Chapter Fifteen: The Date

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(If you haven't read the last two chapters go read them, third time updating today)

                 Y/N's POV

    I sat on my bed doing homework with my laptop in front of me with Twitter opened and my phone blasting music from Spotify. I found it quite relaxing until my phone started ringing and my music stopped. I turned my head to look at the caller ID and I saw Grian was calling me. I couldn't remember when we exchanged numbers and I didn't know why he wanted to talk to me, but I answered anyway.

"Hello," I called into the phone, trying to hold it up to my ear.

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to hang out," Grian replied.

"O-okay? Where do you want to meet up at?" I asked.

"I heard the fish people have their own restaurant," Grian told me.

"Do you wanna go there?" He went on.

"Let me ask my mom's permission first," I told him before walking downstairs and muting him.

My mom was sitting at our dining room table.

"Hey Mom?"

She looked up from what she was doing.
"What is it?" She asked.

"Grian would like to take me out,"
I replied.

Her face lit up with a big smile.

"Yes! Yes yes yes! Go get ready! Now!"
She shouted at me. I am so happy I muted Grian.

"All right, all right! Aren't you curious as to when he's picking me up and dropping me off at home? And if my homework is done?"
I asked her.

"Of course I care about those! I know your homework is done because you already told me earlier and I can ask him when he gets here to pick you up,"
She explained.

"But we don't know what time he'll arrive here."
I pointed out.

"Just tell him to pick you up at six thirty,"
She replied.

"All right, thanks Mom!"
I ran upstairs to my room.

"All right, Grian, can you be here at six thirty?"
I asked him.

"Yep that sounds good, see you then!"

I stared out the window of my house looking for Grian. I saw him walking down the street and I quickly shut the curtains and ran upstairs.
The doorbell rang and I heard footsteps downstairs and the door opening.

"Ah, Grian! Always nice to see you again."
I heard my Mom speak.

"Same to you, Jennifer,"
Grian replied.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked down the stairs. I was wearing a black turtleneck sweater made of cotton a long with a pair of black leggings with a plad red and black skirt over it with some black flats. I had slightly curled my hair.
    I had really long eyelashes so I didn't bother putting mascara on. I only put on some light sparkly pink lip gloss and some blush. I didn't bother putting on eyeshadow either. Grian looked at me and smiled.
All I could think about though, was worrying if she had her camera.

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