Chapter Thirty Eight

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Yuki's POV

My hands were now tied behind my back and my feet were tied together.
I still lay on the same bed, Sam snuggled up behind me.
He was asleep. He had pulled me close to him, putting his leg over mine and wrapping his arms around my chest with his face rested on my neck.
When he was asleep, the Sam I knew was there but couldn't do anything. But he was happy to be beside me, I could tell.
I knew if I moved I would disturb him and he can do some deadly things.
I could hear screams throughout the manor. I didn't know who's screams they belonged to, I didn't care. I'll be trapped here forever, even when I die. My friends can't save me now.
I felt Sam stir beside me and his loud yawn.

"You awake?"
He asked me. I pretended to sleep. I didn't want to talk to this monster.

"Guess I'll just wake you on my own."

Before I could stop him, he turned my face. My eyes were closed but I could feel his stare on me. His lips met mine. I still didn't move. He was trying to taunt me. It wasn't going to work. He sighed again and literally pushed me out of the bed, me falling on my face.

"What the hell was that for?"
I asked him, mad.

"To wake you up,"
He replied, smirking. I only scowled at him.



Grian's POV

When Y/N said Auri~San was smart, she wasn't joking. Auri~San had attempted to slit my throat when I entered the room. Thank Gord I quickly moved and kicked her away, she dropped her knife when she hit the wall. I had picked up her knife and stabbed her, leaving her to die.

'Now to regroup with everyone.'
I thought to myself.

I ran into the hallway where I found Kate~Chan, Lil~Chan, and Freya.

"Good you're all here, meaning Ellen is still looking for Sam and Yuki."
I greeted them.

"Where's Y/N?"
Freya asked.

I looked around worriedly. She was nowhere to be seen. Y/N of all people should be here.

"We need to find her, come on!"

Your POV

Old me left me in here after lecturing me about how I had to die, why I shouldn't have been born, and why she should take my place. But I would actually love her if she didn't hate me. If my parents were still alive we would be more than happy to adopt her into our lives. She's basically my twin sister. But she's literally me. But we're nothing alike. The girl I now remember and the girl I saw in my vision, was independent. She was ready to go explore the world and do good things. But the person that was in front of me wasn't that girl. With the time she's spent dead, she's become angry and full of hatred. Seeking revenge. She wants my blood on her hands. Or rather than, our hands.
I'm so curious if our parents were reborn too because I was adopted. I was adopted not long after birth.
I wonder who my parents were in this century.
Obviously they died from old age, natural disasters, or disease but this is now the modern world. My parents can't die from old age, in less they had me very old but still. I'm not old enough for them to be an elder. And I would be different if they had me when they were older.

(going to state now I am not making fun of anyone. My best friend is disfunctional and her brain works differently from her parents having her at an old age)

I wish someone could find me now and get me out of here. Just to end this now. Get Yuki back to our world. Get Sam back to normal.
Get everyone safely back home.
Grian and I can restart our relationship knowing the horrible murders are over. My horrible shadowy demon lord will be out of my life forever, he will soon be erased from my mind.
I just want everything to be normal. If I die here I'll never be able to experience marriage, being a mom, seeing England or just all of Europe, graduating high school and college. I wouldn't be able to experience all of that.
None of my friends will have a proper barrial. My parents won't have a proper barrial, well someone can make one for them but their daughter should be there.
I always wondered what I would be when I'm older, besides traveling the world. Maybe I can find a job where I write about the places I see. That would be nice.
I've realized I want to see the world with Grian by my side. Not Kyle or anybody else. Just Grian and my children. And of course there will be times I want my girls to come.
I want Grian to be the one who gets on his knee and takes my hand, asking me for my hand in marriage. I want him to be the one who puts that beautiful ring on my finger. I want Grian to be the one who I spend the rest of my life with. I want my family to be with him. I want to be barried beside him.
It's so funny how I keep thinking "I want."
It makes me sound, desperate.
But this is me fantasizing my future, the future I want to see happen. This isn't me demanding. This is me wishing.
Tears rolled down my face as I realized I will never be able to enjoy or experience any of those things.
I closed my eyes as it went from dark to pure nothing. All black, nothing to look at.
Sometimes you see a bit of light, rarely.
I soon after fell asleep and woke up somewhere.
I looked down and saw my hands and a white skirt.

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