BS: Death at the Fall Carnival

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              Bella's POV

  "Alright, our assignment is to kill some random people at this carnival. Let's just hurry up and get this over with,"
I told the girls, flicking my tail back and forth angrily.

"Why in such the hurry Bella? You love murdering,"
Silenca pointed out.

"I just want to get back to spend the night with Kyle,"
I replied, crossing my arms.

"Isn't he with Y/N?"
Silenca asked.

"Yes and? We both don't care,"
I replied.

"Let's just kill these people, does ten sound alright?"
Jemma asked. We all nodded in agreement.

"Okay let's split up, each of us can kill two then whoever has the best kill gets to kill the last two,"
Auri~San suggested.

"Sounds like a plan,"
I replied. We held our knifes in the air proudly and split up.

I don't kill children and I don't kill elders. I'll ruin some stupid teen's date. I began scanning the grounds, eyeing all of the games and food. Man I would kill for some food right now. Which gives me an idea. I snuck around a red and yellow tent where barbecues were set up. A man who looked to be in his early thirties was alone, snoozing off in a chair.

"Awww it's no fun if I don't get to watch him scream, but eh doesn't matter."
I said to myself, quickly slicing his neck. He died before he could do anything. I picked up a chicken leg and walked out eating it, looking for my next victim.
I smiled when I saw a tall man dragging a blonde teenage girl away. I followed after as they went in a dark alley. He threw the girl on the ground, she definitely wasn't dead. Just unconscious.

"Excuse me sir, but can you direct me towards the nearest bathroom?"
I asked him kindly.

He turned around and looked at me startled. He stood in front of the unconscious girl, trying to hide her. He did a horrible job, kids this is how you don't hide a body. He took out his knife and pointed it at me, knowing I was a witness. Idiot, I'm part cat and can do things normal humans can't do. I would say idiot again, but he doesn't know I murder people for fun so technically I can't. Actually, I can call him an idiot again. The idiot's blade wasn't sharp, in fact it almost looked fake. To crazy people like me, it looks like a butter knife. I silently chuckled to myself as I took out a real knife. He laughed silently to himself, I look weak to him. Heh, there's another reason to call him an idiot. I through my knife at him and he fell to the ground, coughing up his own blood.

"You won't be able to call for help, idiot. That's your new name, I don't care what your original name was. The name suites you. So whenever I think of you, you won't just be a victim of mine. You'll be considered idiot, enjoy the last few minutes of your life. You'll probably scar this poor girl when she wakes but eh, why should I care?"
He fell limp when I finished talking.

I looked at the unconscious girl and almost pitied her. She looked to be around my age. I take back about what I said about almost pitying her. I pitied her. I sighed and picked up the man's arms and started dragging his limp and bloody body away. If she wakes up and follows his blood trail, not my problem. If I was in her situation and didn't enjoy murdering people, I wouldn't follow it. I'm not stupid. I threw his body in a large green dumpster and hid my bloody hands in my black jacket pockets. I walked out of the alley and spotted a bathroom where I could get this blood off my hands. I walked in and washed the blood off my hands, if anyone asked I could just say its paint if they're that stupid to fall for that. I cleaned the blood off my hands and walked out where Auri~San, Jemma, and Silenca greeted me.

"Auri~San killed four people since she went a little blood happy."
Silenca told me.

"Not surprised,"
I replied.

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