What life is today

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   This has been like a sword hanging over my head and I just need to get it out.
  Earlier I was taking care of my step mom because she's sick. We put on this random movie while we looked for our other remote. Anyway, this movie was not appropriate to human nature. It showed stupidity and carelessness. Sure people enjoy things like game of thrones where people are tortured.
After all the anime I've seen, I can care less if a person dies. Let me explain
There is this famous quote about a boy and his grandfather
The grandfather says "There are two wolves in us all, one of them is love, kindness, and purity, the other is greed, selfishness, and violence"
(Something along those lines)
The boy asks "Which wolf wins?"
The grandfather replies saying "The one you feed"
  Everyone has selfishness inside them. Everyone has greed. Everyone has kindness. Everyone has a heart that will glow at some point. The one you give most attention to is the one who wins.
Thats why idc about human deaths inless its a good person, the good wolf.
But back to the story...
It was awful...
It started off with this little girl petting this beautiful horse and admiring its beauty
The beauty of animals is very strong
  But anyway...
The horse somehow ate the girl and ran off
Everyone went after it and ran into this forest where the trees attacked them and somehow ripped off half a guys body
Then the group got captured and stuff and the girl was about to be killed
A little white kitten
Like baby, tiny. Was walking by and climbed onto a guys shoe and meowed. Im crying thinking about it
But he got scared and kicked the cat into a sharp pieces and it died painfully
Blood was everywhere and no one cared
Im in tears once more
Im asking for you guys to see that that is not funny and it is wrong
A random kitten isn't going to be in a torture chamber just cruising by
Please don't do something like that
Its wrong
Something with like Scary movie with the funny deaths is fine but with people its okay
Animals, especially young ones. Its wrong in so many ways
I see posts about people abusing animals and I cry
Please save a life instead of murdering one
I have saved 8 cats
Some are dead today
I've saved so many dogs
I've given animals home
Please do the same
Another example I may use still haunts me today
You all have probably seen atleast one scene from Game of Thrones
I had Kate~Chan over for a sleepover
My brother decided to watch Game of Thrones with two young girls around. Kate walks into the room and sees a guy get violently murdered against his will right before her eyes. This was a long time ago and Kate and I were really inoccent then, anime hadn't destroyed our emotions
Thank you if you have made it this far...
  Thank you so much
  Please save a life...

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