Chapter Ten: A good friend

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Sam, Taurtis, Grian, and I walked into Mrs Okami's classroom continuing our conversation.

"Hey Y/N may I talk to you for a minute?" Grian asked me as we walked into the classroom.

  Mrs Okami wasn't there so we had a minute.

I replied.

  Grian and I stepped out of the classroom and looked at each other.

"So what's up?"
I asked.

Grian's POV

"So what's up?"
Y/N asked me.

I didn't know where to start, I had so many questions.

"Do you remember anything about what happened last night?"
I asked her.

Her eyes looked down and wouldn't meet mine.

"You weren't supposed to see that," She whispered.

"Do we have a bond where we shared a dream or was that real?"
I asked her.

"That isn't for you to know, Grian,"
She replied stubbornly.

"Either one isn't for you to know," She added.

'I thought she trusted me.'
I thought to myself.

She seemed so scared and upset when I found her, but now she was being defensive and resistent.

"Well forgive me for trying to look out for a friend!"
I yelled before storming off into Mrs Okami's room.

Sorry for the last chapter and this chapter being so short. It's just apart of the story and are basically fillers.
Bai I guess XD
~Lila W.

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