then she saw me irl at school and apparently she told her entire grade about me and they're all fans. Like they love Elizabeth and are saying how they hate the shadow and it was just amazing. Obviously I've already asked them not to share my information and I won't share theirs. But on Wednesday we're doing a meet up and I am so excited. I have to practice my signature. I have to practice Lila W., MaddyD, and Author~Chan.
Also the next Bonus Chapter will be out soon! I'm trying to fix chapters and add to them then also I'm rewriting His Warrior and rewriting my real books on the side which is A LOT of work. I forget how many books I have to edit, like 7. -.-
Talk to you guys later! I'm going to the airport in a bit so won't be able to reply to comments and stuff. I love all of you so much!
~Lila W.

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