Chapter Thirty Nine

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  You know at the beginning of the day, I never thought I would be tied to a pole and about to be burned to death like those poor inoccent women and men in the Salem Witch Trials.
  I see good in Elizabeth. I know what he did to her. It was awful.
She was young and beautiful. And he took advantage of that.
Yet she couldn't do anything. She knew he would do something if she dared as to tell.
Men are sick in their own ways. Especially Kyle, the little bastard admitted to sleeping with all the girls here accept Yuki, Lil~Chan, Kate~Chan, Freya, and I of course. The innocent ones.
   At least I have Grian. But I won't have him for long.
Elizabeth was discussing with the shadow lord and Kyle.
  You're probaly wondering where my friends are.
Well, Sam is still knocked out thank Gord. That'd be another problem to deal with.
   Everyone else was in a similiar position as me, but slightly different.
All my friends were in a circle, all tied to a chair.
I was hoping someone would just wipe their memory and let them live. But I can't decide on that.
   Elizabeth walked towards me and smiled.

"Hello Y/N, it's always a pleasure to see you,"
She greeted me, smiling.

I replied.

  She stalked away towards the fireplace. I watched as Kyle came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close and whispering something in her ear that made her laugh.
  I wish I was in that position right now. But not as Elizabeth. And not with Kyle.
I want to be in that position as myself, and with Grian.
  I wish to get out of here alive. Everyone here but Elizabeth, Kyle, and the Shadow deserve to have a family. A life.
  Actually, let me add to that.
Elizabeth deserves that too. She hasn't killed anyone, yet.
But maybe she doesn't have to kill anyone. She's just blinded by revenge and hatred.
   If I can just talk to her and let her see the light inside her, she might have a chance.
A chance to see the modern world and live the life she never lived.
She deserved that. She hasn't done anything wrong. No one has been killed. No blood has been shed. There are no blood on her hands.

I called.

I watched as she froze, and slowly turned her head.
I saw tears starting to streak down her face. When Kyle realized what was happening, he stepped away.
The shadow just stayed still on the wall, smiling.
  Elizabeth walked towards me, her face more visible now.

"I am not Elizabeth any more! Nor will I ever be!"
She shouted, wiping a tear from her face.

"Elizabeth please, I know all of the horrible things he did to you. You didn't deserve any of that.

"You need to understand, this isn't you. You're not a murderer. I am. But both you and I deserve a second chance, you much more than me,"
I explained.

  Elizabeth looked as if she was about to shed many tears.
I noticed everyone was looking at us confused.
Her face then turned to a scowl as she faced everyone before us.

"Kyle, you sick monster I will never love you! I will hate you forever!"
She screamed.

"Your loss,"
He replied, not seeming to care and shrugging it off.

"And you, my Lord, deserves to rot in hell and never end the suffering and pain with the easy and dead life you've lived. It's your fault we're all dead! It's your fault so many inoccent lives have been lost! And it's your fault Y/N and her friends have gone through hell. I am not Y/N, I am Elizabeth Ashdown!
I will forever hate you and your sick ways and never forgive what you've done to me. I am walking out of here, alive. Y/N and her friends too. You and Kyle can stay here and burn!"
She shouted with fury, rage, hatred, and revenge.
   My hands somehow were set free and my friends stood happily, no longer stuck.

  I turned to the Shadow and Kyle. Hatred in my eyes.
I looked down and noticed my body turned to flames. I turned to Elizabeth who looked exactly like me.
I saw we both had the power here, to kill and taste revenge, it will taste so nice and sweet. Releasing this burden upon my shoulders. This sword above my head.
Elizabeth and I ran towards the Shadow and Kyle who tried to run. Everything we touched turned to flames.

"I want to watch them burn!"
Elizabeth shouted.

"Go now,"
I yelled to my friends.

"What is she?"
I heard Grian say.

"She is light, heat, fire, and flame. With Elizabeth dying in the fire and being reborn into Y/N but also being brought back from the dead, their bodies possess the power of fire. But only to get their revenge to end this all,"
I heard Ellen say, her voice ringing throughout the manor.

"Shouldn't you have the power too?"
Grian's voice rang next.

"The fire didn't kill me. Debris fell on me and crushed my body. Besides, this is not my battle. Even though The Shadow started the fire,"

  I only saw red and orange. I only heard the crackling wood and the lovely screams.
Then, everything was black.

               Grian's POV

  Y/N lay motionless on my bed. Her breathing was slow and steady, and her heart was still beating. Meaning she was still alive.
But she was burning a high fever. Elizabeth was here too, in the same exact sitution.
  We had all gotten home safely. Sam had gone into a coma and still hasn't woken up. Taurtis had taken him to the hospital and told the nurses and Doctors to keep a close eye on him due to his good and insane side.
Chan's parents were unaware of Chan's death, due to her living alone.
Ellen has been trying to find a way to resurect her, but it's not that easy.

"All magic comes with a price,"
She explained.

(Not stealing from Once Upon a Time that is a true fact in the Wicca religion)

  We were lucky Chan hasn't been barried yet. I feel bad because her corpse is just rotting and it's been about a day since we returned from the manor.
  Everyone else has returned to their normal lives, kind of.
Yuki has been staying with Sam in the hospital. Taurtis has been helping Ellen search for a resurrection spell all night. To make it easier Ellen has been staying at our apartment.
   As for everyone else, they were all scared from the experience but sweared not to tell what they saw and learned and went on with their lives.
  Now, I just sit here and wait. Wait.

You're probably like "Wait what?! This is the last chapter! Next is the Epilogue!"
That is because I love to torture you guys XD
So what I'll be doing is Bonus Chapters, or BS: ???
So in those chapters there will be Graduation Day, Marriage, family, moving, how everyone woke up, etc. So ye
Be patient darlings!
~Lila W.

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