Chapter Eleven: Thoughts

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             Grian's POV

   Y/N hadn't tried to come up to me once during the school day or even bother making eye contact with me. She didn't talk with Sam and Taurtis either, they didn't seem to mind. Probably because she spent lunch and the entire school day with Lil~Chan, Freya, and Kate~Chan. They were reading mangas and talking about animes. I wasn't much of an anime fan, was more of a cartoon fan to be honest.
So I didn't bother trying to join them. I knew Sam enjoyed Dragon ball Z and definitely Attack on Titan but none of them talked about those animes. And Taurtis does enjoy One punch man, but once again they weren't talking about that anime. It was mainly like Sailor Moon or whatever its called, I only overheard a small bit of their conversations.

I really did care about Y/N, but I wasn't sure how she could get to know me. She likes anime and I like cartoons. Maybe if I found out her favorite song? I wonder if she likes Green Day.
I was laying awake in bed with all these thoughts, it was about eleven something and I was still awake, with school tomorrow. I guess it didn't really matter as we don't really learn any new information. An idea struct my mind and I sat up immediately.

"What if I asked her friends what she wants to learn about, or even better! I learn her hobbies so I can relate, that's how lasting long friendships last. A friendship is the best way to start a relationship!"

     I didn't know how I felt about her. She's different than the girls from back home in the English Countryside. She was a little similar to Ellen I guess, she was quite brave like Ellen was.

Wait Ellen!
  Ellen might know about our dreams connecting! I quickly got out of bed and ran out of my room where I saw Sam at our small kitchen table with his face in his hands.

"S-Sam? Are you alright?"
I asked.

He was alarmed and quickly jumped, and when he saw me he relaxed and looked up at me.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" He replied, his dark brown eyes meeting mine as we stood in silence.

"You just looked really stressed out," I replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him.

"I already told you I'm fine!" He snapped, his face being buried back in his hands.

"Do not lie to me Samuel Gladiator!" I snapped, saying his full name.

"Fine! You really wanna know?"
He snapped.

I sat in the chair across from him.

"You're my best friend, Sam, you can tell me anything."
I told him without letting my eyes travel elsewhere except  making direct eye contact with his dark brown eyes.

"It's about Y/N,"

  Lol originally it was

"Its about a Y/N."

  A Y/N xd

Fudging keyboard

Birdie: Language! There are children here!




~Lila W.

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