Chapter Thirty Five

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I leaned against my locker with my books in my hands, held close to my chest.
Across from me was Sam, Taurtis, and Grian.

"Sam, where have you been? We've been worried sick!"
Taurtis asked him.

"It's no concern of yours, Taurtis,"
He replied, slamming his locker shut and leaving his 'friends' behind.
Taurtis ran after him, calling his name. My group of friends followed closely, accept for Kyle.
We looked at Grian who just stood there awkwardly.

"What's wrong? Cat caught your tongue?"
Kyle asked him.

I laughed and soon after I smiled sickenly.
"Y/N, do you mind if I talk to you for a moment? In private?"
Grian asked me.

I looked to Kyle and he nodded once.
He put his hands on my face and held me close, giving me a kiss before leaving.
I turned to Grian.

"What do you want?"
I asked him.

"Would you like to skip school with me? Maybe murder a few people?"
Grian asked.

"What do you mean?"
How does he know I'm the one murdering people?
I've made sure to leave behind no evidence that I committed to those murders.
But Sam also knew somehow. The thought striked me.
My handprints were on those knifes.
Shoot, I wasn't being careful.
But why didn't they turn me into the police? Not like they could anyway, I could easily escape.

"It's not that hard to hide. You've killed Chan, Sookie, and Soul. Possibly even more people,"
He replied.
I laughed.

"Sam did most of the work on Sookie and Soul, I just slit their throats with Kyle,"
I explained.

"You still haven't answered my question."
He said to me.

I put my index thinger on my bottom lip, tapping to make it look like I was thinking hard.
"Alright, lead the way."
I told him.

Grian's POV

I stood infront of the school, listening to the bell.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go before they catch us."
I heard Y/N behind me but I didn't say anything.

"Do you remember this place?"
I asked her.

"Yes? I go to this school?"
She replied with a confused look on her face.

"Do you remember anything of this school before you transferred here?"
I asked her.

I sighed and continued walking.


Grian stopped in front of what looked like an abandoned fair ground.
There was an rusty and broken down ferris wheel laying on it's side.
Tents lay on the grounds. No one could be seen for miles.
Fallen autumm leaves lay everywhere, the cold wind picking them up and letting them fly for a few moments only to drop them again.

"Why are we here?"
I asked him.

"You and I came here on a date once."
He told me.

"No we didn't, I would remember. Besides, I barely just met you,"
I replied.

"You don't remember. I was hoping you would,"

"Do I have amnesia or something?"
I asked, curious.

"Something like that,"

"What happened here?"
I asked him.

"Someone came here and murdered ten people, they were never caught. Wasn't that long ago either,"

I didn't dare show any emotion knowing who did this. The night we killed Sookie and Soul, Auri~San, Silenca, Bella, and Jemma must have killed those people.

"Why are you taking me to these places?"
I asked again.
Grian looked at me.

"Y/N, you aren't who you think you are. Notice how you're just with me and no one else, you're calm. The murders, it isn't you.
You and I had something, I believe it was love,"
He explained.
I didn't say anything, I only pulled away.

"You think I'm going to believe your crap?"
I asked.


Grian's lips were placed on mine and I pushed him away, wiping my lips with my sleeve.
But then, I fell and everything turned black.

~Lila W.

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