
341 9 11

Kind of depressing, you don't have to read
Wow its kinda like
How did this happen so fast?
You know I've been having a marathon where I watch every single video Sam has made that I haven't watched
(That helped a lot with a laptop which is now dead, luckily I only have 4 videos left)
I was scrolling through his old videos and I saw the "Thank you for 200k"
And most of his fanbase wasn't there that day
I was there
I got home from school one day and watched that before anything cause it was literally just uploaded and I remember I left a comment saying congratulations and I promise to be there at 1M
Well I was
The reason I mentioned that is cause last time I kinda had my mind on something and didn't listen to every word
I went back to watch it again and I remembered what I was thinking about
And I did it again-.-
You know how he says "Just like, 2 months ago I was at 20,000 and now I'm at 200k. Its just moved so fast. My life is different now, I've been working day and night."
I didn't exactly have a fanbase then nor did I have a Wattpad account
But that is a similar dream to me like, you know when you see your favorite youtuber uploaded you drop whatever you're doing just to watch their video even if its 2 minutes
That's what I want to do just not with videos
My dream is like, I upload a chapter and immediately people drop what they're doing to read my chapter I published 10 seconds ago
The moving fast thing is the next part
You know yesterday I was at 10k and now I'm at 11k
Actually make that two days ago because its 12:58 am

The my life has changed part is the next thing

My life has changed
Writing is what keeps me going in life, even if the story is depressing
Right now I'm going through a hard time. You know those people who tell their parents they're gay or any of that?
That happened to me...
They don't judge me they're just worried
But that's not what this about
The life changing is I'm a young teenager going through a hard time and writing keeps me going and not giving up on life
With the reads going up every day it motivates me to write more
The next part is working Day and Night

That is a true fact
You guys are so patient and make my day everyday but I just get so busy I get up early to work and stay up all night to work

Writing isn't easy

I mean like, writing a few hundred words to thousand is pretty easy but its not like that
You need the story, the plot, the backstory, the characters, who hates who and who likes who, the romance part, the cliffhanger, just everything
This is really hard but I don't mind losing sleep anymore with it still being summer but
School starts soon
(They picked the worst day, 1 year anniversary of Yandere High)
I got a project on the first day of school last year
I won't be able to work all night anymore
Weekends will be the time I use to have marathons, hang with friends and family, and get my sleep back on
So uploads will be slow
I hope you understand
Maybe I should start writing chapters in advance so I have time to rest?
I think that sounds like a plan

If you made it this far thank you for listening to me ramble
Pretty much all writers sound like this but this is something I needed to talk about
Well goodnight now
Don't forget to leave your Q and A questions and the first chapter to Birdie and Dragon Egg Hotel are out.
If you could take a few minutes to just read them and tell me what you think it would be greatly appreciated
The first chapters are always not great so maybe wait a little bit til I have more chapters and you see what the story is about

Bye now...


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